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JC stuck his finger in his ear and wiggled it around, his eyes sparkling in playfulness. "What was that? I don't think I heard you quite right...Could you...could ya say that again?"

Justin rolled his eyes and stood up. "OKAY, JC.", he waved his hands around his head mockingly. "You won! I went and ruined this little game you had... I fell in love with Kelsie and RUINED it!"

JC grinned, ear to ear. "I didn't have any games going on, dude. I just knew you'd fall for her eventually."

"Oh, right, no games. What was that whole thing about with leaving her stranded at my house?"

JC smirked, holding his hands up in defense. "That was ALL Chris."

Justin grumbled. "Yeah...Chris..."

"No, I swear!", he laughed. "But I just kind of figured you liked her..."

"Oh, I'm sure. Since you're all Mr. Psychic and everything."

"No, that's Kat. By the way, what do you think of Kat?"

Justin stared at JC for a second in complete confusion wondering how the subject had just changed so abruptly and then his expression softened and he shrugged. "Yeah, she's cute.", he squinted at him. "Why? You like her or somethin'?"

JC shrugged. "Well, I am a free agent now..."

Justin shook his head with a laugh. "You're on the rebound, huh?", he sat back down on the bed, ready to talk about himself again. "So, look, what do I do now?"

JC smiled. "Easy. Dump Chloe, tell Kelsie how you feel, and live happily ever after!"

Justin groaned. "Ohhh, yeah. Like it's THAT easy. 'Hey Clo, listen, you're history. Yo Kels, I love you baby!' What are you stupid or something?"

"Noo, I'm just saying..."

He closed his eyes and fell backwards, his heart completely bewildered. "Love sucks, dude."

JC grinned. "Ohhh no... Love ROCKS, man."


Kelsie rolled back on her bed and stared at a picture of Justin in her old YM magazine and let a loud breath of air escape her lips. He looked so beautiful. She shook her head to herself. She was so in love with him. "Kat?"

Kat took the headphones off her ears and raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement. "Wha?"

She looked at the picture one more time and put it down. "What's a good definition of love?"

Kat grinned and licked her lips, turning over on her stomach to look up at Kelsie. "I'm thinkin' dreaaamy green-blue eyes, soft, perfect lips, silky brown hair, and one awfully sexy bod...", she sighed dreamily and closed her eyes with a smile.

Kelsie grinned watching her friend drool. "Ha, yeah JC is pretty hot, huh?"

Kat's smile got bigger until it reached her eyes and she waved a hand in front of her face to cool herself down. "He's hotter than HELL. I think I'm overheating."

"He's single, ya know."

Kat's eyes widened in a devilish way and Kelsie could have sworn she saw little horns grow. "Ohh, I knooow."

Kelsie laughed and propped her head up with her hands. "Now, you wouldn't have something to do with this sudden availability, would you?"

Kat smiled innocently. "Of COURSE not."

Kelsie smiled. "You two should hook up. You'd be cute.", her eyes fell on that damn magazine again and she felt her smile fade. "But seriously, Kat. What's your definition?"

"Of love?"

"No, of why Britney Spears has a singing career."

Kat laughed. "Can't help ya with that one." She rolled over again and looked around the room until she found the book she was looking for. She pointed at it. "I dunno, Kels. Try the Bible -- that book has ALL the answers."

Kelsie shrugged and reached to grab the book from off her shelf. "Yeah, what? I'll open the book and I'll magically find the verse that explains it all, right? This is a HUGE book, Kat."

She laughed. "Just flip through it. You never know what you might find."

Kelsie opened the book and looked down at the page that was in front of her. Immediately, her eyes flew to the familiar word: Love. "Oh weird...Kat you're never gonna believe this. Listen to this... 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.'..."

She stared at the verse until she knew it was permeantly engraved in her brain, in shock at how she had opened it up to those words. Kat's expression was one in the same as Kelsie's...her eyebrows raised up in shock, her jaw hanging open, her eyes wide. "It's perfect, Kels."

Kelsie smiled. "Love is patient."

"Love does not delight in evil...", Kat smirked. "Guess that means I have no hope."

Kelsie laughed. "True. Guess I'll have to go tell JC you're not interested."

