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We must not become tired of doing good.
We will receive our harvest of eternal life
at the right time if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

Susanna Ginder...Born March 14,1991 and adopted.

Susanna came to our family August 1998. We started the paper work for the adoption process in August 1997 and after many hang-ups we went to Texas to bring our newest daughter home.

Susanna was a victim of prenatal drug/cocaine abuse, Her diagnosis is schizencephaly which is a malformation of the brain and microcephalus. Susanna is blind. She was abandoned at birth at the hospital. She is fed through a G-button and has seizures. Her family was from Honduras so she is beautiful with dark skin and hair and brown eyes and a infectious smile.

Susanna has a purple wheel chair and loves Barney the purple dinosaur. She attends special classes at Edgewood School and seems to enjoy it. She needs constant supervision and total care as well.

July 2001 Susanna is still very capable of manipulating her caregivers and school teachers although most cannot be fooled for long :) Her vision is questionable. She seems to 'see' although we know she has no periphheral vision. Susanna loves music and going on outings in the van. She has a new magenta colored wheel chair that is very attractive with jade accents, no more Barney purple !!!

June 2002 Susanna just finished another year of public school, special education grade 5. Her teacher wrote a nice letter to us about Susanna and what a joy she is in the classroom. She is a social, attention getter. This may be an asset to her in her life. She is still in 'Barney mode' and the other girls really do not like Barney. This causes some frustration to Susanna most days but she gets over it when her turn comes. Her therapist is getting a 'switch' for her that says 'I need you mom' when she touches it. I have mixed emotions about that :)


Information about Schizencephaly and Microcephalus


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