February 26, 2004

The Bachelorette II
By Wendy Thompson

Q. I loved this finale! What did you think of it?

A. I was also impressed with it! I truly enjoyed watching Meredith, Ian and Matt throw out the window any resemblance to a script they might have prepared for the rose ceremony. It seemed like everyone forgot there was a cameraman there.
There was definitely no acting for the sake of the cameras; it genuinely was reality TV!

Q. I felt sorry for Matt!

A. Matthew behaved like a true gentleman, in my opinion. He not only listened to Meredith's words with respect and great fondness, but took over her good-bye speech when it was evident she was having a tough time; a very commendable thing to do. He was really falling in love with her, and it was a tough experience for him to go through.

Q. I thought, for a moment, Meredith was really falling in love with Matt.

A. It is difficult to put into words: I will simplify my explanation by saying there is what we shall call "strong like", "falling in love", and "being completely infatuated" with a person. Meredith did not get past the "strong like" stage with Matt. I began to worry about their future together as soon as I heard Meredith constantly repeating Matt's good qualities as a future husband. For me that was a signal she might have liked him a lot, but was also trying to convince herself she felt something that was simply not there.

Q. Talk to me about Ian. He did surprise us all.

A. Ian spent the whole series making us believe he was most likely not going to fall in love or propose. As a matter of fact, he was pretty good in the end, and his proposal seemed genuine and heartfelt. Ian was really touched by the whole experience, and appears to have really fallen in love with Meredith, even though her feelings for Ian are much stronger, at the present time, than what he feels for her. Still, some people's feelings take longer to develop than others.

Q. What about Meredith?

A. Meredith chose the man she felt most comfortable with, and did a fairly good job of letting Matt down easily. Sometimes you have to throw all caution and common sense out the window and just follow your heart.
One thing bothering me was her "ring speech" to Matt, which gave me the feeling she was expressing her desire to have him propose to her in the end. The same could be said of her words to the effect she "wanted to have his children" and also "grow old with him". Either that was a very misleading thing for her to say, or her words were fragments of a conversation taken out of context by the editors. I will let it rest for now; perhaps we will receive some clarification during the After the Rose Special.
Needless to say, Meredith has fallen madly in love with Ian, and who knows, maybe they will enjoy a meaningful relationship for a significant length of time. This series sure could use another successful couple.

Q. You already expressed your feelings their relationship was not going to last. Do you still feel the same way?

A. I do not believe they will grow old together but, come on Wendy; who cares anymore! Look at the success rate of the couples from these so-called "reality TV shows".
Fact is M&I are both steaming and "in love" with each other. They also make a pretty cute couple together, plus their lips suffer from "Acute lip-bonding seizures."
My opinion? I would tell them to "Take the plunge", and enjoy it for as long as it lasts.


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