"What!? Did he ask?!?"

"No, you fool. I was making fun of you."

Kat nodded slowly. "Ohhh."

The picture of Justin caught Kelsie's gaze again and she looked down at it with a genuine smile, before tossing the magazine aside and feeling her heart swell with happiness.


(arrival at the Lakeland Center in Lakeland, FL. April 25.)

Lance straightened the hat on his head and put his shades over his eyes. "And the torture of the two weeks from hell begins..."

JC laughed while grabbing his backpack from the couch on the bus. "Oh, it's not that bad."

Lance's eyes widened behind his glasses and he ripped them off to look at JC incredulously. "Are you talking about the same choreographer that is about to work us until our feet literally break off from our legs? Because I KNOW that it's going to be torture."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that.", he groaned. "You're right...this is going to be hell."

Chris popped up from out of nowhere. "Maybe she'll be too distracted with Justin, she'll let us off easy!"

JC and Lance stared at him in silent disbelief (while somewhere off in the distance, a dog barked). Chris' hopeful smile faded and he sighed. "Well, one can hope."

"Hope for what?"

Chris turned around to find Justin stretching his arms out above his head. "Oh! Hope for these two people that are madly in love with each other to finally get together..."

He yawned. "JC and Kat?"

Chris looked at him for a minute until he realized that Justin really thought he was talking about JC. He sighed again. "Yeah. JC and Kat."

Justin shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, man...", he slapped JC on the back on his way off the bus. "Why don't you guys hook up?"

After the door closed, the three guys turned to look at each other. Lance finally spoke. "He's NEVER gonna get through this battle with himself."

JC watched Justin's body trot into the huge Center through the windshield on the bus, where he knew Kelsie was waiting inside. "No...he's just never going to tell her how he feels...", he turned to look at the guys. "Well, let's go..."

A series of groans were heard and they all trudged into the building, one by one, trying to prep themselves for what was going to be the longest two weeks of their lives.

Justin's phone rang just as he made his way into the huge building, but he chose to ignore it when he saw Kelsie across the room talking to Tim, the tour manager. He smiled and began to jog over to them, stuffing his phone deep into the crevices of his backpack. He watched Kelsie from a short distance, admiring her. She was so beautiful...why had he pushed her away so much in the beginning? Why had he lied to her about his girlfriend? He wondered how much of a chance he had left with her. Probably not much of one. Good going, Timberlake. He focused on her again, and smiled as she pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear and nodded to Tim. He wondered what they were talking about. Her face grew bright and threw her head back as she laughed. His heart almost melted as the sound hit his was like music to him. She was his music.

He groaned and rubbed his face. What had he let himself do? He knew he was done for...completely in love with her. These feelings inside of him, they confused the hell out of him, only because they were extremely strong -- stronger than he should have allowed. It was a struggle for him to come to terms with these emotions because so much was happening around him in more ways than one. The tour, for instance, should have been his number ONE priority, but he found himself putting Kelsie above it.

He sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts and jogged up to the pair. "Hey guys, what are you scheming over here?"

Kelsie looked over her shoulder to see him and smiled. "We're planning on how we're going to ruin your opening show by running across the stage completely naked during 'This I Promise You'."

Tim gave her a hard look and playfully hit her on the shoulder. "Kelsie!", he hissed. "You weren't supposed to TELL them!"

Kelsie covered her mouth. "Whoops."

Justin smirked. "I see. But how would that RUIN the show?"

Kelsie blushed a little but covered it up with sarcasm. "Well.", she looked at Tim and pointed. "HE'S running across first. As soon as all the little girls see the agonizing sight, they'll make a mad rush to get out of there before I can even get out there. Therefore, if you have no audience, you have no show!" She giggled and patted Justin on the shoulder when he gave her a pout.

He wanted to kiss her so bad right then because she looked so damn cute. He resisted the urge and only pulled her against his body in a quick hug. Winking, he released her and said, "You're right. We wouldn't have an audience, but we'd be the ones with the luck in the end anyway."

"And why's that?"

"Because we'd be the ones getting the FREE show."

