THE BACHELOR 3 - 05/19/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. What an ending! I know it was not very surprising to you, but I believe 90% of the viewers got exactly what they wished for.

A. Great ending, I must admit! In my opinion, Andrew knew it was going to be Jen from approximately the fourth week into the show. He might have been playing it safe, allowing extra time to ensure what he felt for her was real, but I kept seeing his face expressions and body language whenever he was with her, and it continuously reinforced my beliefs. Andrew behaved nervously or had difficulty feeling comfortable with most women on the show, but he was completely relaxed whenever he was with Jen. It is ironic she was never aggressive or acted a part, yet she was the one he got to know the best and fell in love with. It reinforces something I have always mentioned in these articles; All people have to do, where relationships are concerned, is to be themselves. If love is going to flourish, it will. If it is not, nothing people say or do will make any difference. Play acting, aggressiveness, trying to say the right things, making the right moves, and all the other pre-conceived games some people play will not give you any type of long term success where love is concerned.

Q. You said, last week, Andrew’s family would make it or break it, and I believe you were right. All seemed to have fallen in love with her.

A. I absolutely believe the family visits played a large role in making up his mind. Andrew’s family is very close, and he is fortunate to have such a loving family. His sisters and brother are very protective of him, and I could see they are also very intuitive, as well as Andrew’s mother. They might have been politically correct in front of the cameras, but I am certain they all told Andrew exactly what was on their mind at the first opportunity. Andrew’s family didn’t behave as comfortable with Kirsten as they did with Jen, who walked into the house and immediately clicked with the front line of defense, Andrew’s sisters and brother. I don’t know if you noticed, but both parents took a back seat, and let the siblings ask the tough questions, while they sat quietly analyzing the women’s answers. Andrew caused the same effect when he met Jen's family, and you could see all felt very comfortable with him. Even though both families are from different social status, I can see so many similarities in their personalities that I am certain they will get along admirably.

Q. Talk to me about Kirsten.

A. I could never fully trust Kirsten, even after her numerous, and different, explanations about her situation with her boyfriend. She always gave me the impression of someone trying to hide something in her life, and her cute smile didn’t do much to sway me in her favor. If you look closely, there were several instances, throughout the show, where Kirsten lowers her guard and subconsciously made small comments and face expressions that were very indicative of her true personality. The one on top of my list has to be her statement in the limo she felt like “throwing up” thinking Andrew was, at that precise time, proposing to Jen. That is a very cruel statement to make, in my opinion, even if it is later explained away by saying it was due to momentary anger. That statement, as far as I’m concerned, said it all.

Q. I know she was one of your favorites at the beginning of the show, but your opinion of her declined as the weeks went by.

A. I personally wasn’t very impressed with Kirsten, as the weeks passed, and believe the only reason she made it so far was because of her exotic looks, but not because of any personal talent or an attractive personality. In the end, I am certain Andrew saw through her smokescreen. He is a perfect gentleman, and was very considerate in the way he let her go. Kirsten is tough as nails, she will survive. She is pretty enough to receive another opportunity to be in front of the cameras again.

Q. Andrew and Jen! I'm so happy both ended up together! Do you believe their relationship stands a chance of making it?

A. Are you kidding? She can even do the “Hippopotamus Nose!” Seriously, I believe this is the best-matched couple coming out of all the previous series, and the one with the best chances of making it work long term. Both Jen and Andrew show a great amount of tenderness towards each other. They also have very similar personalities, and feel totally comfortable in each other's presence. Andrew and Jen communicate well with each other, and she has a nurturing personality I believe Andrew needs in a relationship. These two individuals complement each other very well, and both share ALL the qualities each one is searching for in a future spouse. As I also mentioned in previous series, both need to spend quality time with each other, in order for their feelings to continue flourishing. As is normal, Andrew and Jen will have a series of interviews and personal appearances in the next few weeks. It is my opinion both should attend all these obligations together, and then place the Bachelor, and everything related to it, behind them, as soon as possible. From my experience, long distance relationships do not work out very often, especially in it’s early stages. I believe Jen should not wait too long to move close to Andrew, so both can continue exploring their feelings for each other in a normal environment. I obviously can not predict the future, but I have high hopes this couple could very well turn this experience, which began as a fantasy show, into a successful and happy life long relationship. I wish them both the best.

Q. The "After the Rose Special" airs Wednesday night. We will talk to you again on Thursday, so we may hear your last minute opinions on this couple.




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