THE BACHELOR 3 - 04/24/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. I’ve got lots of questions for you today. Perhaps you can begin by telling me your impression of last night’s episode.

A. I believe yesterday’s episode was very interesting and informative. There were many one on one interaction with the women, and some of the body language I observed was very indicative of how things might play out. Honestly, I was not too surprised with his choices, during the rose ceremony, and believe to have understood Andrew’s reasons for his decisions.

Q. That is one area I want you to explain in detail, but first, give me your overall impression of how Andrew is doing.

A. All I have to go on is what I see in a highly edited one-hour episode, but I am impressed with what I’ve seen so far. Andrew is behaving like a true gentleman, and instead of taking advantage of the women, he is systematically pulling them aside, one by one, in order to get quality time with them. Next week, we are into the home visits, and he has not behaved aggressively with any one of them. Overall, I believe he is doing a great job, so far.

Q. Don’t play it so safe, A.T. and go into Andrew a little deeper.

A. Personally, I find myself liking Andrew the more I see him. He is a nice person, perhaps a little shy in front of the women, but he has not deviated from the task of trying to get to know them as best he can. I am certain you have noticed he has different reasons for choosing a particular woman for a one on one conversation or date. It could either mean he is impressed with this particular woman, and wants to spend quality time with her, or he is making certain his decision not to give her a rose in the next ceremony is correct. I believe Andrew is a very responsible person, and has had to think twice before doing or saying anything that could harm his reputation throughout his life. He is awkward when confronted by women with strong personalities, and does not like to feel controlled; therefore, he seeks someone with an easygoing and mellow personality, much like himself. He has the need to succeed on his own, and wants someone by his side who will support and understand him in his endeavor. It’s not that he wants to disassociate himself from his last name, however, I believe he is tired of only being recognized through his grandfather’s achievement and the name Firestone tires. He might not be a handsome hunk, or have the gift of gab, but Andrew is very honest, and always cautious not to hurt other’s feelings unnecessarily. This last observation is the key to understanding his choices in last night’s rose ceremony.

Q. Let’s get to the reasons why, you believe, he let go of Anne Michelle and Liz.

A. Andrew had previously said he did not feel any deep attraction towards Anne Michelle, and that is why he chose her for the one on one date. I believe he wanted to spend some quality time with her in order to be certain if his decision not to give her a rose was correct. It is my opinion he believed she was a nice person, and didn’t want to string her along any longer in order to spare her feelings. I don’t believe she had deep feelings for Andrew, judging by her composure and calm words, in front of the camera, after the rose ceremony. I believe it was also time for Andrew to let Liz go. He was never physically attracted to her, and his body language, whenever he was with her, was that of a friend and nothing more. He somehow realized Liz, with all her melodramatics, was a nice person, and honestly liked her. Andrew didn’t want to string her along one more week, raising her hopes by visiting her family, only to let her go in the end. I must confess Liz sort of grew on me, and during last night’s episode, proved she is an honest, unselfish and giving person. I wish her the best.

Q. All right, let’s get down to the ones that received a rose. Which one has impressed you the most, and why?

A. I was really impressed with what I saw during Andrew’s one on one date with Jen. Quite honestly, she is the only one still there whom, I believe, would make a good match with Andrew. I don’t know why she has not stood out much, but I believe Jen has a serene and sweet personality that would complement Andrew very well. She is also very pretty, in my opinion, physically within the range of what we now know Andrew favors, and does not appear to be too overly impressed by his wealth. In my humble opinion, last night, during their date, was the first time I saw Andrew really enjoying himself. Both showed very positive body language, and felt comfortable in each other’s presence. Their conversation was flowing smoothly, something strange for Andrew, whom I believe not to be a great conversationalist. His demeanor was that of someone who felt relaxed, while enjoying Jen’s company. I believe Andrew needs to snap out of his infatuation with Kirsten, in order for him to realize everyone else around him. It would be a shame for him to let Jen go, in my opinion. I might be wrong, but there may be more to her and Andrew than the ABC editors want to show us. We will see what happens.