She watched him wink again and leave her standing there, bright red in the face. Tim patted her shoulder with a chuckle and followed after Justin after saying, "He always gets the last word. Believe me."

She blew out a breath of air and covered her face with her hands, repeating "Get your priorities straight, Kelsie." to herself over and over. "The tour, the tour, the tour....", she frowned. "Justin..."


(that night)

Justin's lank body was sprawled out on the bouncy hotel bed, his left arm serving as a cushion for his head, which was propped up against the head board. His right arm grasped small velcro balls and his eyes were focused dead on the circular piece of felt that was hanging on the wall in front of him.

"Kelsie, remember how I told you I was attracted to you?", he said outloud to himself. "Well, I lied. It's more like I am head over heels in love with you. You're all I think about...."

He chucked a ball at the felt and watched as it hit the mere score of fifteen points. He puffed out his lips and squinted his eyes, putting his mind to work again.

"Kelsie, I'm in love with you. I live to see your smile and I've only just come to realize that. I know that I haven't broken up with Chloe, but I will...and I just need you to know my feelings for you..."

He hurled another small ball at the bullseye and pursed his lips in an unsatisfied manner. It had hit twenty-five points. He needed to get to that one hundred point mark. If he didn't, he would never be satisfied.

He sighed. "KELsie...I see your face in my dreams and I wonder how I could have been so stupid before. I'm so sorry and now, I realize that I am in love with you..."

Once more, he threw one of his last balls at the felt. He stared at the fifty point score where the ball was stuck to the fabric and grinded his teeth. "Jesus Christ, Timberlake. Get a grip."

One more ball. He looked at it and swallowed the lump building in his throat. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and a smile came to his lips as Kelsie's image formed in his mind. He paused before he spoke, surprised at how the words just started pouring out of his mouth.

"Kelsie, I need you to know something. I need you to know that my feelings for you run so incredbly deep, I can't get you out of my head. You're all I think about, you're the only thing I dream about, and you're the only person that I want. You're all I've ever wanted. I'm so in love with you...the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you make fun of me, the way you dance, the way you yell at me and how your forehead crinkles up when you're mad. You keep me going and I'm so sorry that I pushed you away before. I was so stupid not to realize what an incredible woman you are. Kelsie.. I love you so much..."

Without opening his eyes, his hand released the last velcro ball and waited for it to hit the wall. After a few minutes, when he didn't hear any noise, he slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see the ball safetly stuck on one hundred points. What he saw, made him jump out of his skin.

"Does this belong to you?", the person smiled down at him.

His arm came out from behind his head and he snatched the ball away from the outstretched arm. His voice was tense when he spoke. "How long were you in here?"

"Long enough to hear you spill your guts."

Justin rubbed his face, embarrassed. "You messed me up. That ball was heading straight for one hundred points, I know it.", he groaned. "GOD, Lance, you have the WORST timing."

Lance sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled sheepishly at Justin. "Sorry, dude. So, are you gonna tell Kelsie what I just heard?"

"I...I don't think I can."

"Why? It sounded good to me."

Justin bit his lip and scratched his bare arm, using his other arm to straighten the fabric of his wifebeater. "But I guess we'll never know if it's the right thing to say because you had to come in and stand in front of my bullseye. It didn't hit the board, so we won't know where that stands."

Lance rolled his eyes. "Riight. Like a stupid felt bullseye is going to tell you what the right thing to say is. Justin, you've just gotta talk to her from your heart and you don't need to worry about a thing. It will just spill right out, just like it did right now."

Justin grunted as he sat himself up and pulled his legs under his body to sit Indian Style. "I know, but it's not so easy. Everytime I look at her, I try to collect the words in my head before I speak them so I don't screw up and make an ass of myself, but they DON'T PULL TOGETHER!"

"Then don't TRY, Justin. Come on, you've done this so many times before, you know how to do it. I can't even believe I'm telling this to YOU of all people. If you try to hard, it's not going to come out honestly."

Justin stood up and walked over to the felt to get his velcro balls. He turned around to face Lance again. "I hate it. I hate love, I hate emotions, I hate hormones, and I HATE how girls make you feel!", he slumped. "Like you can't control yourself around you're nothing without them..."

