The Bachelorette, The second Q & A session-1/16/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. We have a lot to talk about today! I have tons of questions for you! Let’s generalize first, and we’ll get down to specifics as we move on. It’s been over two weeks since we last spoke to you in reference to The Bachelorette, and I have to say, I’m impressed. You seemed to have set very intuitive guidelines on the show without even having seen the first episode. I read some of your previous observations before this interview began, and anyone could associate almost everything you said with what has gone on the first two episodes. How did you come up with those observations?

A. I assure you, Wendy, I don’t have a crystal ball. Those observations could have also applied to Bachelor II. There will always be certain types of individuals who will be weeded out on the first ceremony, and the ones I mentioned were the most logical to go first. As I also mentioned, the dynamics of this type of show is totally different from The Bachelor series, and we got a glimpse of it on the second episode. Trista’s in for a surprise, because she is learning she is not the center of these men’s universe, and they can have a great time together without her even being there. I also believe she is not glamorous or interesting enough to keep the constant attention of a large group of men on an ongoing basis.

Q. Wow! We’ll get to that last remark later, but first, tell me your opinion on the bachelors chosen for this series?

A. This show is living proof men take this type of situation much different than ladies. Here you have a group where 80% can have a great time together without even thinking of Trista. You may say it’s male bonding at its best. From what I have seen so far, the majority of the men are having a better time while they are among themselves than when they are around Trista. I could say, in a way, they have taken over the show. Their attitudes reflect how some men view relationships with the other sex, in which there is a time for romance and a time for just having a good time with the guys, and one is just as important as the other. I’m almost certain the guys were enjoying each others company and having such a blast together during their parties, they would have felt disappointed if Trista would have walked in, forcing them to shift their attention to her. During Bachelor II, the ladies days and nights were geared towards Aaron. Even most of their conversations concentrated on their dates with Aaron, their chances of winning his attention, or the next rose ceremony. Aaron WAS the center of the show. For some, Trista might be nice, sexy and attractive, but I can guarantee you the men do not spend their day brooding over what is going to happen at the next rose ceremony. Except for two or three of them, the rest don’t really care much if they get clipped, at this stage. The only down side would be missing the fun they’re having with the rest the guys. I also believe they may not go out and say so, in front of the cameras, but some are not impressed with Trista, nor envision her as a potential wife. She is not making it any easier for them, either, in my opinion. Having said all that, I can say that, minus a few exceptions, this is a well-rounded group, and Trista should not have many problems choosing her prince, even though is not going to be the one everyone seems to be rooting for.

Q. You made some interesting comments, and I got an overload of questions regarding them, but first, who are you referring to in that last remark?

A. From what I hear, Jamie is the favorite. Trista likes him and he is handsome, but not good marriage material, unless Trista is ready to let go of her future TV career and follow him all over Europe on his playing contracts. This would not be a very logical move, considering these third class players do not make much more income than, say, a low-end blue collar worker. Trista’s Physical Therapist degree and language barrier will not be much help to her in most European countries either, except, perhaps, Great Britain. On the other hand, Jamie is not NBA material, or else he would have stayed home with a playing contract, and we also have to wonder if he would throw his dream out the window for Trista. Did you notice she let go of the pilots during the first round? This fact might reinforce my theory of choosing someone who can offer a normal lifestyle for her. Of course, I might be totally wrong on this, remember I don’t have any other information to go by except what I observe on the episodes, like everyone else. I believe, unless he said or did something wrong during the taping, Jamie will probably be the male version of Brooke in Bachelor II. Sorry, I keep comparing contestants from both series to make my point.

Q. Wait a minute! Explain this TV career business.

A. I don’t read much TV news, and the information is probably already out there, but I believe Trista’s got the limelight bug, and will pursue a TV career after this series is over. I noticed she can act, enjoys the limelight, and being the center of attention, therefore, it wouldn’t surprise me she leaves her Physical Therapist job and concentrates on a career in television. This, of course, will play on her final choice, since it would have to be someone who is able and willing to move to wherever city her TV contract is going to be.

