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Home » Original » General » Dark Side of the Moon

Author : Glitter Splash

G - English -  O » General - Publish Date : 11-28-02

Story ID : 000021


" Dark Side Of The Moon " - Preface


Wrists chained.
Ankles shackled.
Darkness engulfed the room, but four holes near the ceiling, barred.
Silver tendrils of moonlight peered through two of the openings, bringing
forth two females, identical of face and form. Two pairs of eyes, cold and
empty, shades of gray, that said nothing, yet so much. Raven tresses which
perfectly would have blended in with the darkness if not for the slate grey-blue
highlighted by moonlight. One leg drawn closely to the torso and another
sprawled as much as possible, ankles being shackled, wrists chained above
the head as hands and fingers hung limp. A sullen expression on the face,
all hope lose, brows drawn together with a tension that could be called anger,
hatred, wrath, whatever was unpleasant. The twist of the lips were bitter
and sour, unwelcoming.
Golden strands of sunlight climbed through the remaining two openings and
showed the remaining two females, just as identical in form and face as the
other two. But for these two, there was hope, in their eyes, in their expression.
Vulnerability etched the delicate lines of those features. Eyes the sparkled
like the Nile and a grim line set for the lips, not cold and empty but full
of determination. Legs folded neatly, though shacked, a tremor obvious in
the frail bodies, the grime and the ice of the floor itself rejected the
presences of those who were of optimism. But the kisses of the sun warmed
the clamminess of their skin, giving color to the otherwise pale complexion.
Locks of ebony given life by the instances of red lifted by sunlight.

Four figures identical in the physical form, yet if a person was to talk
to one, and then another, they would notice a definite change. They were
the four sides of one person's personality. Two who were borne and raised
of the sun, and two who were borne and raised of the moon.


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