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Medical CaseBook


Lily Cuculiza de Schaefer
Piura, Peru
Tel: (074)323914


I had an allergy for about two years; I was tired of taking so many medicines such as injections, cortisone, etc.  I also went to the U.S. where the doctors prepared special allergy injections, but I was still sick. I could not sleep and I was waking up constantly to cough and scratch myself. I had nausea. My eyes were tearing. I had to take some medical syrup so I could sleep and stop coughing, but all these medicines affected my digestive system.  I chose to give them up and leave everything in God's hands. I thought that HE had to cure me.

I was guided to the Agnihotra healing fire. After the fires (Agnihotra) I sleep quietly. If I wake up it is just one time and I don't have any allergies, nor do I feel like coughing. Thank God, I found the Homa Therapy, which I practice regularly in my home.


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Last modified: Sunday April 11, 2004.