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Home » Directory » Keo Blaze
Pen Name :  Keo Blaze
User ID :  000007
Member Since :  12-04-02
Email :  N/A
HomePage:  N/A
  Ok first of all... I AM FEMALE!!!.... Ok now that we got that out
of the way, I like to write, I write stories and poems, but um sadly you
wont see any poems until I get them copy writed.  Also, If you don't like
my work, oh well.

Author of 1 stories
1.  Dearest Brother
       Hardly did they see each other, so they didn't seem like real brother and sister... but that didn't make it any better, did it?  Watch what happens when family gets a bit closer then they should... But it wasn't their fault...Who would have known they would fall in love with each other?...(yes this is incest)
  O » Fantasy -  Rated R - English - Fantasy- Chapters 1 - Words :1068 - Reviews : 0 - Published : 12-06-02
 Broken Link Report    
 Abuse Report  

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