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Home » Updates
Welcome To The Anime Liberty Updates Page -
Week Of December 9 - 15
- Anime Liberty is finally open for the public at full force , almost all the links are working and there are already some early submissions posted . Please feel free to look around ^^
- As of yet reviews may not be submitted , we will update that feature shortly . Thank you for your patients .
- A new email service will be provided on Anime Liberty soon .
Week Of December 23 - 29
- Anime Liberty email service is now active for everyone to use . ENJOY !

- Sorry Minna ! any services provided by are down , they have switched servers and most people are being affected by what is called DNS propagation until your ISP updates its DNS which is done automatically . It should take anywhere from 24 hours to 5 days for this problem to be corrected . I hope no one experiences any inconveniences over this .