Lance smiled and slapped him on the back. "No you don't. You love it.", he turned towards the door. "And hey, J, don't think to hard, okay? Just relax and take it one step at a time."

Justin waved him away. "Yeah, yeah.", he glanced up one more time and did a double take. "Wait a second, Lance, hold up."

Lance turned around, eyebrow raised. "What?"

Justin pointed and crossed his eyebrows. "That's my shirt!"

Lance looked down at the green Abercrombie shirt he was wearing and smiled innocently. ", wonder how that got on me!"

Justin rolled his eyes and shook his head as Lance left the room. He slowly walked over to his backpack that was lying on the floor and fished around in it for his phone. Maybe he would call his mom.

He pulled it out and flopped back on the bed, flipping it open and turning it on. A beeping signifyed voicemail so he dialed it up to get his messages. He remembered when the phone rang earlier that day when they had arrived at Lakeland. After hitting a few buttons, a voice filled his ear.

"Justin, hey! It's Chloe. I'm sorry I missed you, I forgot to tell you that I was leaving for about a month to go to California again. I'll be back around the time your tour stops in Orlando, so I'll see you then. I'll miss ya, baby. Break a leg!", she paused in the message. "Oh, and stay away from that girl that is trying to make you believe I'm not being true to you. She's nothing but trouble, I swear. Love ya. Bye!"

Justin cringed at her voice and his face scrunched up in a scowl. He hadn't done anything after Kelsie had left that one night, and he kind of wished that he had. He had just stared at her and pulled her out to the car to drive her home. He didn't even want to speak to her. If he never saw her again, he wouldn't even care. He had figured her out that night, believed Kelsie as soon as the words left her lips but he had been too afraid to say or do anything.

Chloe had not one clue that Justin knew that she was cheating on him, she had not a clue that Justin was in love with Kelsie, and she had NO idea that Justin was trying to figure out a way to dump her. He thought for a moment, wondering why he hadn't done it when he last saw her. He couldn't do it over the phone or by e-mail...he had more class than that. He supposed he would just wait until he saw her again...and then she would become just a memory.

Justin walked to the bathroom to rinse his face off to cool down his body. Feeling a lot better about himself, he checked his watch quickly before grabbing his key and leaving his room.

"Where do you think you're going, J?", his very protective bodyguard, Lonnie, asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'm breaking out of here, Lonnie, I'm going to cause havoc on the streets of Lakeland. Try and stop me, dude. I dare ya."

Lonnie rolled his eyes at Justin's sarcasm. "You wouldn't even try."

Justin lifted an eyebrow. "What makes you think that?"

"Because you're in pajamas."

Justin scowled and continued walking down the hallway a short distance, trying to ignore Lonnie's penetrating stare. He knocked lightly on the door that he had stopped at and took a deep breath.

Kelsie groaned when she heard the knocking and said outloud to herself. "I swear to God, Chris..." She glanced quickly out the peephole expecting to see Chris' scheming face again, but all she saw was a mound of curls. She gasped and raced back to her bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Ugh!" She grabbed a brush and yanked it through the tangled strands as fast as she could. When she heard the knocking again, she threw it down and ran back out to the door. Taking a deep breath, she swung it open.

Justin had started to walk back to his room when he heard the door open. A voice made him turn around.

"Hey fro-fro, what are you doing here?"

He smiled widely and felt his heart beat speed up. "I just wanted to bug you."

She opened the door wider and stood aside. "Just what I needed. Thanks for thinking of me.", she joked.

He walked in and looked around. There were a few candles burning on the bureau and the TV was on low. "What were you doing in here?", he laughed.

She looked at him confused. "Watching TV, why?"

"What's with the candles?", he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, those.", she smiled devilishly. "It set the mood when me and JC were getting our freak on.", she lowered her voice. "Just don't tell Kat."

He laughed. "I see. You left them burning because you knew I was coming over, right?"

"Yeah.", she nodded. "My plan is to get some with each and every one of you."

He smirked at the way she said it with such seriousness. "Sounds good."

She smiled. "Nah, I just like candles. They make the place more homey."

He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "What were you watching?"

She shrugged. "Just flipping around. I could pop in a movie if you want to watch one with me..."

