THE BACHELOR 3 - 05/01/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. Let’s begin by hearing your overall impressions on the home visits.

A. The home visits were interesting. I have to say all family members appeared to be real friendly and warm towards Andrew. I am certain it must not have been a pleasant experience facing Christina’s parents, being almost certain he was going to let her go.

Q. Since you mentioned Christina, let us begin by hearing your overall opinion of her.

A. I feel it was time for Christina to go. As I mentioned previously, I believe Andrew had already tuned her out, several weeks ago. He didn’t like Christina’s attitude when he kissed the other women after he had kissed her. I also feel she overplayed her aggressiveness, and this made Andrew uncomfortable in her presence. I don’t understand why she didn’t notice his body language whenever she became affectionate with him, since I am certain it was obvious to all of us watching Andrew was avoiding her affections. She really tried to win Andrew’s heart, knowing chances are she will never have an opportunity like this one again…. At the rose ceremony, it was evident Andrew had a tough time sending her home. He was very tactful and felt honestly bad for her. As much as some people didn’t like her, I honestly can’t say anything negative about Christina. Just because someone has an aggressive personality does not mean he or she is necessarily a bad person. Christina is very pretty, articulate, mature and appears to have a great family. She just needs to find the right “prince,” perhaps someone a little older than herself. I have the feeling she would make a wonderful wife, and wish her the best.

Q. Let’s get down to the ones that received a rose. Please begin with Tina.

A. Tina still hasn’t convinced me she is beginning to have deep feelings for Andrew. It is difficult to tell just by watching scenes from a highly edited show, but I feel either she is not a very affectionate person or she is just going through the motions. At this stage, she knows the “hard to get” game has to wind down or it may backfire. I am still in doubt as to her true feelings, and I believe Andrew feels the same way. He is still drawn to the challenge, but appears nervous and uncomfortable while being with her. Their personal interactions are somewhat tense and without much warmth.

Q. Talk to me about Kirsten.

A. I still feel Kirsten is not playing with a full deck. Something about her appears secretive and misleading. The most obvious is the boyfriend issue, which makes me feel like things are still touch and go between them, and there has been no closure to their relationship. I believe if someone acts misleading in one subject, it is most likely they will continue to do so whenever it is to their benefit. Andrew enjoys her company, and is hypnotized by her looks. It reminds me of the "she's so beautiful" approach, but this does not make a good foundation for a successful marriage. I don’t know what will happen in the end. It will depend if Andrew makes his choices based mostly on physical attraction, beating the challenge, or by weighing in his needs and aspirations as to ALL the qualities he seeks for a future wife. I believe this is the key, since Andrew is drawn to each of the three women for different reasons. I believe Tina and Kirsten will satisfy SOME of his needs, on a long-term basis, but not all.

Q. All right, I know Jen is your favorite for going all the way, although you will not admit it to me. Talk to me about her.

A. I left Jen for last because I personally feel she is the best suited to make Andrew happy in the long run. He appears to be completely at ease with her, and they communicate well with each other. Both are able to laugh together, and their conversations flow easily and deal with intimate subjects, something I have not seen with any of the other women. I don’t know if you have noticed Andrew kisses each one of them differently. His body language with each one is also different, when he is sitting down with them. Andrew is the one initiating body contact when he is with Jen, and caresses her face with his hands when he kisses her, something he does not do with the other two. Also, Andrew kisses the other women once, and then draws back. In contrast, when he kisses Jen he doesn’t stop with just one kiss, but always goes back for more, like he can’t get enough of her. This might not mean much in the scheme of things, but I just wanted to bring to your attention there is a visible difference in how Andrew physically interacts with each of the three women. He really clicked with Jen’s family, and I believe they honestly liked him.

Q. Time for predictions. Come on, let it all out!

A. As I said earlier, Andrew may surprise us in the end. His final decision will depend on which of his feelings he will listen to. Andrew might not have realized it yet, but if he listens to what he is saying in his mini-interviews, his mind is already set. Sometimes our inner self knows the right path to take, but is blinded by superficialities. I just hope he makes his decisions, from now on, based on what his conscience and common sense is screaming at him.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for taking time to talk to us today. I know this morning you are getting ready to leave for a short holiday. Have fun, and we will talk to you next Thursday. Bring me something from Canada.

A. Thank you Wendy, I will definitely enjoy a much-deserved vacation. You have told me before you like men in uniforms, I might bring you a Royal Canadian Mounted Police, without the horse of course. I’ll see you next week.

Q. A.T. , you’re a generous guy!



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