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1.  The Story Of Riyo  by Selenity Alexandria Crest

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     He made a creation, which cost him his life. A little panther by the name of Riyo, who holds mysterious powers. Now people are after this panther, those of evil, and those of good. Will Riyo find what she's looking for, before it's too late .

    G - English - O » General - Chapters : 1 - Words : 911 - Reviews : 0 - Published : 11-25-02 -
2.  Dark Side of the Moon  by Glitter Splash

* review *


     Rosalind touched the rose petal again, would this be the last time
she felt its velvety texture?  Absentmindedly, Rusco soon faded away as Rossa
materialized. Violent thoughts wracked Rosalind's body and mind .The rose petal didn't matter, all that did was that she was going to get revenge, no matter how high the price.  Once she had been weak, but not anymore, Rossa made sure of that. And as Reesa took place beside Rossa, the emotions became stronger.Rosalind looked down.The rose petal was nothing but tattered remains.

     G - English - O » General - Chapters : 1 - Words : 318 - Reviews : 0 - Published : 11-28-02 -
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