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Home » Original » Fantasy » Dearest Brother

Author : Keo Blaze

Rated R - English -  O » Fantasy - Publish Date : 12-06-02

Story ID : 000017


Dearest Brother - When it all Began

     Sigh,... Another family dinner party.  I wonder why mother even has
these, or at least invites dad, they always fight.  So Kenneth and me have
to try and stop them.
     Come to think of it, this is one of the very few times I get to see him,
my brother.  We hardly talk, I guess we don't think the other has the same
interests.  He doesn't seem the type to be staying at home reading, more
like, Captain of the football team, date the head cheerleader.... But he
is always sitting there... so quiet.
     I look over to him, he's staring down at the ground looking very unhappy
as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed.  Some of his friends
came with him as well as mine, they get along better then we do.  One of
his friends I don't really like, mostly for the fact that when he came over
to me he tried to grab my ass and kiss me, and I could smell a bit of alcohol
on his breath which sickened my stomach.
     Kenneth’s eye's come up and he looks at me, he smiles a bit seeing as
I'm having about as good of a time he is, and he motions me to come over
to him.  I walk silently to him my skirt swishing a bit over my knees, my
long and somewhat curly hair lightly moves as I walk, and my shoes give off
a light taping sound. I hated high heels so I never wore them, no matter
how many pairs mother buys me. We both then sit down on one of the small
couched in the large room.  Kenneth sighs as he looks up to the ceiling.
     “Another great party at the Crest's household isn't it Ashley?" he said
sarcastically.  We both knew at one point mother and father would argue again,
God only knows how they got married and had two kids.                                                             “Your friends seem to be having fun." I ignore his question, seeing as
it doesn't need and answer.  He shrugs and then looks at me.
 “Why aren't you with your friends?  Shouldn't you girls be talking about
the latest way to do your makeup?"  He raised an eyebrow towards me and I
shook my head, I hardly wore makeup either, but if mother ever had him or
dad over more, he would know that.
     “We're not as shallow as you think," I informed him, "We don't talk about
those things, if anything it's quite the opposite."  I looked down at the
table, waiting for him to say something.  He reached over to the table and
picked up a cup, that must have been his, and drank from it.  After setting
it down he speaks again.
     “And what could a bunch of rich girls, who go to private school talk
about?"  I turn to him, looking at him straight in the eye.
"What is there not to talk about?" I questioned him, "The only thing
that we really talk about that’s important is what we want to do when we finally
leave, Sarah wants to be a doctor, and Megan is going to be a teacher, and-"                                    I was cut off when he placed his hand over top my lips, and I look at him.
“We don't really talk much do we?..."  He stares at me in the eye, and
I can look into his soft brown eyes, and I shiver giving him a questioning
look, "I mean... We don't know a lot about the other, we're family and we
can hardly remember each other’s middle names.  Instead of telling me what
your friends want to do, tell me what you want to do."
     I stared at him as if he was insane, what kind of question was that?
'What do I want to do?'.  I began to think, I had no idea, I had many interests
but have no clue in which to pursue in.  I had a sad look in my eyes as he
removed his hand from my mouth and had a far off look.                                                                    “I... I don't know..."  I could see a slight bit of amusement in his
eyes, and from then on, we started to talk.
     I had found out a lot more about my brother that night, more then what
I thought I would ever learn about him.  We both had a passion for art, and
talked about which artist we liked most, and book we read.  Soon we were
sitting there laughing, having the best time we've had all night, we had
forgotten about our friends, but it's not like they missed us.  We saw my
friend Reeghan and Kenneth’s friend Alex across the other room talking in
a corner.  I could tell he had a thing for him, try as she may to deny it,
I could tell what emotions she had, I was after all her best friend.                                                     We went on talking the whole night, I started to like him more and more then
what I perceived him to be.  He wanted to be a writer, and he wasn’t into
many sports and laughed when I asked him if he was on the football team.
     Surprisingly I found that he did not have a girl friend, I’ll admit my brother
has some good features, maybe a little more then what I should have thought.
He asked me what my passion in life was, I could only think of two things,
my art and singing.  I told him how singing always seemed to calm me and
it would make me happy.  He smiled at me as I spoke.                                                                   “Maybe I can listen to you sing one day.” I smiled back at him.
“Maybe mother and father would let you stay with us for a little bit,
so that we can get talk like this more often?”  I looked to him hopefully,
it wasn’t normal for a girl to want to spend time with her brother like I
did, but at the time, and I didn’t realize what we were getting into.  He
nodded to me and smiled once again that night.
“I would like that.”
     The night soon was over, and the guests left, along with father and
Kenneth.  I went to bed, but I didn’t sleep.  Instead I stayed up and was
looking out my window, thinking.  I really did want to see him again… and


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