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Agriculture - India


Homa Organic Farming

Year Place Vanillin % by weight
1998 Ernanakulam, Kerala 2.56
1999 Myladumpara, Kerala 2.71
2000 Sutakatti, Karnataka 2.91

Shri Desai reports that his first ever vanilla produce (1999-2000) was of excellent quality and the best in India. The vanilla bean curing process (three months) was started along with Homa Therapy treatment. The cured vanilla beans were tested at Spice Board of India testing laboratory in Cochin. The vanillin percentage by weight of 2.91% was the highest ever recorded in India.


Farm of Shri Abhay Mutalik Desai
Sutakatti, Dist: Belgaum, Karnataka


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Last modified: Sunday April 11, 2004.
