The Bachelorette, The fourth Q & A session-1/30/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. I’ve got tons of questions today! I was dying to know your opinions, as I watched last night’s episode, and desperately wanted this moment to come. I would like to begin by changing things around and will probably surprise you by asking your opinion on the last episode of Joe Millionaire.

A. Wendy, your question does not surprise me, since I’m also beginning to know YOU pretty well. Honestly, I can’t get my interest focused on this program. There are no interactions between our Joe and the ladies, and I haven’t seen one meaningful conversation between Evan and any of them, considering they have been together for several weeks now. I have noticed none of the ladies are remotely attached to him, and this is evident by the reactions and comments from the ones he lets go. MoJo, in my opinion, made a deadly mistake at showing Evan the million-dollar check she made out to herself and had inserted in her album. Now, how direct and tacky can you get? I am certain she wrote it on her way to France, for very few people will do this just to set a goal out for themselves, and it was not very smart of her to assume our Joe would be impressed by it. I feel the ones staying are only determined to win, and not precisely win Evan’s heart, as it should be. I believe Zora is a nice lady, but is emotionally scarred from some past event, and is a very difficult person to get to know. She is also too intelligent to have clicked with Evan, and finds him boring. Both Melissa and Sarah are in it for the money, of course, and are not impressed by our Joe, specially as marriage material. For me, the highlight of the evening was Melissa’s comical attempt to prepare a simple salad, and her conversation with Evan stating she would like to have millions to go to third world countries and distribute food and supplies to the children. I was drinking a cup of coffee and almost gagged on that one. I can’t envision someone who was complaining about getting food under her fingernails traveling to Africa and spending time among the needy, unless she envisions herself being comfortably flown over the villages, for a couple of days, and throwing supplies out the airplane window. Even our boy picked up on it! There are two people whom I would love to have seen go all the way, Heidi and Melissa. I would enjoy seeing their faces when the truth was finally revealed! Heidi is gone, but I still hold some hope for Melissa, it would make watching this show worthwhile! On a comical note, I believe Melissa and Sarah would keep anyone on a constant diet of frozen dinners and fast foods for the rest of their lives, perhaps doing something challenging on special occasions by opening a couple of cans of spaghetti and meatballs as a special treat. Now don’t get angry with me, ladies, I honestly am a number one supporter of the modern day professional, let it be male or female, but that doesn’t mean having a career is a passport for being completely useless at home. Kidding aside, I believe the only interesting part of this whole series will be, as I mentioned earlier, the last episode, since I honestly do not see Evan having any deep feelings for any of the ladies. I don’t care if he say otherwise, his face expressions and body language tells me he is just getting as much mileage as possible from the hot tub and the bushes surrounding the chateau.

Q. Now, tell it like it is and explain to me what happened last night on The Bachelorette dates.

A. There is a saying that goes: You can fool some of the people all the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you will never be able to fool all the people all the time. Trista confirmed the validity of this wise statement while she was with Charlie’s family. I would not be surprised if Charlie’s father was a colleague, for he saw right through her as quickly as I did, from just being exposed to her for a short period of time. What occurred was that Charlie’s family turned the cards back on her. They appeared not to be impressed by what she had to offer, and every member of the family saw Trista for what she is. You just have to remember the adjectives they used, when referring to her, to know they will never see or accept Trista as a positive influence for Charlie. I must confess to being amused when Charlie’s brother compared Trista to their Mom, since they both share the same career, and “Mom” flipped out, not wanting to be compared to a flashy high maintenance ex-Miami Heat dancer. Mom made it sound like she was being called a bad word! Even the sister in law saw right through Trista from the beginning, and viewed her with contempt. His family will bite the bullet and keep their personal opinions to themselves, since Charlie and Trista will end up together in the end. The bright side is I feel their relationship will not last long, so the family will just have to wait it out.

Q. Why do you say they turned the cards back on her?

A. She was obviously not impressed at all with the rest of the families, but was trying hard to conceal her contempt for the simplicity of their lives and their financial status. Her comments mostly geared towards materialistic subjects, and she judged the bachelors according to their lifestyle. Charlie’s family did a reversal on her.

