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"Justin, there is someone that I want you to meet before we leave Florida.", Kelsie said as she brought her dinner plate over to the sink.

He gulped down the last of his milk and walked up next to her, opening the dishwasher. "Okay."

They had just finished a nice dinner at Kelsie's house. He had been there since five o'clock, before her parents had to leave for a company party, so that he could finally meet them. He had been somewhat surprised at what he saw when the Meyers' had walked into the room. He imagined they would be more like Kelsie, but in all reality, they were complete opposites. Both of her parents worked in the same business...they were esteemed CEOs of a multi-national advertising agency. He was a little surprised at the way they treated their daughter. To him, it seemed they just didn't have the time for her. But he wasn't here to make accusations.

"So, who is this special someone I have to meet?", Justin said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye as he rinsed off the dirty pots sitting in the kitchen sink.

Kelsie smiled. "My dance teacher. She's very special to me, like a second mother."

He nodded. "All right, can't wait to meet her."

They finished up with the dishes and retreated into the living room. Justin's eyes wandered to the mantel where he took notice to the many awards sitting proudly on the wood. His eyebrows raised in respect. "Wow,'ve been around, eh?"

She grinned. "Yeah, I guess." She dusted off the statue to her left and stared at it closely.

"What are all these for?"

She laughed. "Choreography."

He gave her a look. "Are most of these for the same artist's songs?"

"Nah, they're all different. Except these three are for Christina Aguleria...", she scratched her chin. "It's weird. I got the most for the person that was the least fun to work with."

Justin laughed. "Oh yeah? Tina's a pill, ain't she?"

Kelsie smiled and sat down on her couch. "Yeah, you could say that. She wasn't as bad as YOU were though."

"Oh, thanks." He sat down next to her and continued to look around the room. All kinds of things for her parents company that had their place in the room pretty much overshadowed the awards that Kelsie had received. He glanced at her. " your parents are pretty successful."

She sighed. "Yeah..."

"Are you guys close?", he asked curiously.

She looked at him and slowly shook her head. "Justin, I'm lucky if I even get to SEE them twice a week."

She spoke with such grief, Justin pitied her. It was the worst thing in the world not to have family, and even though she pyshically had one, she really didn't. He reached over and rubbed her leg in comfort as she kept talking.

"They don't care about me. They didn't much approve of me going into dancing for a career... I mean, yeah, when I grew up they were all for it. They totally encouraged me to dance as much as I could...but I don't think they realized that I would grow to LIVE for it. Once I was fifteen, they started asking me why I kept taking classes because I guess they thought it was only for little girls or something. I feel like the outcast of the family...they're so into their business that they barely make time for me. It's weird because I am SO close with like, the entire rest of my family. It's just my PARENTS.", she groaned. "It's just wrong."

She paused. "It's like they just want me to be THEM. They expect me to go into that damn advertising agency and make thousands of dollars in a way that I know nothing about. Mom wants me to be that little girly-girl who wears cute little dresses and wants nothing to do with sports, dancing, guy stuff. Dad wants me to follow his footsteps and be Ms. Big Executive. It's like, why can't I just do what I want to do? Why won't you let me follow MY dreams?", she sighed again and looked down at Justin's hand that was rubbing up and down her leg.

"That's why I really consider my family Kat, her brother Luke, and the woman I'm taking you to meet... they were the ones that convinced me to keep truckin'...they were the ones that made SURE I went after what I wanted. My dance teacher was the one that really made me fall in love with the activity. She made it so intriguing that it was all I wanted to do. Dance - all day, all night, in my dreams, everywhere. She made me become who I am today and that's why I consider her my mother..." She shrugged slightly. "But you know, I'm just doing my best to live my life. Whether or not my parents want to be a part of it or not. I love my life... that's all that really matters, isn't it?"

Justin forced out a smile and kissed the side of her head. "Yes. As long as you're happy...that's all that matters. I don't know if it helps, but I'm sorry to hear about that.", he paused for a second. "You know that I'll always be here for you, right?"

Kelsie smiled. "I know. Thank you."



(next morning)

Kelsie put her car in park and quickly scanned the parking lot. The building of her destination was a ways down the block and she had had to park her car so far away because unfortunately, the studio did not have it's own lot. Her mother always complained about that as a kid.

Adjusting the hat on his head, Justin slipped out of the car and walked around it to wait for Kelsie. "So where to now, miss?", he smiled.