Q. What about Tina?

A. Personally, I believe Tina is not being herself. During her introductory interview, in the first segment, she came across as being very personable, honest, and mature. Tina was one of my favorites, from the onset, and I personally have nothing negative to say about her. I believe she is very intelligent, witty, and has a great sense of humor, even if it is on the sarcastic side. I’m enjoying watching Tina play with Christina, and making her life miserable. I honestly believe her “title” was given to her with a hidden meaning, and instead, has been taken out of context by most people, including herself. I could imagine this being something Tina from Tennessee, for example, would jokingly come up with, after seeing Tina “Glamorous” going to bed with her “eye shades” on. I’m curious to know if she also uses earplugs while sleeping. Kidding aside, as nice as Andrew and Tina are, I feel he is not the type of man she normally would feel attracted to. I am able to see that in her interactions with him. It seems like she is playing with him, and just having a good time. Even though many viewers see her as glamorous, beautiful, classy, etc., fitting into the "role" of a perfect society wife for Andrew, I believe there is no stereotype appropriate for this role. He has to find someone that is going to make him happy, and the qualities needed for this are more of a personal choice than anything else. The rest is just window-dressing, and that alone has never made anyone’s marriage successful, in my opinion. I might be wrong, but I somehow sense Andrew is beginning to pull back from her, and might surprise many fans by saying goodbye to Tina in the near future, even if she is believed to be truly “fabulous” by some. Her true opinion of Andrew, and her feelings for him are still a question mark, as far as I’m concerned, but I have really become sort of a fan of hers, and know she will make someone very happy someday. In my opinion, the lucky man would need to have a very strong personality and be able to understand her sense of humor, perhaps someone a few years older than she is.

Q. Kirsten.

A. Kirsten is nice, in her own “valley girl” way. She doesn’t give me the impression of being too innocent or naive, and I believe is not the type of woman able to make Andrew happy in a long-term relationship. Her personality is very different from Andrew’s, and I feel he is mostly attracted to her highly exotic looks. In my opinion, Kirsten does not show signs of being very sophisticated or able to hold an intellectual conversation for very long. More importantly, I feel Kirsten does not show any signs of having developed feelings for Andrew. This could represent a problem because, as I have said earlier, time is running out. Nevertheless, I believe she would play it safe and accept his proposal, if she would be the one going all the way to the end, just to have more time in which to possibly develop feelings for him.

Q. Last, but not least, we get to Christina. I though Andrew was going to let her go last night.

A. So did a lot of people, I am certain. Christina is way too mature and possessive of Andrew, much like Heather from Texas was for Aaron in B-2, but I must give both credit for definitely knowing how to make someone feel idolized. Both "Tex" and Christina are nice people, don’t get me wrong. I honestly have nothing negative to say about neither of them, and am certain both will make someone happy someday. They both realized, from the onset, the laws of probability were against either one having another opportunity of marrying into wealth, and fought like tigers for the “magic ring.” I somehow have the feeling Christina would have been sent home if Andrew had only three roses to give out this week instead of four. I still can’t figure out why Andrew has kept her on the show for so long, when it is evident, by his body language and face expressions, he tuned her out the day she became obnoxious because he kissed several of the women besides her. But, I believe it was more important for Andrew to send Anne Marie and Liz home, this week, than to stretch Christina out for a while longer. I would be very surprised if she went all the way to the end, unless there is something about her and Andrew ABC has edited out, just to keep us off track.

Q. Any predictions as to the last one standing?

A. At this time it’s hard to tell. It will depend if Andrew just go with what he is feeling at the moment, or if he takes a step back and makes his decision also using some common sense. I feel his final decision will depend on what goes on during the home visits, and when he takes the women to meet his parents. Next week is going to be interesting.

Q. Small change in topic, what did you think about the new FOX program Mr. Personality?

A. I had the feeling you were going to squeeze this new show into our article, therefore, I watched the opening episode out of curiosity. I don’t have much to say about this program, except I can see FOX is trying every angle imaginable in order to obtain the ratings they did with Joe Mil. This show’s concept appeared interesting until we got to the madam, her cards and crystal ball. That is when the show lost me. I will add, for those viewers who are humorously wondering if I could have done any better, the answer is no. The only fact I could have realistically predicted was which man was the best dancer in the group. Sorry, I have said many times I am not Nostradamus, and neither is the fortuneteller. I might be wrong, but believe this show will not live up to the ratings enjoyed by Joe Mil. The methods used by the main character to base her decisions on are too shallow and fictional, in my opinion. Besides, watching all those men wearing masks remind me of scenes out of a Broadway musical.

Q. Next week, the home visits. I am also curious to know what happens. We will speak next Thursday, as usual.

A. There might be some surprises during next week’s rose ceremony. There are not too many women left, and Andrew can not keep any more fillers around. Let’s see what happens.



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