December 30, 2002

The Bachelorette-Q & A Session with A.T.

By Wendy Thompson

Q. We are grateful you agree to discuss the new Bachelorette program with us, since you mentioned earlier you would not be doing your customary opinion piece on the main characters of this series. What is your opinion on this new twist on the concept?

A. I am sorry current time restraint forbids me to dedicate my full attention to writing a detailed opinion piece on the main characters of The Bachelorette, but I will gladly submit to short Q & A sessions as the shows moves along. On my previous session, I mentioned this new series would not have the same following, throughout the six weeks, as The Bachelor did, even though it is an interesting concept. There are many new elements that will come into effect here, and some will even surprise viewers.

Q. Why do you say that?

A. The dynamics of the show is different. You can’t expect most men to behave the same way as women when placed in this type of situation. Men are, generally, more aggressive, and we will not see the group sit idly by while Trista spends one on one time with other suitors, and much less get intimate with them. Viewers can expect situations to become somewhat explosive, and, it wouldn’t surprise me to see confrontations between the men, before this is through. There will be men trying to cut short Trista’s one on one time with the others, and some will not like this. You might see close knit group try to gang up on someone who is becoming obnoxious. The producers will have a tough time trying to keep some scenes from becoming typical of a Jerry Springer Show. Also, men tend to be "ungraceful" loosers, therefore we can expect to see some surprising comments from the ones leaving the show. Trista’s behavior with them men will be a two-edge sword she will have to deal with effectively, as not to have it backfire on her.

Q. What do you mean?

A. Both Aaron and Alex got some heat about their intimate scenes with several of the ladies during their dates, and this was seen in a not to good light by the other ladies and viewers who thought they were taking advantage of the situation, and just trying to get the most of a house full of available women. Trista, on the other hand, will be seen and labeled very negatively if she begins to have numerous intimate scenes with the men. Our society is psychologically not ready to give equality on this issue yet. If a man does it, he’s just having a good time, but if a lady does it, she is labeled something I am certain you can not print. Also, she will risk having some of the bachelor’s opinions on her do a full 180, and some would begin to see her as someone frivolous and interesting only for a good time, but not as a potential future wife.

Q. You touched a nerve with this last remark, and I need to ask you to elaborate on this last comment.

A. Now, Wendy, don’t jump on me, I am personally open minded on this issue, therefore, I am stating a sociological fact, and not my personal opinion. I am certain I will get some heat for this, but it’s just the way it is. Most people acknowledge this as a fact, even though they become upset to hear it expressed out in the open. You can not erase, all of a sudden, a social and moral conditioning that has been present in our society for generations, and that is that women are supposed to be the chased, and not the hunters. It is my opinion this concept will possibly change in the future, but will take several generations to accept it without reservations, and, what is more important, feel comfortable with it.

Q. I know the show’s premiere is several days away, and you can not comment on the individual bachelors, since we have not met them yet. Can you shed any light on what we may expect?

A. I’m putting myself out on a limb on this one, and will gladly eat my words if I am wrong, but I can throw a few predictions out. The first day is just a big party, and it is difficult to make choices at the rose ceremony, if they will have her handing out roses this time around. You can expect her to pick those who impressed her by their physical looks, and seemed genuinely honest during their conversations. She will weed out the ones who’s personality did not click with hers during the few minutes they might have had a conversation together, seemed too passive or aggressive, or appeared to have been in the show with a personal agenda. She will give a rose to a member of a minority group, as Aaron did, just to be politically correct, but he will not last much longer than that. Again, sorry for this last observation, but I am correct on this one, as I was during my observations on Bachelor II.

Q. What should viewers be looking for in the series, as to have a better idea of who will be chosen in the end?

A. As I advised viewers in my last piece, I am doing this piece for fun, since I can not have a valued opinion on a persons personality unless I interact personally with them. On a TV program like this, which is edited to fit the producer’s wishes as to what the final product will be, one can’t take scenes or people too literally. Don’t concentrate too much on what is said, but observe Trista’s behavior with the men, and how she interacts with each one of them. Look at her body language, face expressions, small comments during her voiceovers, the way she kisses them, and how she generally acts, when that person is around her. Trista is a sincere person who, I believe, is honestly searching for someone to share her life with. She is professional, mature, sincere, romantic, and, what is more important, practical. I am better prepared, at this stage, to tell you WHO SHE WILL NOT CHOOSE in the end. I can't see her choosing someone who behaves like a whiner, is overly aggressive, becomes obnoxious, or who speaks bad about the other men. Also, she will not choose someone who can not offer her a stable home life, like an artist, a model, athlete, nor anyone who would be always traveling and away from home, no matter how handsome or attractive he may be. She seeks a normal relationship with someone who can offer her a normal marriage and financial security, a stable home in which to raise children. She would be contradicting herself if she chose someone who can not provide all this. Viewers must try to differentiate between two different types of groups. They will be those who she really feels impressed about, and is beginning to have deep feelings for, and those whom I call “fillers”, who are along for the ride because they are simply physically attractive, problem free, or fun to be with. Remember, she may only let go a certain number of men at each rose ceremony, and must keep the remaining for another week. In other words, she might be truly interested in one or two, but must carry the rest of them over, due to the show’s guidelines.

Q. Any last minute observation or comment?

A. Yes, a couple. Trista is a person who is very sensitive to the feelings of others. She will have a hard time during the rose ceremonies, knowing she may have hurt the feelings of those she has let go. This will get worse as the weeks move on, and she becomes more attached to the Bachelors. The other one is an observation which I consider humorous. Do you believe women are great at gossip? Well, ladies, men are much worse, and they have a tendency to embellish their stories until the end product is nothing even close as to what really happened. The example on "just how big was the fish I caught last summer" comes to mind. I just wish the producers decided to include some of the men’s stories on what happened on the one on one dates.

Q. When will we be speaking with you again?

A. I will probably have a better opinion on what the end will bring sometime around episode three or four.

Q. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your future opinions on this issue.


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