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Agnihotra Ash Applications

The following is taken from Pharmaceutical Study Centre Report #3 prepared in Germany by Monika and Berthold Jehle regarding Agnihotra and Agnihotra ashes. (translated from German).

The patients sat in Agnihotra Atmosphere and used Agnihotra ash medicines and achieved the following results:

Frontal Sinusitis

Performance of regular Agnihotra. Headaches disappeared, pus loosened within 3-4 days.

Skin Fungus

Agnihotra ash powder applied several times daily. Complete healing.

Non-Healing Wound

External application of Agnihotra powder. Within 3 days complete healing.

Skin Inflammation of Babies

Agnihotra ash powder 4 times each day. Within 2 days complete healing of the inflammation.

Swelling of the Ankle

Rubbing with Agnihotra ashes. Swelling disappeared in half a day.


Agnihotra ointment applied. Within 14 days nearly complete healing.


Agnihotra ash powder applied on the skin. Within 3-4 days complete healing; patient had nearly no pains.

Hay Fever with Extremely Watery Eyes

Agnihotra ash powder was applied to the corners of the eyes. The irritation of the eyes was cured within half a day; further eyedrops were not necessary.

Age-Worn Eyes

Agnihotra eyedrops into both corners of the eyes and one drop rubbed in underneath the eyelid. Ability to see better after only 1 day.

Severe Nasal Congestion

Agnihotra ointment was rubbed in daily and nightly on chest and back. Congestion loosened quickly and was cured after 1 week.

Mucous in the Nose (1)

Agnihotra smoke inhaled. Within half a day cured.

Mucus in the Nose (2)

Agnihotra ointment given into the nose. After 2 days cured.

Cold with Sore Throat

Agnihotra ash powder taken with honey into bronchial area. Throat pains were cured very quickly.


Agnihotra powder together with vaginal bowls. Cured within 2 days.

Severe Muscle Pains

1-2 times daily Agnihotra ashes taken internally. Within 2 days pains disappeared.


Internal application of Agnihotra ashes only 1 time. Stool went back to normal.

Rectal Cancer

3 times daily 1 teaspoon Agnihotra ash powder and 2 times daily Agnihotra suppositories. Substantial healing; no or nearly no blood in stool.

Enlargement of the Tonsils

Half a teaspoon Agnihotra ash powder internally taken twice a day. Tonsils go back to normal and secrete poisons but without fever, etc.

Extreme Menstrual Bleeding

2-3 times daily Agnihotra ash powder taken together with honey internally. Within 8 weeks bleeding went back to normal; migraine headaches and extreme pain disappeared.

Kidney Pains

2-3 times daily a pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally. After 1 week all pains disappeared.


3 times Agnihotra ash powder taken internally. Healing, after poisons were secreted through mucous membrane.


2 times daily a pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally. The period between two migraines became longer and longer; steady tiredness was cured.

Pressure in the Throat Caused by Nerves

3 times daily 1 pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally. Within 4 weeks no more pressure; all drugs were eliminated.

Difficult Child

In the evening one pinch of Agnihotra ash powder taken internally. Friendly child without aggressions. Daily performance of Agnihotra in the home helped much.



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Last modified: Wednesday July 27, 2005.