Q. You compared some characters to the ones from Bachelor II, lets continue on this venue and give me some examples.

A. I can’t avoid doing this, because some of the men’s personalities remind me of several of the ladies on Bachelor. A good example is Russell, who reminds me somewhat of Christie, who gave a good first impression, kept a few episodes interesting for a while, but made everyone relieved when she was finally cut. Russell is definitely not the male bonding type, and is out for himself. I can’t see him staying the distance. Somehow, his personality gives me the same negative vibes as Christie did, and Trista is keeping him around because she feels flattered by his constant attention, even though I also believe he is overdoing it, and his aggressiveness will be his downfall. Another good example is Bob, whose outrageous humor and strong personality reminds me of Hayley, who, I believe, has an exceptional sense of humor that went right over Aaron’s head. Haley never had the chance to bring it out in the open during the show. I give Bob the “Entertainment Award”. His dance scene on the first episode was hilarious, and depicted someone with a strong personality and who is very sure of himself. He reminds me of a friend of mine who appears to be very serious at first glance, but will stand up on a table and begin singing Michael Jackson songs, moonwalk and all, during parties. They are the typical life of the party. It’s not easy to go out and do this on national television, in front of Trista, and laugh it off! Someone in the production team should do both Bob and Hayley a favor and pair them up. Honestly, I believe they are truly made for each other, and he’s wasting his time with Trista, since he’s not the one who will stay the distance. Trista is a nice lady, don’t get me wrong, but physical attraction is very important to her in choosing a life-long partner, even though she might not say so in the open.

Q. I keep getting negative vibes from you in reference to Trista, and I would like for you to shed some light on some of your comments about her.

A. I did not see Bachelor I, and my initial opinion of Trista was only based on watching a videotape recording of the last two episodes, which a friend let me borrow, before I began discussing Bachelorette. I know the die-hard Trista fans will roast me for what I’m about to say. First, I must emphasize I believe Trista is not a bad person, and she is sincere when she mentions her future plans of having a family, but, she is the type of lady either you click with and like, or, someone who completely turns you off. Trista is somewhat materialistic, predictable, a little melodramatic, and, presently, has geared the show into situations where she can show off her nice figure and flat tummy, instead of actually concentrating on getting to know some of these men on a one to one basis. In my opinion, her input on where to go on the group dates is totally shallow and senseless. It is illogical to go to a football game, of all places, if you’re trying to get to know someone more intimately. And, I could see going to Vegas on a one on one date, and staying at one of the hotels for a night, but, taking a group to Vegas, in order to get to know them better, is a total waste of time. The highlight of this so-called group date was to sneak off with Russ and smooch in private, a very tacky and classless thing to do, in my opinion. It showed a total lack of respect for the others in the group. If you’re going on a group date, and this goes for both men and ladies, you should enjoy the event with the group. It’s OK if you step away with one particular person to have a one on one conversation, but to sneak off behind the bushes and leave everyone staring at each other says a lot about Trista, and most of it negatively, in my opinion. I’m not here to be Mr. Manners, but I am certain most readers would not like someone to do it to them either, and it’s a simple question of having good manners, and showing respect towards the feelings of other people who are also present. I also mentioned, in the beginning, Trista might have some of her actions backfire on her, and I believe this to be happening, even though, so far, she has only been somewhat intimate with Russell, at least according to the show. Remember that the one-hour episode is the result of carefully choosing among hundreds of hours of videotape what will go on the air. I’m of the opinion most of the rejected footage is more interesting and indicative of what is actually going on than what we see in that one hour. I am certain some of the men’s opinions on her has changed from what they had envisioned before coming to the show, and they feel thankful for not getting a rose, since they have been turned off by her attitude. I have to say one thing, I take my hat off to the cowboy, who behaved like a true gentleman and endured the rose ceremony, knowing his chances of getting a rose was minimal. He was probably tempted to walk out on her in front of national TV, after their private conversation. I can also say some of the ones who did not get a rose were somewhat relieved, and not very impressed with Trista either.

