Q & A SESSION with A.T.

By Wendy Thompson.

Your article on The Bachelor series has had an overwhelming response by our readers. Letters expressing their thoughts on the topic are continuously coming in , especially after The Bachelor Special Edition was aired, and people now have the opportunity to put them to the test.

Q. Why is this such a passionate subject?

A. Are you kidding? The subject of Love attracts a large and diverse population anytime you simply mention the word. Programs like The Bachelor, and several others currently running, feeds on people’s interests on relationships and the interactions between two people. They are so successful I have noticed several new ones on the horizon by competing networks.

Q. Do you really believe two people can fall in love on one of these shows?

A. Here it goes, I know I will get roasted for this, but, the answer is yes, I do believe it is possible.

Q. INTERESTING! You need to explain your answer, please.

A. I don't like to call it love, I will call it falling in love or beginning to develop serious feelings towards another person. Love is a deeper feeling that evolves after two people have shared common experiences, and feel deeply attached to each other. I will also oversimplify my explanation, and, as always, avoid technical terminology as much as possible, to make it easier to read and allow this piece to fall within the required size restraints. What we call falling in love Is a feeling created by the over-stimulation of certain chemicals and currents flowing through our brains, most prominently Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Phenylethylamine. This reaction occurs when the brain processes information transmitted by our external senses. The theory is that production of phenylethylamine in the brain can be triggered by something as simple as the meeting of eyes or simply seeing a complete stranger and being impressed by what you see. The emotions linked to racing pulses, sweaty palms and heavy breathing can be clinically explained as the result of an overdose. Oxytoxin controls social behavior, and Vasopressin affects memory, and, in laboratory experiments, is linked to addiction. Now, what's love if not an addiction? When you’re experiencing the high, you are euphoric, when it is taken away from you, the feeling of loss and sadness, at the thought of not having it anymore, overwhelms you. This is not very romantic, I know, but it's the feelings associated with this reaction that is important to keep in mind. Simply stated, this reaction is immediate, and that is what people call love at first sight or having been swept off their feet by someone. The continuous reinforcement of this feeling, for a period of several weeks, can cause someone to believe they have found someone special enough to propose to, in the case of The Bachelor.

Q. Yes, but what about marriage?

A. Contrary to popular belief, proposing to someone does not necessarily mean they have to get married immediately. Engagement is a period when two people believe there are enough feelings involved to begin dating exclusively, and for both to get to know each other at a more personal level. At the end, both individuals should evaluate if their feelings are strong enough to warrant a life together, setting a wedding date and getting married, if that is their wish. By the way, braking an engagement should not be reason for the family to hunt down the one who ended it with shotgun and hunting dogs. It simply means one or the other realized their feelings towards the other person were not strong enough to warrant a lifelong pledge of love and fidelity. The problem is that personal egos get in the way, and the act of braking off an engagement is seen as a personal insult or a demeaning act aimed at the other person.

Q. Do you still believe Aaron and Helene will get married?

A. One thing I can't do is predict the future. I will say I believe both should spend as much time together as possible, to allow whatever feelings they have for each other to evolve. As it is now, they run the risk of stagnating their relationship. I still believe it would be Helene who would break the engagement, for whatever reason, even if Aaron would be the one communicating the news.

Q. What is your opinion on The Bachelor Special Edition?

A. For me, it is interesting to watch it again and refresh my memory on the events, especially since I have been discussing this series from memory alone. Personally, I do not believe Aaron will divulge any new explosive information, only little trinkets here and there to satisfy some viewers and warrant his claims to tell his side of things. It would surprise me to see Aaron saying he KNEW Helene was the one from early in the series. This would be an insult to the other ladies, who went all the way believing he still had them active in his deliberations. It would also accuse him of misleading them during conversations they shared during their one on one dates. Aaron is too diplomatic to speak his mind on this subject, and knows when speaking too much can get him in hot water with Helene.

Q. Why do you say this?

A. Well, if he confesses to have known Helene was the one he felt strongly about from the beginning, and everything else was just going through the motions, then he would have to explain why all the steamy hot-tub scenes with the rest of the ladies? Also, most importantly, why all the romantic innuendoes with Gwen during the Cinderella date? This would cast him as misleading to say the least, besides having tried to get the most mileage out of a house full of ladies and his beloved hot tub. Helene is not the type of lady who will put up with much just to enjoy the banks, boats and fancy gadgets. She will let him go if he ever breaks her trust, and will never look back.

Q. Who was YOUR favorite bachelorette? Not for Aaron, but if you would have been The bachelor?

A. You do enjoy placing me on the spot! Hard question to answer, not being able to interact personally with any of them, but I would have liked to get to know Haley, Gwen and Erin better. They seemed genuine, very mature, and beautiful too, if I may add!

Q. Will we read your opinions on The Bachelorette?

A. No, not on this one, but, as you know, I was also asked to do a piece on The Bachelor III which I will do. Instead of one long piece at the end, I will do small installments of each episode as it airs.

Q. We will look forward to reading your opinions on future Bachelor series.

The opinions expressed on these articles are solely for entertainment purposes.

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