"We just have to walk down the sidewalk a bit...I'm so sorry, I know this is out in the open where you kinda shouldn't be and--"

"No, no... this is good for me. I need to be able to walk down the streets once in awhile so I don't forget that I'm just a normal guy.", he grinned a crooked smile.

Kelsie smiled. "Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking?"

They walked hand in hand down the street, basking in the glow of the warm sun. The simple pleasures of life...

All of a sudden, a man that seemingly came out of nowhere, started clicking away pictures on a professional camera. Justin's head bolted up when he heard the agonizing sound of a shutter going off and tightened his grip on Kelsie's hand, who was looking around confused. "Oh no....", he groaned. "Kelsie, we've been caught! Let's go!!"

They took off running towards the small dance studio, trying to lose the man that was just on their heels. They ducked into the building, closed and locked the door, and put the CLOSED sign facing outside, in hopes that the photographer wouldn't find them.

Justin ran his hands over his face. "Damnit...I'm so sorry, baby... I have absolutely no idea how he found us...", he sighed and lowered his voice to a whisper. "There goes my normalcy."

Kelsie was still trying to come down from her sudden startlement. She wondered if she would have to deal with this all of the time. She sighed and shook her head. "No... it's okay.. Don't worry about it. I'm cool."

She glanced around the small room they were in, smiling as the memories flooded her head. She had hoped that Mrs. Starks wouldn't have a class this morning, but she guessed she was wrong since she heard music in the background. It was still quite early, and the group had to get on the road in a few hours, but Kelsie wasn't letting Justin get away without meeting her mentor first.

Justin smiled as his eyes first saw the excited sparkle in his girlfriend's eyes and then wandered around the room. He first took notice to the huge sign that hung on the wall. "Starkie's Dance School."

Kelsie smiled proudly. "She changed the name of it a few years ago. That's my nickname for her...she used it as her school's name."

"That's awesome..."

She nodded. "Justin, I think she is having a class right now. Do you mind that there might be fans of yours in here?"

He shrugged. "Nah.."

Kelsie tightened her grip on his hand and pulled him towards the room and peeked in. A group of twelve year old girls were having a class with her favorite teacher in the world. She smiled and waited until the song came to an end before she said anything.

"Starkie?", she grinned as she peered around the corner.

"Kelsie!! Honey, what brings you here!?", she looked at her class. "Ok, girls, get a drink!"

"I want you to meet someone.", she smiled and then pushed on Justin's shoulder. "Sweetie, you don't mind signing autographs for these little girls if they ask, do you? They're like, only twelve..."

He laughed quietly. "Come on, Kels, I'm not THAT arrogant."

Mrs. Starks was beaming at seeing Kelsie again. "Come in, come in.. Who did you bring?"

Kelsie walked in, dragging in Justin behind her. "This is Justin...", she said, pulling him out in front of her. "Justin, this is Mrs. dance teacher of fifteen years."

As they shook hands, all three of them heard squeals accumulate behind them. Justin chuckled under his breath and turned around to wave to his fans.

Kelsie nudged him to go over and say hi and he did as he was told, ready to sign autographs and give hugs. Kelsie smiled after him and turned back around to look at her friend, who was only smirking at her. "Ms. Kelsie... who is this?"

"That's my boyfriend...", she grinned.

"Now isn't that one of those *NSYNC boys?"

She nodded. "The same one who was giving me problems. You were right about him...I kept my chin up and he came around... It's quite a long story, now that I think about it..."

Mrs. Starks leaned over to give a hug to her most successful dance student and smiled. "I'm glad that you two worked things out. You make a wonderful couple."

"He's a great guy. You just had to worm your way under his skin and you found out so much about him. He has so many deep seeded emotions and secrets... you know?"

She nodded. "Of course I know. You are the same way, sweetheart."

Before she could answer, Justin came up behind her with a trail of little girls following him discreetly, watching his every move with wide eyes.

Mrs. Starks giggled at the girls and smiled at Justin. "It was wonderful of you to stop by and make these girls' day. I'm sure they'll never forget it."

He nodded. "It was my pleasure. You have a great group of kids and Kelsie talks very highly of you, so a friend to her is a friend to me."

They all said their last words and gave hugs goodbye before they left the studio. On their way out, Mrs. Starks turned to Justin with a cocked eyebrow. "You take care of her...she's like a daughter to me."