She made it sound so good. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to watch a movie with you."

"Comedy, drama, oldie, action, horror, what other genres are there?"

He watched her for a moment and then shook himself out of it. "Um, the only other one I can think of romance."

She looked away from him with a blush starting to creep over her face and stammered on her words. " about um, comedy?"

"Whatever you want."

Half an hour later, they were both lying side by side on Kelsie's bed. Every so often, they would each sneak a quick glance in at the other person when they weren't looking and smile. And though they didn't know that the other was feeling it, they both felt that incredible sense of comfort being with each other.

After a few more minutes of silence while they were focused on the television screen, Justin turned to look at her. "Hey...Kelsie? Are you...are you nervous?"

She was taken aback at the question. ", actually I'm feeling quite comfortable right now."

He smiled softly. "No, I...I meant about the tour..."

"Oh!", she giggled, embarrassed. "I have confidence that everything's gonna go great. Yeah, there's that little sense of doubt, but overall, no, I'm pretty confident."

"You really think it's all going to be fine?"

"Of course, Justin. You guys have got everything down to an art. You're gonna kick butt!"

He shifted uncomfortably. "I know, but I'm just kind of nervous about it. What if I make a mistake or forget a dance?"

She gave him a look. "YOU?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I guess you're right, it'll be fine."

"Yeah. The fans are gonna love it and it's gonna be the best tour anyone has ever seen, so don't fret about it, okay?"

He nodded and looked back at the TV. For some reason, the movie wasn't funny anymore. It wasn't anything anymore. He wasn't even paying attention to it. He was looking at the screen and all he saw was blurred objects because he was totally focusing on his thoughts instead. Maybe he should tell her now.

He looked back at her and watched her for awhile. She was so beautiful. "You don't wear make-up, do you?"

Kelsie's head whipped around. "Um...not really...I just never really --"

He shrugged. "No, I'm sorry. I was just wondering...because you're really beautiful, you know that?"

She looked at him for a long time before answering. ""

He smiled. A second later, he continued. "I think I need to tell you something."

"You think?"

"I...I know I do...I, um...", he paused, having trouble wording what he wanted to say. "I...I guess what I wanted to say is just that I think you're -- "

Pounding at the door stopped Justin mid-sentence. He bit his lip and clenched his jaw. "I'll go get that."

Kelsie was left sitting on her bed, in a complete state of shock. What was he about to say? He told her she was beautiful. She smiled until she heard that familiar voice at the door.

"Heeey, buddy! Isn't YOUR room down thata ways?"

"What do you want, Chris?"

"Just wanted to see if Kelsie had m -- "

Kelsie appeared at the door, her eyebrow raised in a challenge. "I don't, Chris. Please, pleeeease stop asking."

He smirked and shrugged. "Sorry if I um, INTERRUPTED anything." He smiled sweetly and went on his merry little way.

Justin glared after him and checked his watch. "Um, it's getting late. I'm, uh, I'm gonna get some sleep... see you tomorrow..."

Kelsie nodded, trying to hide her extreme disappointment. "Kay. Sweet dreams, fro-fro."

He smiled and disappeared down the hallway. Kelsie shut her door and slumped against it. "I am going to KILL Chris."


(dress rehearsal, next day)

"Can you believe how huge this stage is?", Lance spoke into the camera held by the MTV guy. They had rejoined up with the guys to get some more inside footage for their show since they were doing dress rehearsal for the tour. "This is like three times bigger than our last stage! This tour is going to be so awesome!"

While MTV focused on Lance, Joey and Chris were talking to the man in charge of the pyrotechnics and JC was up in the corner of the stage, running around up and down the ramps to get a feel for the stage. Justin remained backstage in a complete daze, not really aware of anything that was going on.

Kelsie was in the middle of the arena talking to Wade Robson, who had grown to be a good friend to her. "I'm so excited for this thing to start!"

Wade nodded with a smile. "I know, it's going to be the biggest tour anyone's ever seen."

"They've worked so hard and I'm so proud of them!"

"So have you, though. I'm so proud of YOU, Kels. Especially with getting through everything that went on with Justin."

She shrugged. "Yeah, I guess he gave me quite an obstacle course to get through."

