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Home » Original » Poems » Playin' In The Name Of Love
Author : Glitter Splash
G - English -  Poem - Publish Date : 11-28-02

Story ID : 000011

Been through this time and time again, and I get tired
of watching the image of the one who I admired
Fade away to something that I promised never to be with
And begin to believe that love isn't real, love's but a myth
You keep lying time and time again, promising it'll be the last
Trusting you, I willingly put everything back in the past
Keep making me promise you it all, take all you want
But the least you could do is promise me not to flaunt.

In this little game of love and life,
Ain't gona be the one cut by a knife,
I'll hold the handle, cos you can bet your life
But don't bet mine until you can bet your own,
Otherwise, just turn the other way and walk alone.

Sell yourself short, play yourself like a fool,
But don't you go playing me, that's my rule,
Been there, been played, and I didn't like it one bit,
Keep going on like this and we're not going to make it
I'll keep my promises, cos that's who I am, but the least you could do,
And hold yourself to the same things which you hold me, here's the clue
Don't tell me lies when you do worse than that,
Don't expect me to lie aside and be the placemat
Cos you're not going to walk all over me,
This is how the game is going to be.

In this little game of love and life,
Ain't gona be the one cut by a knife,
I'll hold the handle, cos you can bet your life
But don't bet mine until you can bet your own,
Otherwise, just turn the other way and walk alone.
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