Q. Lets move along to Greg.

A. I know many fans got their hopes shot down because, in their mind, he was the one who would go all the way. I knew he was not the one from the beginning of the show, but realized he had flunked and was on his way out on last night’s ceremony when I saw what little chemistry they shared while being together in his apartment. Trista was not impressed with his “import” business, since it apparently can not even afford him a larger place to live in. The look on her face, while sitting in his apartment, said she would have to be nailed to the floor to stay there just for one night, and that she had not come all this way in life to be his “motorcycle mamma”. Greg would have had to trade the cycle in for the Aston Martin. I feel honestly sorry for him, though, for he appears to be a nice guy who has had to get ahead on his own and with little financial support from his family. It was sad to see him showing Trista his deceased Dad’s photos, for Greg seemed to have been very close to him, and I identify with him on that area. I am glad he was sent home last night, for he deserves to meet someone who will love and share her life with him just for who he is, and not for what he is financially able to provide.

Q. Again, I somehow sense you don’t like Trista very much.

A. As I mentioned in an earlier interview, Trista is someone you either like or you don’t, there is no middle ground here, and I happen not to be impressed by her. She is materialistic, self centered, superficial, flashy, and is seeking a comfortable lifestyle in the fame and fortune deriving from being in show business. Everything else is secondary to her at this point, since it’s no secret, anymore, she has moved to California. There is something odd I noticed in two of her four visits. She definitely did not pay any attention to the children she encountered, something extremely rare for someone who claims to love working and interacting with them. This might seem like something unimportant, but is crucial for someone who is able to see a pattern of contradictions on the way she is trying to portray herself to the viewers.

Q. Let’s talk about Russell.

A. She did not look at all impressed with Russ, and it is evident the interest she felt for him during the first episodes is long gone, especially after visiting him in his home town and realizing Russ is not financially secure enough to provide her with what she wants. We all saw an insecure Russ last night, and he projected himself as a fairly regular run of the mill guy. All the cockiness and self assurance he showed during the first episodes appeared to have been an act on his part. One of the first comments she made about him was in reference to her curiosity in knowing how he was able to support himself after quitting his Silicon Valley job, the equivalent of a death sentence where Trista is concerned. He is on his way out; it’s just a matter of when. I still don’t like his constant mention of the connection existing between Trista and him, when it is evident it is long gone. Somehow, his constant fantasizing about Trista’s feelings for him makes me uneasy.

Q. Now, tell me about everyone’s favorite, Ryan.

A. I’m truly sorry, fans, but Ryan is already dead, and he doesn’t even know it. He seems to be a nice guy, and I feel bad for the crash he is soon about to experience. As I mentioned in a previous interview, Trista is not going to marry someone of Ryan’s income bracket either, and, much less, move away from her TV career, and the glitter of Hollywood, to live in his small town and be the wife of a firefighter. The worse part is I feel she is not going to spare his feelings, and will probably keep him writing poems almost till the end. The good news is his modeling career will probably benefit from all this exposure, so not all is lost.

Q. You do have a way with words! Last, but not least, Charlie.

A. Charlie is definitely going all the way. All the leading indicators are there, and, after meeting his family, he passed the financial aptitude test. She feels attracted to him, and he lives in California, so that part is comforting to her. Even if he appears to be a pretty nice guy, on the average, Charlie is also as materialistic as she is, and feels impressed by the same things. He is smart, and is aware Trista is hard to please, but is willing to go ahead, anyway. This is a typical scenario of someone who knows he is going to fall overboard, sooner or later, but the temptation of going on a sailing trip is stronger than any solid advise or common sense the people around him are trying to convey to him. One observation though; I am certain if Charlie lived, say, in North Dakota, refused to move to California, and requested Trista moved to his city, he would be Bachelorette history. As I already mentioned, in this moment of her life, Trista’s number one interest is making it in TV land. I could even close my eyes and see her as a host of one of the many talk shows that are so popular nowadays. If you really have a good imagination, you could even see she would make a good Kathie Lee Gifford clone.

Q. All right, lets make this challenging, tell me the name of who will be let go on each of the last two episodes.

A. I would be going out on a limb here, for, as I said, Charlie is the one, and the rest are just fillers till we get to the ending. Making a prediction on this is pure speculation, but I will please you by saying Russ is probably next in line to go, and Ryan will be the one suffering the intensive hand massage that precedes the final goodbye speech. Don’t hold me to it, though, for her choice will be based on a throw of the dice, and I can’t predict these things, or else I would have won the Lottery many years ago.

Q. When will we hear from you again?

A. In a week, of course. I believe next week is the overnight dates, and I’m interested in seeing what happens on them. Also, listening to Trista’s lame explanations as to how torn she still is about her final choice should be very interesting to watch. It promises to be a good showing of her acting abilities.


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