"You don't have to worry.", he said, grabbing Kelsie's hand. "She's like an angel to me...and I can't imagine what God would do to me if I hurt one of His angels..."


(few weeks later - June 1st ; San Antonio, TX.)

"I can't believe you're taking so much time off from school.", JC said quietly to Kat, while they sat in the dressing room for a rest before they hit the stage.

"What? And miss this once and a lifetime opportunity to tour with my favorite group?", she said with a smile. "It's not that much, C. It's only like a month."

He smiled. "What did you tell your professors?"

She smirked. "That I was taking an educational across country trip with my brother whose only time off from work was this month and that I had no other choice."

JC laughed. "Educational?"

"Yep. I am learning about how the human body reacts to sexy guys dancing around stage when mixed with adrenaline. All very educational."

He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Clever."

Kat sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. "Yep! I'm the best!" She laughed quietly at herself and they sat in silence for a little while until a shriek of laughter pierced through the dressing room.

Kat jumped up and ran over to Kelsie who was sitting by the laptop computer. "What's so funny?"

She pointed at the screen. "Look at all these hate pages I have already!!"

Kat chuckled. "Well you know, you DID steal all these girls' future husband right out from under them. They do have a right to be mad!", she joked.

Kelsie laughed. "Yeah, but so did you!"

"Ahh, but they don't have to know about that, now do they?", she said with a teasing smile. "Anyway, did you find any support pages yet?"

"I don't know... all I did was type *NSYNC in on the search engine and the first thing that popped up was like, 'DIE KELSIE'.", she laughed. "What do I type to get good stuff?"

Kat pushed her friend out of the seat and set to work. Before long, she had a list of websites about her and Justin.

Kelsie's eyes widened. "Wow...there, there sure are a lot of them...They don't all have my picture and stuff do they?"

Kat shrugged. "Most likely they do. Believe me, these fans know EVERYTHING. If one fan has a picture, they all have it like the next day. If one fan finds out about a relationship, the entire Internet knows about it the next day."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just didn't realize that the entire world would know about us in like a week. It just exploded kinda fast..."

JC stood up and joined them by the computer, giving Kelsie a rub on the head. "That's the music world for ya, Kel.", he winked on his way out. "Just wait until you make appearances together..."


With the whole blow-up of her relationship with Justin on her mind all day, Kelsie strolled past Kat on her way out of the arena. "I think I'm gonna go outside and get some air, Kat. If anyone asks, I'll be out there..."

"The show is about to start in five minutes, though."

Kelsie nodded. "I know, I'll be back in soon. I know where my seat is.", she smiled. "If I'm not back in half an hour, call 911."

Kat laughed and waved her off. "What? And miss the show?", she joked.

Kelsie rolled her eyes and pushed open the doors, immediately breathing in the cool summer breezes. To her surprise, she found a whole slew of people frantically running around the arena...whether they be teenage girls, scalpers, news teams, or parents. She walked around slowly, taking in the atmosphere she had officially landed herself in with accepting the job of working with *NSYNC. Sure, she had worked in the same atmosphere plenty of times, more so with the Backstreet Boys than with anyone else, but there was something different about it this time. Maybe because *NSYNC had seemed to surpass the Boys recently, maybe because the fans seemed more clingy this time, or maybe because this time, she was pretty much thrown into the center of the mix just by falling in love.

Yeah, that last one sounded about right.

She dug her hands into her pocket, feeling some loose change and a ball full of lint touch her fingers, as her eyes passed over a group of girls talking to a scalper. She shook her head with a sigh. "Don't do it, girls..."

Her eyes moved back to the pavement in front of her and her head became filled with thoughts as she heard one girl in the distance scream her love for Justin. She wondered if she would be able to handle being in the spotlight so much... like JC had said: "Just wait until you make appearances together...". What was that supposed to mean? Was that supposed to mean that she wouldn't be able to take it? Or was it a good thing? Like, "Just wait until you make appearances together so everyone can see that you guys are the real thing..." or was it the other way around, like, "Just wait until you make appearances together and you see that being a girlfriend isn't all that it's cracked up to be because the media is too involved..."

And if the photographer that had spotted her and Justin when they were visiting Mrs. Starks a few weeks ago was any premonition at all, it was looking like JC meant it in the bad way.

