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American Cancer Society's Relay for Life 2001

Here is a shot of our camp site.

Here is Avery heading off the survivors lap.

This is most of our team. There are a few others that we couldn't round up. Back row: Granny Brenda, Daddy Shane, Pepaw Enos, Uncle Bobby, Granny Janette, Aunt Wrenita holding cousin Joseph, Uncle Joe(behind Wrenita), Donald(behind Joe), Great grandpa Homer, Great Grandma Daisy, & Nori Front row: Bryce(brother)Mommy Debbie, Avery(in mommy's lap) Aunt Carol, Cousin Jacob, Amanda & Ashley

This is Avery with her brothers Gavin And Bryce.

This is our entire camp site. We won Best Theme! Lots of long hours went into making these decorations. Thanks Amanda and Ashley! Look at that beautiful sun!

Avery had a great time. We had a fishing game and face painting at our booth. We could hardly keep her out of the way so others could play too.

Our Avery's Avengers team shirts. (sorry about the picture)
