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Looking Up With Hope

(This section will be
frequently up-dated with news of us,
of Pamela Barrett,
and more special thank yous to special people
who write with encouragement and words of hope.)

August 15, 2005

(Just click on the graphic and it will take you to Paypal, to our little Outer Bohemia account just set up (me) and the Five Angels Arson Fallout Relief fund, should you choose to or be able to help even a little. Please dont feel badly if you cannot. Prayers to your higher power & positive thoughts will also be very deeply appreciated and needed.)

I made this page with the link that PayPal gave me, to pass to you & any friend who can help us now.

Ryan, Bella & I are in serious trouble, unable to get a home without the help of our friends, and which our system & government are not helping us with, and in fact, are crippling us from managing. We were told we were receiving SSI retroactive to Feb 1 when I put in for it. Every Disability doctor i was sent to agreed unanimously that i am unable to work. So many didnt believe this, but I have never been a shirker. Now SSI tells us AFTER I arrive in Va Beach (home) that i wont be receiving all the money theyd promised us.

I have good & bad days and cant maintain many hours a day emotionally, because of the effects and fallout of the 3-alarm arson we'd been through some years back now (link below) in which my 5 precious rescue animal babies were lost before my horrified eyes, and who had been with me 11 years.

Please help us before it is too late for us. The heat is unbearable staying in the old car that overheats unless the heat is left on inside it (no A/C), and the stress of staying with my mentally-ill mother every few days is terrible. Ryan waits, Bella waits.

Here is the letter I mailed out in Care, updated a bit.

"Please send a few prayers to whoever you pray to, for Bella & I. We thought it was over.

But SSI shorted me $1600 after I arrived in Va Beach, back home, expecting the amount SSI had told me Id be receiving....claiming that because i stayed at dan's part of the time, that was still a home and so I got that much less because I hadnt been stuck in my car 100% of the time...I found this all out AFTER I arrived in Va Beach expecting the full amount & now am in limbo without a home again...

I cant believe this...i cant believe it. Im sick with worry now. I am able at times to rest awhile in my mother's home when she can have me here, though she is manic depressive. At least it is cool for the little while I can be here now & again. I dont know how long I will last in this position out there. My son awaits our home, my dog Bella...*sigh*

On the up side i DO have a very small bank account now with Navy Federal Credit Union because Id had a small savings set up for Ryan when he was an infant. Thats long since been depleted, and isnt mine. But they had a record of me on file having opened it, so they gave me an account. PayPal has now verified it, thankfully. It mortifie]s me to ask my friends to pitch in and donate to help us be able to get a home, but please PLEASE PLEASE do, if you can, whatever you can spare, to help us attain this help we so badly need to survive, and heal, and once more, be able to find some peace, and relief from this hell that this crime so long back threw us into, tearing us apart.

I send this out in hopes. Its hot, and my car is in bad shape, and my mother is unpredictable. I need help...so very much...My son needs it. My little dog needs it, to keep the loving home she finally found with us, after 4 years of abuse and neglect.

Blessings, friends. Blessings.

Love, even while fretting...just back online, struggling to handle all the moving and heat & fears & insecurities now...

kathleen...& BellaMia"


Very Old News: 2003?


    It had become imperative
    that we leave that economically-depressed town.

      Catherine G. of Ashland, OH came out to help me get my cat family to OH where I might be able to make it.
      She took care of my little fur-people while I spent two weeks further south to find us a home.

      I finally found one, and Catherine then helped move my little ones to our new home as well.

      Then, when it was discovered that there was an enormous flea population in this new home,
      Catherine went to her own expense, and bought enough Advantage
      for all 12 of my kitties, and drove the
      3 1/2 hours to bring it, on the kittens' birthday,
      July 17th, 2002.

      Catherine brought dishes and other goodies we needed, bless her soul.

      Thank you SO much, Catherine! *BIG warm hugs! :)
      ALSO, there is now a "LYNX" Page...
      When you close this window, you will see it at the bottom of the list, on page13ThanxNlynx.html.
      There's some interesting stuff in there for you.



    For Arson & 1 Count of Attempted Murder
    Against Pamela's Boyfriend

      How strange it was to think of myself
      as being one of many charges of
      attempted murder, when it all first happened.

      But now, recently, I was told by a man in the
      Archives Department of the Virginian-Pilot that Pamela Barrett,
      the Vietnam vet who burned down the apartment building,
      plea-bargained with the attorneys, and pled guilty to the lesser charges back in February of 2000.

      She recieved 6 years in a Fluvanna Correctional Facility for Women in Va.
      to be followed by 25 years of "close supervision" and
      mental treatment upon release.

      But with all of this, she still has yet to have answered for the
      very tragic and painful deaths of my

        little Monstrous

        Sweet Jane.


For Encouragement, Prayers &/or Assistance

      sweet Lavinia Bell
      beautiful Barbara March
      gentle Angel in Canada for prayers
      lovely Laura Gardner and her husband
      a precious young girl with a huge heart, Natz Owen
      and the Prayer Group
      Humoon and her loved ones, Belle, Blush and Kitten
      Princess Hope and her Mom
      A deep, mysterious, big-hearted friend, K. Kastings
      treasured Greg Kruse and His wonderful, beautiful
        family of Animal Companions
        *(see far below on this page)*

      soft-hearted Susan Sullivan
        and her 45 (WOW!) beautiful, beloved feline
        Rescue Babies

      a lovely person, Shelia Tooterhead (*s*)
      (Who has been most kind to us)
      and her Family

    To all of You, I extend my love and thanks,
    on behalf of these precious, innocent, gentle little individuals whom
    i now shelter and adore.

    .Thank you and love to my Uncle Lazarus
    who secretly paid my ISP back in the winter so I would not lose this connection to
    my son Ryan, and my other emotionally-supportive friends.

    In this kind act, Lazarus prevented us from being
    shut off from the world long enough to complete this site, and meet you
    through it.

    What a terribly lonely place it would have been without this old computer back then.

Some Friendly Little Faces

        Mr. Kruse sent these pictures of his own adorable family!

        I just got SUCH big smiles, looking at them, I had to ask
        Mr. Kruse if I might share them with you!

        Happily, He agreed.

        THANK You, Mr. Kruse! :)

        Take a Peek!

        They are so precious...
        Look at those sweet faces...
        How could anything so guileless be anything but of God?

        How could any animal be anything but a born angel?

        Some are wounded, with broken wings.
        But we treat all well...

        We never know if we are entertaining, or caring for...

        'An Angel Unaware'

    'Cheetah', 'Kira', 'Pookie'

    'Smiling Sabre', 'Spookie'