THE BACHELOR 3 - 04/03/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. Lots of questions today! What do you think about last night’s Bachelor episode? Begin with Andrew himself.

A. One thing I will say about Andrew is he has a better understanding of people than previous Bachelors do. Like I mentioned in my earlier interview, he might be young, but he has had extensive experience filtering out fortune hunters and insincere people. I believe he made some good choices last night. I noticed Andrew let go most of the problematic ones, although a small number of them did slide through. We have to understand Andrew does not have the advantage of viewing clips of what the bachelorettes are saying or doing while he is not present, like we do. He can only rely on his instincts. You might have noticed Andrew had one on one conversations with most of the ones he let go. I consider that a very smart move! It is my belief he wanted to verify his first impression of them was correct before sending them home.

Q. What about the ladies? Do you have any early predictions as to which ones will be his favorites?

A. It is too soon to make any type of prediction on whom will go far, but I am somewhat certain Amy, Shannon, Christina, Elizabeth, and Anne Michele will not make it to the end. Of course, don’t hold me to it. I’m just crystal balling, you might say.

Q. Why do you single out those particular ones?

A. Amy appears to be nice, but she looks and acts much older than her years, a sign of having gone around the block several times. She might show Andrew a good time, but I can’t see him falling in love with her. Elizabeth was composed tonight, but I believe it is only a matter of time before she has a few tantrums, and Andrew decides to let her go. Christina appears to me as being self-grandiose, selfish, materialistic, and extremely high maintenance, although she is very pretty. It’s not that Andrew couldn’t afford her expectations, but I feel he is not interested in those types of women. Anne Michele has some acting background, according to her title. She is pretty, and appears to have a nice personality, although I can’t help feeling she came with a personal agenda and Andrew will eventually notice. I believe a person like Andrew has had the opportunity of being exposed to actors and models for most of his life, if that was the type of woman that attracted him. Not that there is anything wrong about being an actor or a model, don’t get me wrong. I believe most people attracted to those types of jobs usually have similar underlying characteristics that I feel Andrew is not attracted to, especially if he is to consider her as a future wife. Shannon is also very pretty and has what I believe to be a pleasant personality, but somehow I don’t think she will be the one going all the way. Next week, when the dates begin, I should have a better idea of which ones are his favorites. I have not seen Andrew interacting with any of the women, on a one to one basis, for any significant period of time, therefore, not everything I have said is written in stone.

Q. Lets move along to Married By America. This seemed to have been one exciting week for the couples. Give me your impression?

A. One thing I will say about FOX producers is they certainly know how to set up a good show! What a picturesque group of people! Its no wonder scripted shows are on the decline! I will begin by saying Stephen and Denise did not have much in common, and it was evident throughout the show. Stephen constantly behaved like he was trying to convince himself he had feelings for Denise, to no avail. She was in constant denial; perhaps believing Stephen would feel something for her if she wished it hard enough. Of course, love doesn’t work that way. I don’t know if some readers noticed, but Stephen’s answers to the panel appeared to be deliberately aimed at assuring they would be the ones let go that night. He certainly looked relieved after the verdict!

Q. What about Billie Jean and Tony?

A. Billie Jean and Tony are getting to the end of the line. There is still some physical steam there, but the locomotive is slowing down, especially after her behavior during the family visit. There comes a time, during these types of relationships, where one or the other begins to do a mental calculation of the pluses and minuses of their companion. I could see Tony is beginning to feel Billie Jean’s pluses are not many, as far as he is concerned, and the minuses are starting to weight like a ton of bricks. I have the feeling Tony would have been relieved if they would have been the couple chosen to leave the villa. I kept watching his face expressions and interactions with Billie Jean, while they were in front of the panel, and it didn’t say anything good. I believe he is having a grand time with Billie Jean, during this secluded all expense paid vacation. On the other hand, he feels she is an embarrassment to him, in the real world, and is not too thrilled at the idea of marrying her once the TV party is over. There is so much bed jumping and sensuality a couple can take before one of the two say: Well, where do we go from here? Is this the person whom I wish to spend the rest of my life with? I honestly can not say Billie Jean is a bad person, she is mostly what her “invisible” parents and lifestyle has made of her. She will go to extremes in order to be accepted and liked by others, although she does not realize she is her own worse enemy. It is somewhat sad, but I believe she will have a difficult life, due to the type of men her behavior and personality will always attract. I strongly believe a person must respect oneself first, in order for others to feel the same towards them. This last opinion also applies to Jill, whom I always had the impression of being more than we saw at first glance.