She sighed quietly to herself. This had all happened so fast... she never once imagined that she would have HATE pages about her. Who in their right mind would want to kill an *NSYNC girlfriend? Shouldn't they just be happy that the guy is happy?

She began to think of the ex's that might have been in the same place. JC had had a girlfriend before Kat, and she remembered hearing about her briefly...remembered seeing a few websites dedicated to them. Joey's girlfriend was rarely or never mentioned, except among the guys and friends. Kelsie kind of wished that her and Justin could lead a relationship like Joey and Kelly, but unfortunately, that would never happen because Kelsie was already involved in the music business. Finally, her mind wandered over to the ex that she had grown to hate. If any, SHE was the only one that deserved hate pages. Chloe and Justin had been together for about a year or so and Kelsie never recalled any big mentions about her in the media. She wondered how they had kept it a secret so well.

She also wondered if there were any sites about her. She would have to check for that later.

Before long, she heard another scream, this time right in front of her. She picked up her eyes and looked on at a small pack of girls that were staring at her in awe. She smiled cautiously at them.

"Aren't you Kelsie!?", one chirped excitedly, not really needing an answer because she basically already knew that it was.

Kelsie nodded. "Yep, that would be me."

"Oh my God!! Hii!!", squealed another. "Aren't you Justin's girlfriend!!??"

She swallowed uncomfortably. "Um... yeah, but I'm also their choreographer.", she stated, hoping to change the topic.

"Awwww! You guys are sooo cute together!"

Kelsie face lit up at the words, thanking God that this was a supportive group. "Thanks..."

"Yeah, you guys seriously are! I'm so happy that Justin finally found a girl. It's even better that it was you because I think you're really cool.", one of the girls in the back spoke up.

Kelsie was beaming by now. "Really? Aw, thank you so much girls. It really means a lot to hear you say that! I'm kinda new to this whole love/hate thing between the fans and us."

"The ones that hate are just jealous. Don't let 'em get to ya!"

"Thanks, girls.", she took note to the tickets in their hands. "You guys are gonna be late... the guys should be starting any minute now!"

A bunch of excited squeals were heard again and they waved goodbye, rushing to the arena. Kelsie felt a whole lot better after hearing what the fans had to say about her and she continued on her walk around the place. Her eyes picked up on a young girl sitting on the sidewalk curb crying and she immediately felt bad for her. She rushed over to her and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

The young girl picked up her head and looked at the stranger sitting next to her. Immediately, she sucked in a breath of air and her eyes widened a little bit. "K-Kelsie?"

I guess everyone knows my name now... "Yeah. What's wrong?"

She buried her head in her hands again and sniffed. "I wanted to go to this concert so bad and I couldn't get tickets. So I just came down to listen to it outside, but the cops are telling me I have to get out of here because I can't loiter. It's not FAIR!"

Kelsie frowned in apology. "I'm sorry."

The girl spoke again, her strong southern accent thick in her words. "It's just that I love *NSYNC so much and I didn't even get to see them last year, either! If they only knew how much I loved them...", she sniffed. "They dance so good...and that's probably cause of you, right? Well, I love you too, Kelsie! I think you're great...and I'm sorry I'm sitting out here crying like a teenybopper over this to you..."

She looked at her and continued talking. "Shouldn't you be inside watching the show anyway? Why are you out here?"

Kelsie smiled. "Just getting some fresh air. But listen, you can take my seat if you want. I've seen the show so many times already..."

The girl's eyes nearly bugged out of her head and she swiped at the tears on her cheeks. "Are you kidding me!?!"

"Now why would I do that?", Kelsie laughed and patted the girl on the back. "Come on, I'll take you in. It's about to start any second...", she looked around. "Did you come with anyone?"

"No...I drove myself...", she stared at her a second and then threw her arms around her. "Thank you SOOOOOOOO much!!! I love you so much, man... you don't even understand..."

Kelsie chuckled. "You're welcome... come on."

On their way in, Kelsie kept looking at this fan, whose face was literally SHINING with excitement. She had a skip to her walk and she kept glancing around like she was waiting for someone to jump out and scare her.

As Kelsie brought her to the seat, which was next to Kat, in a special VIP section of the audience, the girl looked up at her. "Kelsie...thank you so much again... I wish there was something that I could do..."

Kelsie smiled. "There is. Enjoy the show." She glanced at Kat. "This is my best friend, Kat. You can chill with her okay? And if anyone asks, just say you're with me."

