THE BACHELOR 3 - 03/21/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. Hi A.T. It's nice to hear from you! Here we go, ready for Bachelor 3, but first, I would like to begin by asking your general opinion on the last ABC Special updates regarding past bachelors and bachelorettes.

A. It's nice to be involved in this project again. Answering your question, it was interesting to watch how their lives have changed since the show, mostly for the better. I couldn’t help noticing our girl Trista keeps trying to put Charlie down every chance she gets. I’m referring to the comment she made while she is trying on wedding dresses and mentions a particular dress is a “Charlie dress” and she is not marrying Charlie but Ryan. She obviously still resents Charlie for not being in love with her, and considers it an insult. As I have always said, Trista can be unpleasant if things don’t go her way. I believe there was absolutely no reason for her to mention Charlie at all, while trying on wedding dresses, since she is supposed to be completely happy being engaged to her “true love” Ryan. I remember Trista mentioning, after the show ended, she frequently thought about Ryan when she was with Charlie. Now that she is with Ryan, supposedly because he is the one she is in love with, she still seems to have Charlie on her mind. I find this very confusing and contradictory. I hope I’m wrong, but I can’t help feeling Ryan is being used, in this relationship.

Q. Just a quick question about Married By America. What is your general opinion on the couples chosen?

A. The show just began and I already see several train wrecks down the road. It is my opinion the only person who can determine whom you have an opportunity to be happy with is yourself. Neither friends nor family members are capable of doing this, with any measure of success. I am aware some societies still have arranged marriages, and a large number of them work out. The problem is we westerners can not compare our sociological customs and way of life with the type of societies where this practice is successful. The reasons are various and extensive, I could write a short book on it, and I am not able to expand more in this article. As far as the couples chosen on this particular program, I don’t see any of them having any long-term success with their relationships.

Q. Bachelor 3 will begin next Wednesday, and I can’t wait to see the first segment! Is there anything you can tell us about the new Bachelor?

A. I don’t know much about Firestone yet, only what has been printed about him. I’ve been asked several questions already pertaining to him, but will have to wait until this first episode airs to have an opinion of his personality. Forecasting about this particular Bachelor is going to be tricky. It will depend on what his personal intention was when he agreed to participate in the show. I will say the outcome will depend if he is truly searching for someone to possibly marry or if he will choose someone he can simply be friends with after the show ends. Most individuals of his social status draw a fine line between whom they choose to play with and whom they become engaged to and marry. From what little I’ve read about Firestone, he does not come across as being one of those prominent family rebels who take pleasure doing whatever they wish, ignoring their family’s feelings, and simple common sense advise. I question the reason why Firestone decided to take ABC up on their offer. Someone like him has his choice of women, especially people like students, models, servers, or mid-level professionals. I could understand his reasons if he lived in some outback area of Newfoundland, for example, and the male/female ration is 100/1, but this is not the case.

Q. Any opinion on the choices made for the bachelorettes?

A. I’ve had a glimpse of most of the bachelorettes and noticed there are many in the lineup that are just going to be what I call “fillers.” They will get a rose every week because they are physically attractive or pleasant to have around, although there will be no deep feelings developing between the Bachelor and these particular women. I noticed too many students, a beautician, a server, some models/actresses, and several professional women. In my opinion, most would be good candidates if the Bachelor was an unknown person, but not for someone belonging to the Firestone family. Unless there is a miracle, and we see what we call “love at first sight,” most of these women will be dropped during the process. We can expect a relatively small group will be the favorites from the onset, maybe three or four at the most. I believe if Firestone chooses to become emotionally involved with one of the women from the show, it will probably be someone that will impress him intellectually, and not just physically. Someone whom he sees as different from anyone he has met, or could meet, in his regular everyday life.

Q. Give us an example of who would be your ideal choice for Bachelor or Bachelorette.

A. I would enjoy, for a change, seeing a Bachelor or Bachelorette who is simply an average person searching for someone special to share their lives with, and not people using the TV exposure for their own personal reasons. They wouldn’t necessarily have to be a hunk, wealthy, sexy or beautiful, just an average person, articulate and with a pleasant personality. I feel the show would really be interesting, and attract a larger audience. Perhaps then we would finally see a solid long lasting relationship developing from the experience. Most people believe it is easy to find true love among a group of twenty-five suitors, and the fact of the matter is; it is not. Even though the show’s format calls for one person being chosen in the end, it is possible no one in the group is the one special person that will make the Bachelor or Bachelorette completely happy, in a long term relationship. There is a difference between choosing the most preferable one, among the twenty-five, and choosing the one whom you have truly fallen in love with, if you’re lucky enough to find this person in a TV show.

Q. Give us some pointers as to what to look for, in order to narrow down the list and understand whom he is most likely to choose during the rose ceremonies.

A. Don’t make the same mistake I made with Bachelorette and concentrate only on which one the main character appears to be falling in love with. Remember both must share the same feelings towards each other to make the relationship work. Don’t concentrate on whom YOU would choose, remember it is his choice and not yours that counts. Try to get to know his personality, and try to think as he would. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the conversations and mini-interviews. ABC has proven to edit these programs in a way to throw the viewers off track on what is really happening. Look at his body language when he is with the other person. Is he aggressive, and can’t keep himself from having physical contact with her, does he look bored, or does he simply look comfortable in her presence, what I call simply “restful snuggling.” Study the way he looks at each one, when they are both together, and if he is reciprocated. Usually face expressions and body language are more indicative of what a person is feeling than what is actually being said between them.

Q. Thanks A.T. for taking the time to do this unscheduled interview. We will be speaking with you again after the first episode airs, to hear your insights on what transpired.

A. I look forward to watching Bachelor 3. Perhaps it will be an interesting run.


Our regular article, discussing the first episode, will be posted on Thursday, March 27. Please continue to send us questions you would wish our author to address, using the format at the bottom of every page featured in this site. All of us involved in this project wish to thank you for your overwhelming response.


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