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Thank You's

Wow, so this is the hardest part about being a fan fiction writer...coming up with the right words and the "write" way to express them to a person who deserves the right amount of recognition. That's probably why I've held off on writing these all down for so long. But I'm giving them my best shot now, even though I know the words I'm about to write don't do any justice whatsoever to the amount of gratitude in my heart. The full amount is incapable of being put onto a sheet of paper, but is forever engraved into my heart, and THAT is the most important thing. If you don't find your name on this list, that doesn't mean that you don't have a place in my heart. I truly and honestly treasure every SINGLE e-mail or Instant Message that comes my way, regarding my writing...or even other things (Chelsea ~ Heath Ledger pictures :)) So thank you SO much to everyone. I love you. (and you KNOW I only use those words when I REALLY mean them. :))

Emily:Oh look, you're the first one. :) I know you're probably incredibly sick of hearing those repetitive words that I swear I've told you ten million times by now...but hey, what's ten million and one?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I've owed you from the very beginning when you first hosted Stand By Me on your site. And now, you've created me my own site AND taught me HTML. (THAT'S the biggie!) You've been the BIGGEST help to me and I love ya SOOO much for it! If there is anything...I repeat, ANYTHING I can ever do for you, please don't hesitate to ask! Thanks! (ten million and two... lol)

Mom & Dad:I tell you everyday that I love you, but I just want you to know that as each new day passes, I couldn't be more blessed to have you as my parents and the help you've given me with not only my writing, but also my plain out life has been tremendous. You've done an excellent job raising me and the brat. :) Thank you.

Anne:Sexy, what's up? We haven't talked in awhile, I know, but even though we've been separated 3,000 miles apart, I just want you to know that I love you and I'm so glad we got to know each other better in the past two years. (We never were that close when we were little...imagine that.) Thank you for the support you've given me, the shoulder that you've lent me, the jokes we've shared, and the way you always correct everything wrong fact in my stories. And the Celine Dion lyrics. You're not only a cousin anymore, but a best friend. THE best friend. I owe you a lot and hopefully you can get your lazy ass on a plane out here. :) Thanks. You're my best critic.

Kirsten:Even though you tend to lag behind a lot (lol), I know that you're always going to be there if I'm having trouble with a story. We've had our ups and downs, but overall, friendship breaks through and wins it all. I'm glad that we've been able to share memories (with and without fan fiction) together throughout the many years we've been friends. I only hope our friendship gets stronger and that we eventually get to that Florida trip, lol. Thanks for all the support -- you've been the best with that. I couldn't ask for a better second editor. Love ya!

Amy & Nikki (you know which Nikki I'm talking about):What can I say about you two? You are both extremely incredible people with a huge hearts. I think from the very beginning you guys have been two of the only people to respond after EVERY new chapter. I've been through a lot in the last year or so and I just want to thank you both for being there to keep me smiling (or crying out of disbelief from your e-mails). I know maybe you guys don't think your constant e-mails help much, but believe me -- they are everything. And maybe one day, you'll understand how much you've affected my life. I only hope someday there will be someone that touches you as deeply as you have touched me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amers-keep writing because you'll only get stronger. Nikki - I don't know what you're doing behind my back, but for whatever it is, here's an early THANK YOU! You are TOO nice. I love you both!!

Alexis:I told you I'd get you up here...and it's about time because I cannot stress to you how grateful I am to you. Looking through my feedback, I have come to realize that you are the only person to reply to every single chapter that I've ever written. I love you and don't ever forget that! :) Good luck with your college life...

Lyn:I think you know by now how much I appreciate you, since I think I tell you every time we talk, lol. I owe you SO much. I honestly believe that if it weren't for your beautiful writing, I would not have been able to see the men of *NSYNC the way I do now, I would not have the ability to write the way I can now, and I would not have been able to write with the passion I use now. You're my number one inspiration...thank you SO much for all you've done. (And I knew you couldn't stay away from it forever! Haha!) Keep kicking ass, girl!

Justin, JC, Chris, Joey, & Lance: From the first time I heard them, I knew they would leave a lasting impression on this world. None of them ever thought they'd make it this far, but they did. Sometimes when I thought I wouldn't be able to make it through my life ONE more day, I turned to them. They ALWAYS pulled me out of my gloom, they ALWAYS brightened my day, and that is something that is beyond amazing. Without them, life would be just a little bit harder. It's my greatest wish that each of them succeed in anything they set out to accomplish. God bless all five of them.

All the readers/fans:You have helped me through writers block, emotional stress, depression, and many a times have you made my day special. Without you, there would be no stories, there would be nothing. Your feedback is something I will cherish forever and I am deeply, deeply grateful for every single email you have sent me. It has helped me more than you will ever realize. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys! There's nothing more to say. :)

Other Thank You's

Tori Closson for helping with choreography details in Untamed Hearts. Good luck with your career, and if you ever get a chance to work with *NSYNC again, don't pass it up and take me with you! lol. Thanks for everything.

Abbey for supplying the poem used in Untamed Hearts. What a great poem, thank you for allowing me to use it.

Mrs. Bemmels for the Stephen King quote used in Stand By Me (Chapter 15).

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