"Ohhhh, thanks! You really ARE the best!!!"

Kelsie began walking back towards the dressing room but stopped when she heard her name.

"Kelsie!! Tell Justin that I said you guys are SO perfect for each other!"

She smiled. "I'll be sure to let him know that. Thank you! Have fun!"

With that, she disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving one ecstatic girl and feeling that awesome sense of pride swell up in her heart, knowing that she had just made someone's life a little better.


(a few nights later, after the show)

Kelsie slid the extra key in the slot, waiting as she heard the all familiar "click" that unlocked the door, and gently pushed it open. She pushed aside a piece of hair as she walked over to his bedside. "Justin, a bunch of us are gonna go ou--"

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the beautiful sight in front of her and put her fngers to her mouth in apology, even though no one could see her. Justin was sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep. His left leg was on the edge of the bed, and his right leg was bent up to his knee. One arm was hanging over the side of the bed carelessly, his other was bent towards his shoulder where his fingers gently rested against his flushed cheek, the tee shirt he was wearing had found a way to ride up his stomach and was now being strained against his muscular body, and his moistened lips were slightly parted. His breathing was heavy which gave proof that he really was dead asleep. She noted that he was still in his day clothes, which showed that he most likely hadn't meant to fall asleep.

Kelsie felt her heart melt into a big puddle while she looked on at his sleeping figure with a warm smile. If only she had a camera with her right now. She glanced around his messy room briefly before setting to work. After a few minutes of looking, she found the television remote snuggled in between the sheets on his bed that had been pushed down to the foot of the bed and were half on the floor, half on the mattress. She clicked off the TV, which had been playing softly when she entered the room, and placed the remote on the bedside table. She walked over to where he was laying and as gently as she could, pulled off his sneakers one by one, placing them on the floor next to the bed and carefully picked up his arm to rest it on his chest. Finally, she reached down for the sheets and drew them up to his chin, tucking the corners in around him.

She felt as though she was tucking in her very own little child and the thought made her smile, because in a way, Justin was still very much quite young. He had matured and grown as a person immensly since last year or even the beginning portion of this year, but in all truthfulness, he was a true young at heart. And that is something that Kelsie had grown to cherish about him. She bent down, running her fingers over the extra springy curls on his head (which had just been released from the braids not long after the show had ended) and kissed his forehead lightly, hoping that he was having sweet dreams.

Before she left, she checked his alarm clock, making sure it was set for six a.m. so he wouldn't be late getting to the bus, and turned off the light next to his bed. On her way out, her attention was pulled to an object that was sitting on the extra table in the room. She stared at it in curiousity. It was wrapped in the comic section of the local newspaper and had a small silver bow on top. There was a little card taped onto the paper along with the bow and she scrunched up her nose, trying to decide if she should steal a quick glance in at who it was for. After a minute or two of pondering, she finally shrugged deciding that she'd just see who it was for and leave. She peered down at the little card and found a small message written in the familiar all capital letters handwriting scribbled onto the paper. Her heart beat sped up and she felt her palms get clammy when her eyes passed over what was written there:

To my very own little Ariel,
For everything you've done for me and
for everything you've had to put up with.
Much Love, your very own Prince Eric.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and slowly turned around to look at the figure sprawled in the bed. He had shifted a few times and was now laying on his side, his arm hanging over the side again and the sheets tightened like a shirt around his body. A small smile came to her lips and she walked back over to the bed to run her fingers over his cheek and to trace down the rest of the features on his beautiful face. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips lightly. She spoke in a light whisper. "Thank you, my prince..."

She turned when she heard a knock on the door and with one last soft touch, her fingers passed over his skin as she went to see who was trying to disturb the sleeping angel. She opened the door and peered out to find Joey standing there.

"HEY! Ready to par-tay!?"

Kelsie smiled and held a finger to her lips. "Shh, he's sleeping."

Joey laughed loudly. "Kelsie, you could have a full out party in this room with a DJ and everything and he STILL wouldn't wake up."

She chuckled. "Yeah, you're probably right..."

He nodded. "Minus the probably.", he smiled. "So, obviously, he's not coming. Are you still coming? We're gonna leave now."

Kelsie thought for a moment, glanced back behind her to the bed and bit her lip. She would rather be with Justin, even if he was sleeping, then be somewhere without him. "Um...nah, you guys go ahead. I'm just gonna stay here, I think."

