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Medical CaseBook

Tania Cano,
Piura, Peru

Juvenile Arthritis

I have an 11 year-old daughter, her name is Juana Talia. She was diagnosed six years ago with juvenile arthritis. This illness makes it impossible for her to move alone. She cannot walk by herself. She has had constant pain generalized in the whole body, so much that at nights she could not sleep because of the pain. It is really a very expensive and difficult illness to deal with.

I came to know about Homa Therapy through a lady. I opted to take to my girl immediately to a healing session. From that day on she began to rest well at nights. When she has a lot of pain I massage her with Agnihotra ash with ghee and she feels relief. She also consumes Agnihotra ash with milk, soda, etc. at any moment.

Now my goal as mother is, with the Agnihotra pyramid I have, to practice the healing fires for the sake of my daughter.

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Last modified: Sunday April 11, 2004.