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"From: Edward A. Dimmi**"
"Sent: 4/18/2002 3:00:37 PM"
"Subject: Arson Survivor Lost 5 of 6 Longtime Animal Friends in Fire"

You might want to check with your MD but if this is stress-induced it, should subside with time.

You might be able to get help (or at least advice) from Faxon Animal Rescue near your town; their # is (508) 676-1061. Their shelter is full at the moment but they might be able to point you to other resources, or provide other support.

Good luck, give Kipling a hug for me.

"-ED \1/"

"Dear Edward,"

Yes, Kipling's and my website does explain that i am in treatment with my doctors and am being monitored closely, and am doing all i am supposed to be doing to get the diabetes under control. Only just today though, i had to have the first insulin shot ever, because it rocketed in one hour from 243 to 480 with one cup of coffee that had two tablespoons of sugar in it (i am broke and cannot even buy any substitute sweetener right now, but that should not have happened with only two tablespoons).

I went to the YMCA to see about the possibility of a job there, feeling it would force me back into a semblance of normal life, because with children there during the summer, i will smile and laugh a lot more, and i may get back into the regular workouts i used to have every night.

I just tried the Faxon Rescue, there was no reply at any extension. They said hold or press 5 to speak to a representative, but i got an answering machine.

I know that Forever Paws are losing their lease right now, and i havent gotten a reply from them yet either. I had called them three weeks ago, and after about 4 days they retrned my call promising to help with my ferals, getting them fixed and shots and seeing if we could get them adopted out too. But when i called back over a week later, there's been no reply.

i can't take anymore let-downs. I'm trying but i don't have a lot of internal strength left right now, and for someone who's usually as strong as me, it is not easy to admit this.

The PTSD controls people. It is not possible, I have found, to control it, no matter how strong one usually is.

I get a lot of advice. But im not getting any help. I just keep expending energy answering questions for everyone who writes with advice. It's draining.

And with that draining, i still can't pay my rent.

I don't want to have to move and break up my family know?

Thank you for your concern and the time you took to write. I've been hugging Kipling for two hours before i went online and found your letter.

Take well...*s*

"kathleen, Kipling and the Tommy Tailasher Family"