Q. Let’s talk about Jill and Kevin.

A. Although I realize her father may have been seen as the villain by most viewers, one can’t help understanding his concern for Jill’s future, and I understood his frustration with his spoiled little girl. His temper is understandable, if one considers all the headaches his “jewel” has possibly given him throughout the years. I believe he wants people to respect her, as she is, even though this may prove to be a challenge for most suitors, including Kevin. My heart went out to Kevin’s parents, who appeared to be quietly wishing the earth would open up and swallow them, while they were with Jill and her family. I remember seeing Kevin’s mother asking for a cocktail or a drink after the formal introductions, and I’m imagining after they said goodbye, she made a quick stop at the nearest liquor store and possibly downed a whole fifth to steady her nerves. Somehow, I don’t feel comfortable with the scene shown of Kevin and Jill sweetly kissing on the supposed plane ride back to the villa. It is inconsistent with everything that had transpired during the family visit. I believe this scene might have been edited in, and belongs to their plane ride before the family visits. Personally, I believe Jill applied to be on the show due to her personal interest in getting involved in show business, one way or another. It is my personal opinion she is self centered, spoiled, has uncontrollable spending habits, and appears not to be too concerned about other’s feelings when pursuing something she wants. She doesn’t appear to be willing to meet Kevin half way, in order to make their relationship work. I believe Kevin would benefit from doing everything possible to distance himself from this whole situation. I cannot envision them having a bright future together.

Q. It seems to me the panel has a pre-conceived idea of which couple is being sent home before they meet. Do you also have this feeling?

A. To be honest, I feel a little disappointed with the type of questions the panel is asking. Perhaps they are being so superficial because it is evident which couple has to go, every week, and they are just going through the motions. The only tough decision, in my opinion, is which one gets to leave first. I couldn’t help smiling when the panel indicated this last choice had been a difficult one. Personally, I would have dismissed all the couples and started again from scratch. This show’s concept is like throwing rocks in total darkness. Eventually, you will score a winner, but it will be due to the laws of probability.

Q. It appears to me you do not like the couples chosen for this series. Am I correct?

A. I can not generalize. Some of the men and women in this show appear to be fairly average, but not all of them. I am of the opinion our society has made some drastic changes in the last few decades, especially in the type of relationships people generally feel comfortable with. At the same time, I believe to communicate well with young people, and understand the sociological pressures that sometimes dictate their behavior and approach to personal relationships. Still, I am convinced there are many individuals of both sexes, in their late twenties, who would do a better job of representing their generation in these types of programs.

Q. You mentioned earlier your opinion of what constitutes the basic pillars of any long-lasting relationship. Could you explain this a little better? It seems like an interesting subject.

A. Human interaction is a very complex subject for us to discuss in such short article. There are many different feelings involved in what we call “true love”. Two people have to begin by understanding and knowing each other’s personalities through the different experiences they share together. They have to learn each other’s opinions on different subjects they deem important, and accommodate to each other’s personal habits. It is important they share common experiences, and give each other love and support when needed. They must not only enjoy the good times, but also be willing to provide understanding and companionship if the other person is faced with a problem. It is a slow process, but, in my opinion, the only way for two people to build a successful long lasting relationship. In today’s society, I see mostly couples who must have external stimulus in order for them to enjoy their time together. In some instances, what could be defined as a great date is a marathon of continuous events, from the time they meet until the end of the day. It is like both would feel bored with each other’s company unless every moment together was scheduled with some sort of entertainment. It is no wonder a large number of couples are shocked when their relationship hits a bump on the road, and we hear one or the other express their amazement at not knowing what the other person’s personality was really like. A good experiment for two people who wish to know if they are really meant for each other is to schedule a quiet weekend where the only entertainment is each other’s company. No entertainment marathons, fancy parties, exciting events, group dating, or movies, just themselves. If, on the second day, either one feels uncomfortably bored or looking forward for the end of the experiment, I believe they have understood the message I was trying to convey. I must stress I definitely don’t mean couples should refrain from having fun together, that is part of enjoying their relationship, but I believe to have made my point.

Q. We touched upon some interesting points today. Thanks for your spare time to do these interviews. Will we hear from you next week?

A. Next Thursday I should have a better understanding of the people involved in Bachelor 3, and might be able to identify Andrew’s favorites. This show promises to be interesting. We will see.



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