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Medical CaseBook

America Camacho
Piura, Peru
Tel. (074) 301044

Mouth wound

I learned about Homa Therapy on TV. The first time I arrived a little late to the Agnihotra fire, but I received some of the healing ash. I had a wound in my mouth; during eating I had bitten my lips hard. After two days of ash treatment I got healed. At the fourth day I got the pyramid and started the Agnihotra fire at home.

My husband did slow down the smoking. He said: “It is kind of funny--you do the fires and I really feel happy.”  I am so happy because he was smoking for twenty-five years about one and a half to two packages daily, now the most is three cigarettes per day. When I did not buy the cigarettes along with the bread first thing in the morning, he used to give me a hard day. Thanks to the Agnihotra fire things changed!

I also had menstrual problems with cramps and irregularity in the cycle.  After four months of practicing Agnihotra, my cycle is regular and also the cramps are getting less each time. My life has so much changed to the better; I did not like to live in Piura and was crying a lot. Now, I am so grateful I can live here and share the Agnihotra fire with so many new friends.

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Last modified: Sunday April 11, 2004.