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Ali's Stories

Olivia Jacobs had everything going for her...she was the most popular girl
in her school, a straight A student, star basketball player and drove the boys crazy.
Suddenly, one fatal mistake turned her world upside down and she was reduced to a
nobody. Just when she thought her life was over, a stranger entered her life and
made her complete again. Who is her mysterious angel? And what would
happen if love sparks between the two?

Famed choreographer Kelsie Meyers has never had a problem connecting with the people
she works with. When she gets assigned to the leading group in the
country, she realizes that it's not going to be as much fun as
she thought. This is the story of how one girl manages to break
through all the arguments, all of the pain, and all of the emotion
to reach the heart of one particular boy, who has been living in
a mask of vulnerability and fear. Once she better understands her newfound
feelings for him, there's only one obstacle standing in her way...and that
one little obstacle is powerful enough to either tear apart her world or
make her the happiest girl alive. Can they both overcome their own battles
to realize that each other are the only people that they really need?

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