THE BACHELOR 3 - 05/22/03

By Wendy Thompson.

Q. Did you enjoy last night’s show?

A. It was interesting and informative. Among other things, we learned where all the bubbles, from the Champagne they drank, ended up going. Some of the bloopers were very comical. I feel ABC should make a one-hour show on Bachelor bloopers. It would be a hit! Seriously now, I don’t know if you realized how easy it could be to determine the winner, early on, if we had access to all the unedited videotaped segments they had filmed. Judging by some of the segments shown last night, anyone could have predicted Kirsten was not going to receive the final rose. This reinforces my opinion all the last minute doubts, as to which one of the two Andrew had feelings for, was more a product of crafty editing than reality.

Q. We will leave the two lovebirds for later, talk to me about Kirsten.

A. Kirsten is one person I consider very easy to read. She subconsciously articulates, through face expressions and body language, whatever she is feeling at any given moment, and can not hide when she is being deceitful and spiteful. I always felt she was not being straightforward regarding her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. Even last night, her defensive attitude indicated she was still trying to create a smokescreen regarding her contradictions on the subject. I have a tendency to cringe whenever a person insists everyone around them is misinterpreting their words, and tries to pass themselves off as victims. In my opinion, there are many issues regarding Kirsten that are still a mystery.

Q. What is your opinion of A&J's relationship? They looked so happy together!

A. The personal interactions between Andrew and Jen made the show interesting to watch. Both J&A have quickly learned how to laugh and joke about each other’s small imperfections. Anyone who paid close attention to their body language noticed they were constantly sharing physical contact with one another. It seems impossible to unglue these two! Both seem to take turns searching for the other, a true sign of two people in love. It was also a pleasant surprise to hear Jen will be moving to S.F. in the near future. This is a positive step that will cement whatever feelings they have developed for each other, and places their relationship in a fertile environment facilitating growth. I have said before no one can predict what the future may bring, but I have no reservation placing my money on these two having a successful marriage.

Q. What is you opinion on Andrew’s answer regarding the pre-nuptial question?

A. That one statement said more about Andrew and his family than anything else ABC could have shown! I realize this is a modern-day concept, but I have always believed making your future spouse sign a pre-nuptial agreement is the equivalent of saying you have no confidence the union will last, and shows a total lack of trust regarding the other person. I am glad Andrew, a real millionaire, believes the idea is somewhat tacky. I strongly believe if you do not have blind trust in the person you are claiming to have deep feelings for, or in the future of the relationship, why get married?

Q. Bob looked great! Any last minute thoughts about him being chosen for Bachelor 4?

A. Bob was his usual self. He came out of Bachelorette with a large following, considering he didn’t go all the way. I believe he will make a good show, as long as he occasionally takes it a little serious. His biggest obstacle, as The Bachelor, will be making certain some of the women don’t feel he is just auditioning for a comedy show. He needs to ensure they envision him being a romantic partner and possible future husband. I will enjoy watching him in B-4.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for squeezing this interview into your schedule.

We have a long wait until B-4 begins. NBC's "FOR LOVE OR MONEY" will begin airing June 2. We will be discussing this new "Joe Millionaire with a twist". It will keep our joints well greased while we await Bob’s Run. A.T. and our staff wishes to thank all the readers who tune in every week. All of you make our little project highly entertaining and a success.




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