Joey laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Ohhh, oookay.. I get it. You want 'QUALITY' time with JuJu...'wink, wink'."

Kelsie hit him on the shoulder playfully as her eyes dilated, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "JOE - Y!"

He just laughed and waved goodbye as he joined up with the others at the elevator. She shook her head with a chuckle and closed the door behind her. She glanced over at the bed, expecting to see the lank figure laying on the mattress. A wave of shock flashed through her body when she saw an indent in the sheets, with no body. How could he have gone anywhere without her hearing him move?

Just then, she heard a crash in the bathroom and she moved to "investigate". The door was open so she peeked in and saw Justin squatting in the middle of the floor, picking up the bottle of shaving cream and shampoo that he must have knocked over. She felt a small smirk come to her lips while her eyes passed over the disgruntled aura that had overtaken his body. His hair was springing out in every which direction and his clothes were in a wrinkled mess. As he was bending over, she could see the elastic of his boxers peeking out of his pants and she did her best to hold in a giggle.

Kelsie left the door and quietly walked over to sit down in a chair to wait for him. She wondered if he was really awake or if he was just sleepwalking. That would be quite a sight...

Not long after she had sat down, did he come staggering out of the bathroom, scratching his chest with a yawn. His eyes were just barely open, it was no wonder that he knocked over so many things in the bathroom. She watched him carefully as he stretched his arms and flopped back down on his bed, mumbling something that Kelsie just barely made out.

"You look beautiful tonight, Kels..."

Her eyes popped open. Was he talking in his sleep or was he really talking to her? She glanced down at the state of dress she was in and raised an eyebrow. She was wearing sweats. Must be talking in his sleep... yet, she couldn't resist talking back.

"Why thank you. You're looking quite awake, tonight, Justin.", she joked.

She saw a smile come to his lips as he rolled over on his side, facing her. His eyes were open now and she wondered if he had been awake the whole time. "I missed you tonight, Kelsie.", he spoke in a ragged voice, proving that he had just woken up.

She got up and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. "Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head. "Naw, I had to pee. That's what woke me up.", he smiled a devilish grin. "What made you come in here, though?"

She ran a hand over the curls in his head. "The guys were going out and I came in to see if you wanted to go, but you were out cold when I walked in."

"I had a dream that you came in and tucked me in, kissed me and were just watching me sleep. Isn't that weird that I was sleeping in my dream when I really was sleeping?"

Kelsie laughed quietly. "Yeah, J, that's weird. What's even weirder is that you were dreaming a reality because I did tuck you in and all that jazz.", she smiled.

He grinned and leaped at her, grabbing her in a hug. "Aww, baby, you tucked me in?" He planted a big kiss on the side of her mouth. "That's so cuuute!"

She rolled her eyes. "What can I say? I just have those maternal instincts when I see little brats like you sleeping with those cute little Nikes on and nearly falling off your bed. We might have to get you one of those bed rails one of these days."

It was his turn to roll his eyes and he sat up in his bed, rubbed his eyes and reached for the light. "Where were you during the show tonight? I didn't see you..."

She shrugged. "Well, I've been going around for little walks before every show around the arena and I sometimes see these girls that are really upset because they couldn't get tickets, so I take them in to use my seat. I feel it's the least I can do and I've already seen the show so many times..."

He smiled. "Ah, so not only is she beautiful and talented and smart, she's also very unselfish..."

She shrugged.

Justin kissed her forehead and got up to go get something. "Stop being so modest. It's true." He picked up the package that she had seen earlier and brought it over to her. "I got you something."

She stared at it like it might bite her for a minute as he held it out for her to take. "Why?"

He thought for a minute. "Because...", he shrugged. "Just because."

She finally took it and looked up at him with a smile. "Just because, huh?"

He nodded anxiously. "Because I love you. Now open it!"

Kelsie already knew what it was, but she smiled in graciousness anyway. She read the card out loud quietly with a grin, reading it everytime making her heart beat faster, and kissed him softly.

She ripped off the paper and shook her head in disbelief, after letting out an excited squeal. "I can't believe you got me this..."

He smirked with a small shrug. "You said you wanted it..."

The Little Mermaid stared up at her as she threw her arms around him in a grateful hug. "Justin, you're too much! What do you want back? I have to give you something back..."

He grinned and tightened his arms around her waist, pushing her down on the mattress. "Welllll...."

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