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Home » Original » General » The Story Of Riyo

Author : Selenity Alexandria Crest

G - English -  O » General - Publish Date : 11-25-02

Story ID : 000015


It was a clear night, the moon was shining brightly and the stars were
beautiful.  The forest was silent, it was like it was asleep. No trees were
moving and there was no noise at all. The moon seemed to shimmer on something
in the forest, in a small clearing. It was a tall figure, wearing a dark
cloak, with the hood down. He had jet black hair and dark green eyes. He
had a slight grin oh his face, his features looked young yet there was a
little gray in his jet black hair. He kept chanting some words. “Majera Yuna
Bureo!” The man chanted as his hands glowed and he moved them to face the
ground.  Glowing began to form on the ground where his hands were and something
started forming. “Eyes that hold the Universe, wings that hold all the stars
and fur that is dark like the night.” He yelled, and the echo swept through
the forest, and the wind started blowing softly as if the forest was awakening.
 The man’s eyes also began to glow, as the wind picked up even more. The figure
on the ground started to gain shape as it glowed, looking like a cub from
some animal. He kept chanting the three words louder and louder, and after
a little while his eyes started to stop glowing and the wind died down as
his eyes lost their glow. The figure on the ground also started to lose its
glow, looking around, and as the glowing stop the figure looked up to the
man. It was a panther cub, with eyes a light gold, looking like they held
the whole universe. The cub was a beautiful jet black and it kind of shimmered
in the moonlight, like an aura. The man picked the cub up as soon as his
hands stopped glowing and smiled warmly at his creation. “Hello little one.”
The man said as the cub’s nose twitched a bit and it sneezed lightly. The
cub looked warmly up to the man and licked the side of his face gently. The
man hugged the panther lightly and began to walk out of the forest with the
panther in his hands. “I shall call you’re a girl, the name will
fit perfectly, you will live forever, we shall be companions.” The man said

happily as he carried the panther. All of a sudden rustling was heard. The
man stopped , looking around. He then looked straight ahead of him, the rustling
coming up slowly. “Well, if it isn’t Erasmus....” A harsh voice said from behind.
The man quickly turned around to see a man about his height, with golden
hair and dark blue eyes. “It’s you........” Erasmus said as he hugged the panther
close. The little cub looked confused and let out a small growl, which wasn’t
big and sounded more like a noise a cat would make. The figure looked to
 the panther and only smirked.  “Erasmus, what is this, your guardian?”  The
figure said as he let out a laugh. Erasmus sat the panther down lightly and
glared at the figure. “Kariudo,  go away, I don’t need you giving me trouble
tonight.” Erasmus said. The figure just looked at him, his hands beginning
to glow. “You will die tonight Erasmus.........” Kariudo said. An orb of black
energy formed in Kariudo’s hands as he aimed it at Erasmus and Erasmus also
concentrated, forming a white orb of energy in his hands. Both of the orbs
took of at the same time, clashing together  as the panther ran into a bush,
scared. The wind picked up as both of the men glared, and took out swords.
They ran at each other, and Erasmus slashed at Kariudo, but Kariudo spun
out  of the way and slashed the side of  Erasmus’s stomach. Erasmus screamed
out in pain as he started to bleed badly and he fell to one knee, but gritted
his teeth and found the strength to get back up. The panther’s eyes  suddenly
looked sad and it let out a small cry. Erasmus suddenly remembered the panther
and looked to her. “Riyo! Ru-” Erasmus was cut off but a sword coming down
and slitting his neck deeply. The panther let out a louder cry as Kariudo
looked to her. “You’re harmless......”Kariudo said to the panther before turning
around. The panther ran out and began to lick Erasmus’s face. Kariudo only
smirked and walked off slowly. “Bye bye panther.........Until we meet again......Like
that’ll happen.” Kariudo let another laugh

 out as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The panther kept licking
Erasmus’s face as she stood in the puddle of blood. Erasmus began to glow,
a bright white and something started to float from his body as the panther
watched in amazement. A white transparent  figure of Erasmus appeared in
front on her. “My little Riyo.......we did not have any time together. I love
you so much. I leave you two things. First you can speak telepathically. will have a crescent moon on your forehead which will hold great
power. Remember, when you grow your wings will come in.” Erasmus smiled warmly
as the panther began to glow. A crescent moon appeared on her forehead as
she twitched her nose again. Erasmus began to disappear as  the panther cried
out her goodbye, one last time before she curled up next to Erasmus’s dead
body, a tear falling from her eye...


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