Chapter 13
(this is definitely an unlucky chapter)

"What are we going to do now?" asked Sebrena. "Heartless has Serafina, and there's no way that we can get her back without him bringing her, which I doubt that he will do."

Hanging in a lifeless state

A witch awaits her soul mate

The truth will be told while he is weak

Deaf ears will hear and mute lips speak

Admitting what he does not know

She will fall to the ground below

Others preserved within the walls

Shall be freed after she falls

Once awakened all will fight

And destroy the demon that brought this plight

"What was that?" asked AJ, looking around for the source of the voice.

We have only seen this happen once before. I'm afraid Serafina's soul is now lost. That was her grandmother. When a witch's soul is stolen, their ancestors recite a rhyme that gives clues on how to retrieve them. I'm afraid she will be repeating this until Serafina's soul returns to her body said the two remaining grandmothers.

"Well, how can we get it back?" asked Calysta.

There is only one place where that information can be found: The End of the World. Just think of water falling off a flat surface, snap your fingers and you'll be there. Actually, only your spirits can travel there, so your bodies will have to be abandoned for sometime.

"'The End of the World?'" repeated Sebrena in confusion.

Yes, all the records of everyone and everything in the past, present and future are kept there. If you are able to retrieve her soul, that's where you'll find out how.

"Wouldn't Heartless just kill her after he has her soul?" asked Howie.

No. A witch cannot die unless she chooses to, or she reaches the age of one hundred.

"I think the sooner we get this over with, the better," said Calysta.

"Hey! What's going on out here?" yelled Brian, running out of the house, Kevin right behind him.

"Long story. You guys stay here, make up excuses if anyone asks where we are," said Sebrena. She got ready to snap her fingers, but Kevin spoke, breaking her concentration.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Umm, how do I put this?" pondered Calysta. "Serafina's soul was stolen by a demon, and we have to get it back, which means finding her soul mate, which means going to the End of the World."

"Wha?" said Brian and Kevin in unison.

"We'll fill you in later. Right now, you have to play house sitter," said Sebrena. "Have fun."

"And try not to break anything," added Nick.

"But-" started Kevin, but the five of their bodies had already slumped to the ground, although they held their color, unlike Serafina's. "Did you have any idea what they were talking about?"

"Nope," said Brian, shaking his head. "But I guess we better do what they say, although I doubt anything will happen. We are on a break."

"I don't know why we should do what they say. We don't have any idea what they're talking about, and for all we know, they could be off in Hawaii (ha, Lex!) getting a tan without us."

"I don't know. I didn't see Serafina when we came out. And they did say something about her soul being stolen by a demon. I really don't care anyway. We have free range of the house. Let's go raid the fridge."

Chapter 14
Story Index