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For the next few days, Justin and Olivia had been absolutely inseparable. Even though he was supposed to be resting for two weeks, he sometimes twisted a few arms and legs to let him get out and have some fun. His voice was slowly getting stronger and stronger each day, and his breathing wasn't as labored. He seemed to be enjoying and living life to its fullest and that in itself was enough to make the world smile.

It was a Friday afternoon, the sun was shining and the air was fresh. Brian was behind bars for two months while he waited for his court date to be called to the judge and his bail was set at $50,000 ... not that anyone wanted to bail him out. Even his own parents refused to pay after they had been informed about the dark side of their son. Justin and Olivia were on their way to the prison now, since Liv had gotten a phone call from the police saying that Brian had wanted to speak with her.

"What do you think he wants to tell me?", Liv asked while she gazed out the tinted window of the van that was pulling into the parking lot.

Justin shrugged. "Hopefully, he'll apologize. I mean, what's he in here for? Murder, another attempted murder, and threatening you, right? He better apologize, or I swear to God I'll --"

"Justin, you're being irrational.", she rolled her eyes and hopped out of the car, tucking her hair behind her ears.

He laughed softly and grabbed her hand as they walked into the building, two bodyguards surrounding them. They were brought to a table that looked into another room, separated by a large glass pane. Brian was sitting at the other side of the table with a scowl on his face. Two police officers joined them at the table to make sure Brian wasn't out of line with his apology.

Olivia sat down and stared coldly at the man that was looking back at her through the glass. She hit a button so that they could hear each other talk and waited for him to speak.

He didn't say a word.

"Are you going to say something or did I waste my time coming to see you when I'd much rather be spending time with my boyfriend, who by the way is recovering quite well from your little plan to take him out.", she sputtered angrily. The sight of him was making her sick.

Brian sighed and rubbed his face. Then, he finally spoke. "Look, Olivia... I'm a very ... messed up person. OK? I admit it. I'm a little crazy in the head, and I'm a follower. I do what other people tell me to because I'm insecure. This ... everything that I've done to you in the past ... it was all Greg. His plans to get his revenge on you were put on MY shoulders because I wasn't locked up in a cell. And ... and, I have a fascination with ... with evil."

She cocked her head to the side and glared at him. "Why would Greg want revenge on me? What did I ever do to him? And how does what you did to Justin come into play here?"

"Greg loves you. He's never STOPPED loving you. You broke up with him after what happened in April and he made a vow to himself to make your life miserable just because you made HIS life miserable..."

"What!? He made his own life miserable! He's the one who killed the guy!"

"Will you shut up and let me talk? God!", Brian growled. "This is not easy to just tell you everything here. He meant that you made his life miserable MENTALLY. Physically, yeah, he messed up ... but you broke his heart, and I've known him forever and when he gets his heart broken ... he's dangerous. He also made a vow to destroy all of your new boyfriends which is where his plan formed to poison Timberlake."

"And what about Sidney?"

"She was your best friend, the only person you trusted and if she was gone, BOOM! You'd be helpless. It didn't take much to kill her off.", he snorted, trying not to laugh.

Olivia clenched her teeth and squeezed harder at Justin's hand. Oh, how she wanted to lunge through that glass and beat the hell out of him!

Brian spoke up again, pointing at Justin, who was standing behind Liv staring at him with a disgusted look. "HE ruined everything though. He ALWAYS was the one who ruined things, so that made it even more of a thrill for me to see him SUFFER."

Fire began raging in Liv's eyes and she stood up quickly in an outrage. Justin caught her and held her to his chest in warning. She growled through the glass, "Go to hell, you arrogant, selfish rat bastard."

The police officers went behind the glass and took Brian away as Olivia struggled in Justin's arms. The last image of Brian she saw was him blowing a wicked kiss to her with an evil grin. She closed her eyes and felt the urge to scream. Justin grabbed her floundering arms tighter and spun her around to look at him. "Olivia."

She jerked. "What!?"

"Olivia, calm down. He's gone, okay? Stop it... LISTEN TO ME!", he nearly yelled when she wouldn't stop squirming. Finally, her body relaxed and she looked up at him. He kissed her forehead and loosened his grip on her arms. "Listen ... we wanted to know the motive, did we not? We got the motive, even though it was delivered to us harshly. He's gone, he'll be in there for a long, long time and you don't have to worry about him anymore. Forget about him and just move on."

She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. "Okay....but I still think I could have taken him on. He wouldn't have lasted a minute against me.", she giggled and buried her head in his chest.

He laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist, and they walked out of the building together, leaving Brian behind them. And they may not have realized it, nor had Brian or Greg realized it... but their plan to bring down the young couple had completely backfired on them. In fact, it had only ended up bringing Justin and Olivia closer than they had ever been before.


(March 31, 1999 ; Olivia's 18th Birthday)

When Liv got home from work, she threw her ID pass on her dresser and pulled the ponytail out of her hair, letting the soft tresses fall over her shoulders. It had been a long day and now that it was finally night, she was looking forward to spending it with Justin. She had worked practically all day, while he was away doing promotional work and concerts. He was flying home tonight to see her and she had never been more excited.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she caught a glimpse of something laying on her pillow. She merged her eyebrows in confusion and walked over to the object. The closer she got, the wider the smile got on her face. It was a single long stemmed rose on top of a soft, white envelope.

She bit her lip and slowly opened the seal. When she pulled the card out, rose petals fell out with it, scattering around her feet. She opened the card and smiled at the familiar handwriting.

"Liv, I wanted to clear up a few things here. Remember a while back when you said that you hadn't been able to do anything that could compare with what I've done for you? Well, you see, that's where you're wrong. You've changed MY life in so many ways's just that you did it without having to even open your mouth or lift a finger. You've given me normalcy, which is one of the greatest things I could have ever received from anybody. You've given me reasons to smile, you've given me the strength I needed to get through some days, and you've touched my heart SO deeply that it brings a warmth to my body whenever I think about you. There's just something about you that brings a glow to my eyes, and THAT is something that doesn't even BEGIN to compare with anything that I have done. Happy Birthday, Olivia. I love you. -Justin."

She wiped the tears off her cheek and sat down on her bed, hugging the card close to her. A piece of paper that had fallen out of the card when she opened it was lying on the ground at her feet and when it finally caught her eye, she picked it up and read the lyrics to the most beautiful song she had ever heard in her life...

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running

You look at me and life comes from you.

Olivia knew right then and there, as the words of the song sunk into her brain, that there was an indescribable connection between the two of them that would last the rest of their lives. She closed her eyes and smiled as the tears fell freely down her face.

He was the missing piece to the puzzle she called life, just like SHE was the same for his.


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