THE BACHELOR 3 - 05/08/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. I must mention you have been predicting Tina would go for some time now, and you were right on the button. Did it surprise you at all?

A. Not a big surprise here, I believe most viewers also knew it was coming. Tina might be glamorous, in the eyes of some, but she didn’t fit into the type of woman Andrew was searching for. We must remember just because she looked the part, and was likeable, this was not sufficient reason for Andrew to have chosen her to go all the way. It is HIS personal choice that counts, and not our vision as to which one WE “liked” for him. Personally, I believe Tina would have had a better opportunity with Andrew if she had been herself, instead of trying to play mind games from the beginning. I feel his original attraction towards her died down as the weeks went by. Up until the end, I didn’t see any indication that Tina had developed any deep feelings for Andrew. Her words constantly contradicted her body language, whenever they were together. I have the feeling her words to the effect she wanted to open a salon of some sort did not go unnoticed by Andrew. He is into the winery business, and, with his family, has a very lucrative company. The last thing Andrew needs is to have a “glamorous” wife involved with her pet projects as hobbies. I do not know if Tina is aware owning a lucrative winery is definitely not “walking around barefoot among the grapes”, as she mentioned in the limo ride home. I still believe Tina possesses many positive qualities, and will make someone very happy someday. I wish her the best.

Q. We are down to Kirsten and Jen. Give me your opinion of Kirsten’s possibilities of going all the way.

A. Although Andrew has been smitten with Kirsten, throughout the past weeks, I believe his feelings for her are cooling down. I have noticed their superficial conversations remain friendly, and Andrew has a good time cuddling with her, but I feel both lack mutual chemistry when discussing serious topics. I believe Andrew is seriously seeking a future wife. Many responsibilities come with marrying someone like him. For example, I can not envision Kirsten communicating effectively with Andrew’s business partners, during social events, or even with his own family. In my opinion, she just does not have the personality or sophistication needed for being Andrew’s wife. Personally, I also believe there are some secrets about her life she doesn’t want known, and is not being completely honest with Andrew.

Q. Elaborate on this, please.

A. Among other things, Kirsten statements, last week, in reference to her friend being aware of what to say and not to say to Andrew, was a warning sign something was not right, and I hope Andrew took notice. I also noticed her father’s comments he was impressed with Andrew, and he was different from the type of men Tristen usually had brought home for them to meet. To me, at least, this meant the type of men she is accustomed to choosing, for her relationships, are not too impressive. Last, but not least, as much as I try, I have difficulty envisioning Kirsten as a dedicated wife and mother, at least in the near future. Personally, I believe she is still immature, in some areas, and needs more time before she is ready to settle down. I must add, all this is crystalballing, and you never really know what Andrew is going to do in the end.

Q. Are you’re saying Andrew is only physically attracted to Kirsten?

A. Just humor me for a minute and picture Liz, whom Andrew never felt any physical attraction towards, having Kirsten’s personality. How long do you think she would have lasted? My guess would be maybe a couple of weeks, at the most.

Q. All right, you made your point. Talk to me about your “favorite.”

A. You know I have a weakness for Jen. I feel she is very pretty, in a “girl next door” sort of way. She is also mature, intelligent, honest with her feelings, and although she has not been able to show it in this show, I believe she has a wicked sense of humor. This week, Andrew confirmed what I have been saying for a while; both feel very comfortable in each other’s presence. They easily discuss serious topics, without feeling awkward, and enjoy doing things together, from going bowling to having a romantic dinner. I hope you noticed how Andrew kisses her. Last week, he couldn’t get enough of her, and didn’t settle with just one kiss. This week, he doesn’t only hold her face in his hands while kissing her, but also tenderly caresses her face with his hands. This is generally a sign of deep affection. In contrast, Andrew kisses Kirsten like he was kissing a “date” he feels a very strong physical attraction to. I mention this because the difference in his body language with both women is crystal clear, even though this might not mean anything in the end. You must remember I can not read Andrew’s mind, I only base my opinions on what little the producers choose to edit into the one-hour episode.

Q. You will not walk out of here today without giving me a solid prediction as to which one is going all the way! Don’t dress it up, as you usually do, just give me a name.

A. Wendy, I like it when you get forceful! I feel the “make it or break it” event will be when both women meet Andrew’s family. Even though I honestly believe Andrew has a mind of his own, he is very close to his family, and feels great respect for their opinions. Whatever they say in reference to Jen and Kirsten will either confirm Andrew’s choice, in his mind, or will cast some doubt if he has overlooked something they have noticed and he hasn’t. It’s hard to make a prediction at this point, but if you put me on the spot, I go with Jen. As smitten as Andrew has been with Kirsten, I can not see him ignoring the connection and serenity he feels whenever he is with Jen. Choosing Kirsten, in my opinion, would be basing his final choice on lust and physical attraction, instead of thinking long term. I might change my mind after they meet Andrew’s parents. I am certain they will be politically correct in front of the cameras, and not say anything too negative about either one, but, I am betting their face expressions and body language will let me know which one is their favorite for Andrew. I cannot wait to see that episode!

Q. A steamy question! Do you believe Andrew really spent the night with the three women?

A. This is one answer only he and the three women know. I would like to point out ABC loves to edit these shows to death, and sometimes, instead of a reality show, we seem to be watching a daytime soap. Personally, I do not believe Andrew would be so daft as to spend the night with the three women, knowing it would come out on national TV. I am certain the question will be asked sometime, and we will hear it from their lips. For the time being, I don’t trust the editors.

Q. Let me ask you a different question. I am curious to know whom would you favor as the next Bachelorette, if you had the choice, Brooke or Gwen?

A. You enjoy placing me in a spot, don’t you? I know I will get some heat for this, but I do not believe neither Brooke nor Gwen would make good Bachelorettes, each for different reasons. They were, and still are, among my favorites from B-2. I just believe it takes a certain personality and charisma to keep 25 men and the viewers entertained for all those weeks. The producers have enough time for casting Bachelorette II, since I have heard the next show will be another Bachelor. I hope they make the right choices, for I like the concept.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for the interview. By the way, how was your Canadian adventure?

A. It was great! I have always enjoyed visiting Canada. Like most vacations, just when I began to enjoy myself it was time to pack up and return home.

Q. We will talk with you next Thursday, after the “Women tell all” show airs.



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