Q. So you believe Trista is a fake?

A. No, I didn’t say that. Trista is not deceiving anyone or trying to be anything she’s not, she’s just being herself. In my opinion, she is slightly self centered, and tries very hard to project herself as an all around popular and fun person to be with. In my opinion, she is trying too hard. Like I already said, she is not one of those interesting and fascinating people who can easily captivate the attention and admiration of a large group of men, for a long period of time, especially day in and day out. Either you like and feel attracted by Trista, as she really is, or you don’t.

Q. I would like to ask you so many different questions! What do you think of Joe Millionaire?

A. Wendy, you’re flip-flopping programs on me! The concept might be entertaining to some, but our Joe has no winning trump card in his hand. He is not only going to get nailed, in the end, for not being a millionaire, but, also, for looking at the person he is supposed to have feelings for, right in the eyes, and lying. I’d say, for most women, the second offence is worse than the first. Of course, I’m basing that last opinion on the feelings of the average woman, and not on some of the materialistic ladies who stayed at the Chateau. I’d say Joe’s chances of being accepted, in the end, are almost at floor level, unless the lady in question is totally mesmerized by his looks, which seems to be his only trump card. She better take him for what he is, a likeable, carefree, laid back rebel who is happy just enjoying life, and who refuses to complicate himself too much. Professionally, he is not going anywhere, unless this show opens opportunities for his modeling career.

Q. Give us a few examples of events or places you would consider good for group dates for these types of shows?

A. The object of these programs is to get to know a group of men, or women, well enough to decide, in the end, if there is one among them who could possibly be a life long partner. Planned events should facilitate this function. Group dates should be aimed at having fun, certainly, but in an atmosphere that would allow some one on one time with EACH member of the group. Just out of the top of my head I would mention all night luaus on the beach, or poolside barbecues, where you could have some private conversations without distractions, and begin to know some of the people on a more intimate level. I would just do surprise visits at their pad, regularly, and go out for long walks with different people at a time, in order to get to know them better. A nice weekend cruise with a group date would be nice, distributing her time to facilitate having enough one on one time with each one in the group. The possibilities are endless, but I believe you get my general drift. An all out, lets go out and party date might be good entertainment for the viewers, but will leave everyone involved just as ignorant as to each others personalities as they were in the beginning.

Q. Here’s the big question! Who do you think is going all the way in Bachelorette?

A. It’s too early to tell. I can give you some hints, but have to see more episodes to get a real feel for Krista’s reaction to any individual person there. So far, she’s been partying around too much, and not spending quality one on one time with most of them.

Q. Come on, A.T, go out on a limb and give us your true gut feeling. Don’t play it so safe!

A. All right! Wendy, you sure can be persuasive and drive someone to the wall! You should go on the next Bachelor, no one else would stand a chance! Currently, Trista is enjoying herself, and likes being the center of attention, for a change. She enjoys being seduced by several handsome suitors. She is especially enjoying the company of a couple of them, maybe three, but the rest are what I call fillers. From what I have seen, Trista’s reactions and body language is peaked whenever she is with Charlie. Unless there is a major change, due to an unforeseen event or conversation in the next few weeks, I believe he will stand out among the rest in the end. Of course, I reserve the right to change my opinion as I see more episodes, and we finally get a better glimpse of Trista’s one on one relationship with the men, instead of her fashion modeling scenes and self advertisements. On Bachelor II, I had a suspicion, after the second episode, it was going to be Heleen, but wasn’t absolutely certain until about the third or fourth episode.

Q. We wish to thank you for this long interview. When will we speak with you again?

A. I would say in a week, or so. Events will move rapidly from now on. I will certainly eat my words if I’m wrong, and the readers will take care of this, but I have the feeling this show is not going to be much of a challenge, unless something totally unpredictable happens. Trista is a very simple person to read, therefore, the fans shouldn’t have any problem figuring things out.




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