Welcome to my shrine to Ayumi Hamasaki, singer, lyricist, and composer. In a wave of R+B singers storming the Japanese pop scene, Ayumi Hamasaki stands out from Hikaru Utada and BoA. Why? Because she sings pure pop. With her incredible talent and style, she is the epitome of a true Icon. Ayumi is the first Japanese idol I got into. Her songs are wonderful, and her style is amazing. Though it was strange for me to get into pop (and with the American pop scene the way it is now, I rarely give pop a chance), her songs are so diffrent from any pop I've heard I was drawn to it immediately.

This shrine will contian probably information that just about every other Ayumi fansite has. It has a fairly large photo gallery (picture count: 30), but If you would like to see some really imagaintive and informative Ayumi sites, please see the links section.

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