THE BACHELOR 3 - 05/15/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. Good morning, AT. Please let me know your thoughts on last night’s show.

A. Good Morning Wendy. It was interesting in the sense we saw the bachelorettes as they really are. You probably noticed Tina “Fab.” was more relaxed and pleasant than when she was competing for Andrew. Last night, she behaved and expressed herself as she did in her original introductory interview, which was shown on the first episode. It is a shame she wasn’t herself in front of Andrew, and he couldn’t get a glimpse of her real personality. I believe her standoffish act sealed her fate in the show. I always liked her, and, if you want to know my opinion, she would make an excellent Bachelorette, as long as she continues being herself and not try to play mind games. She is articulate, very pretty, has an outgoing personality, and all the qualities needed to keep 25 bachelors and the viewers entertained. I feel she would be unique in the sense we wouldn’t see too many "steamy" scenes on this show. She would bring the role up a notch.

Q. Who else stands out in your mind?

A. Tennessee Tina. I could really like her if she would be a little more guarded against hurting other people's feelings with her strong opinions. I feel she is one of those “no nonsense” people whom you would never feel bored with. Tina has a delightfully sarcastic sense of humor you can only appreciate if you know where she is coming from. She will make the right type of man very happy someday, but he needs to be able to tame wild broncos.

Q. What about Liz? Something about her personality makes me nervous when I hear her speaking.

A. She seems like a nice person, but she can be overwhelmingly dramatic at times. I don’t know if she is being herself, or is trying to compile an audition tape. If this is the way she is all the time, she will possibly outgrow the melodramatics with age.

Q. Talk to me about Christina. She can’t shake off her image, can she?

A. Cristina seemed to be everyone’s favorite nightmare, but I honestly like her. She is extremely possessive, and has an aggressive nature, but she is also honest with her feelings and is very pretty, in my opinion. Some men like women with that type of personality, therefore, I can not say anything bad about her. Christina is the type of woman you either like or can’t stand. I happen to like her, even though I always thought she was not a good match for Andrew. Given the opportunity, she would pack her bags, go to Andrew, and give him just one last sales pitch as to why she should be Mrs. Firestone.

Q. What about Amber?

A. Amber behaved the same way yesterday as she did during the filming of the show. Some of her face expressions seem to be out of place with whatever was happening around her. Personally, I believe she is a sweet kid who has gone through life enjoying the benefits of her physical beauty. I believe she is well aware alcohol and her don't mix well, but is too weak to know when to say no. I felt bad she was placed on the spot, as she watched herself in the video clips. She isn’t very witty, and couldn’t come up with a graceful explanation for her continuous state of intoxication during the filming of the show. I am going to leave it at that, and honestly wish her the best.

Q. Why do you think Andrew was not present in last night’s show? That seemed odd.

A. Good question! I would also like to know the answer. Perhaps he felt uneasy confronting the women, but that is only a guess, on my part. If any reader finds out the real reason, please let me know. I am a very curious person.

Q. What is your opinion on Jen and Kirsten’s taped messages?

A. I don’t have much to say about them, except this was probably the only time I understood a full sentence coming out of Kirsten’s lips. If some readers are wondering why she was so articulate, it is because she was reading her message from a cue card.

Q. What is going to happen in the finale?

A. Wendy, if I knew, I could make a small fortune! Seriously, I saw in the clips something happening between Andrew and a family member in reference to one of the women. Of course, I have learned not to trust ABC and their fancy editors, but from Andrew’s attitude, he seemed to be defending the person in question. This leads me to believe the scene was about Kirsten, since he has been defending her from day one.

Q. All right! Last minute predictions.

A. I must give ABC credit for editing this show in such a way we don’t have the slightest idea which one of the two women is ahead. I already mentioned the input given by Andrew’s family will cement his final choice, and we will not hear what they have to say until the last episode. I know you will not let me walk away from here without a name. I must go with whom I believe would make the best wife, companion, and mother to their children. This can only be Jen, in my opinion. Kirsten is flashy, sexy, has a great figure, and might be fun to date, but I can not see her being able to provide Andrew with ALL the qualities he seeks in a future spouse. I am thinking long term marriage, not short-term infatuation.

Q. Let us move along and give me your opinion of ABC choosing Bob for the next Bachelor series.

A. I was pleasantly surprised with the news. Bob was one of my favorite bachelors in Bachelorette, and has a sense of humor that will make the series interesting to watch. In my opinion, he is going to have to walk a fine line between being humorous and romantic. He might have difficulty changing his present image, as a comedian, to someone who is believable as a romantic lead of a TV show. Most women welcome good humor in a romantic relationship, but would not enjoy him turning The Bachelor into Bob’s Comedy Hour, or a six week long promo tape.

Q. Do you believe viewers would accept him in the role?

A. I have been constantly inundated with letters from viewers expressing their desire to see an average person as Bachelor, not the typical handsome hunk, or a millionaire. Now that ABC has provided one, I am curious to see public reaction to the show, and if viewers begin bashing Bob for being “too average” in their opinion. From what little I know of him, I believe Bob accepted the role mostly for the publicity and exposure, and not necessarily because he is looking for a future spouse. If he is lucky enough to find that special woman among the twenty-five bachelorettes, we might see some sparks, if not, at least he will entertain us for six weeks. I look forward to it!

Q. Next Sunday, the finale! I can’t wait to see what happens. We will talk with you on Monday to hear your comments on Andrew’s choice.

A. This finale promises to be exciting! I am very curious to see how everything plays out. I just hope he leaves physical beauty out of the equation, and listens to his inner self, before making his final choice. It could make all the difference.






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