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I have no one in Heaven but you;
I want nothing on earth besides you.
My body and my mind may become weak,
but God is my strength.
He is mine forever.
Psalm 73:25-26

Alissa Marie Ginderwas born July 5,1992 and adopted. Alissa was approved for placement with our family in April 1999 and finally was able to join us in September 1999. She is a precious little girl that was born much too early. She was a twin but the other infant did not survive. She also has a very serious heart condition called hytrophy cardiomyopathy for which she takes medication. There was severe brain damage as well. Alissa is blind. She has a trach, a G-tube for medications and a J-tube for feedings. She has seizures as well. She has a very nice pink wheel chair and loves music. Alissa looks just like an American Indian maiden with her thick black hair and high cheek bones.

July 2001...Alissa is doing well and getting more beautiful. She has a new insert for her wheel chair as she has grown taller. She is a very sweet quiet little girl.

June 2002...Alissa is such a joy. She seems to simply enjoy life and she demands so little. She smiles much more than before. She tolerates being up and in the middle of everything more and really loves music. She has had to have oxygen less lately which is a major issue with her.

To learn more about hytrophy cardiomyopathy visit:

hytrophy cardiomyopathy
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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