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Agriculture - Peru

variety "Isla"

With Agro-chemicals

After 4 months of Homa Organic Farming
A fifth generation plantation 
uniform rejuvenation in the whole plantation
Infested 70% with fungi Fusarium and 40% Pseudomona solanace
absence of plagues and diseases
Producing small bunches and giving minimum production
bunches are much bigger and heavier with an average of 120 bananas
On average each plant gives 6 to 7 shoots, the main part not being fit for propagation
average 12 to13 productive shoots
Infected with Sigatoka negra and Sigtoka amarilla
8 to 10 healthy leaves at the time of harvesting
Productive cycle 8½ months
productive cycle 6 months



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Last modified: Wednesday March 31, 2004.