He grinned and pulled her into a bear hug, rocking her back and forth.

Just then, Justin emerged from backstage and walked around on the stage for a bit, until he spotted Kelsie out in the middle of the arena. She was hugging Wade and laughing with Wade and looking like she was having the BEST time in the whole world...with WADE. He exhaled loudly and crossed his eyebrows. She should be hugging and laughing with HIM...not with Wade. He grew jealous and cursed himself out for not telling her what he felt last night.

"Time to get to work, slaves! Go get dressed!", Johnny yelled from a megaphone to everyone that was standing around, especially the five guys. He heard groans but only smiled in satisfaction and waved them off. He lowered his voice and spoke to himself. "Time to see what they've got in them."

An hour later, Kelsie stood in front of the stage with the megaphone, watching the guys dance and sing with all their hearts. She tapped her foot and sang along playfully to their lyrics, bopping her head to the beat. Wade stood beside her doing just as much watching as she was. When the song finished, Kelsie clapped her hands together with a smile.

"Good job, guys! Lance, you're a little off on the part where you have to hit the floor and come up in a quick motion facing out. Just try to do that whole move a little faster and you'll be hitting it on the nose. Justin, you're great but you seem really out of it and you're making stupid mistakes. Please try to focus."

They both nodded, Justin more reluctant than Lance. He rubbed his face and fought to clear his head. Focus, focus, FOCUS!, his mind yelled at him and he pushed the hair out of his eyes, ready to put his all into his work.

Hours and hours later, after they had practiced all their songs, tested all the little contraptions on stage, like the conveyor belts and secret doors, they were finally allowed to go back to their hotels. Justin grabbed his stuff and bolted out of there as fast as he could.

Fourteen hours on stage practicing for a ninety-minute show was NOT always easy.


"Hey....KELSIE! Kelsie, wait up!!"

She smiled, rolling her eyes and put her arm out to hold the elevator for JC. "What's up, Jace?"

"Man, it is HELL trying to get through some of those fans sometimes!"

She laughed. "I bet it is."

He grinned. "Ya gotta love it though.", he raised an eyebrow. "So, uh, is Kat coming to visit you anytime any chance?" He smiled sweetly, hoping for a positive answer.

She shook her head playfully as if she were saying, "You're pathetic." She shrugged and checked her watch for the date. "She's in school for most of the time we're here. She might drive down on the weekend or something.", she raised an eyebrow. "Since when were you so into her, anyway? I must have totally missed it."

JC smirked. "I...I dunno. She's one cool chick, though. Does she dig me?"

Kelsie laughed. "Yeah, JC, she DIGS you."

"Sweet. I'll have to give her a call tonight.", he paused for awhile, watching the lights on the elevator change at each floor. "So um, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Sleep.", she thought. "Yeah, I think that's about it.", she smiled.

They watched as the elevator doors opened and stepped out together. "Sounds good to me. I'll probably do the same thing. Imagine that!"

Kelsie laughed and linked her arm around his as they walked to their rooms. "G'night, Jace."

"Night, Kels. If ya talk to Kat, tell her what I said.", he winked and closed the door behind him.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, thankful for the group of five guys that she had made good lasting friendships with.


Justin searched around in the bag lying on his floor, looking for his headphones. The junk that poured out of the bag was definitely NOT his...he'd never be caught dead wearing some of this stuff. He nodded, realizing that it was most likely Chris'. "Well, he won't care if I use his walkman anyway.", he said outloud to himself, continuing his search.

A packet of pictures was at the bottom of the messy contents of the bag, hidden under a dirty t-shirt. He grimaced at the shirt and picked up the packet. Curiousity got the best of him when he realized he had never seen these before. He jumped on his bed and opened them up.

The first few were crazy ones of the guys messing around on the bus, just being dorks like they normally were. He laughed at some of the strange faces Joey was making at the camera and shook his head. He flipped to the next bunch and his jaw hit the floor. He kept flipping through them, his eyebrows getting lower and lower at each new one. His eyes bugged out at the last one and he held it up to stare at it.

" I look like a bafoon!", he spoke to himself. Chris flashed in his head. "To kill or not to kill..."


Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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