The Bachelorette, The sixth Q & A session-2/13/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. I’d like to get a couple of topics out of the way before I ask you about last night’s Bachelorette reunion show. First, talk to me about this last episode of Joe Millionaire.

A. I was under the impression this Monday was the finale, but later found out, to my dismay, we must endure another two-hour episode to see the ending. Like I said earlier, this program has not been too interesting for me, mostly because, in my opinion, they chose the wrong person to play Joe. I can practically guarantee not one of the ladies involved has developed any feelings for Evan, even with his supposed fifty million. He has been somewhat detached from personally getting to know these women, concentrating instead on trying to guess who was interested in him for his money and enjoying himself whenever someone offered him the opportunity. FOX producers edited the show in a way that leaves the viewers without really getting an insight of the women’s personalities. Even our Joe is another mystery, for he has constantly tried to come across as an ignorant barbarian, perhaps intentionally. On one of my previous interviews I mentioned there was more to Evan than met the eye, and apparently that is the case. I also mentioned Zora was definitely hiding something, but I will let it go at that. I am not able to confirm my suspicions about her, and, I don’t feel comfortable divulging a simple hunch, knowing there are literally thousands of readers who follow these interviews and would possibly take my words as fact, although I have always said I do this for entertainment purposes only. It is impossible to predict anything on this show, because almost everything involved with it is based on lies and selective editing. The ladies have been deceived from the very beginning, and there is something about Evan he has been trying very hard to hide. To top it off, it now appears the show’s producers have not given the viewers all the facts, since there is a final twist to the story. In my opinion, this show is based more on fiction than reality TV. The only predictions I will make is that Evan is NOT in love with any of the two finalists, nor are they in love with him. He might be choosing the lady he likes the most, but there are no deep-rooted feelings for either one. After a brief glance at Evan’s ex-girlfriend, I would tend to go with Sarah as his final choice, but don’t hold me to it. Sarah is definitely interested in Evan for the money, and Zora has known for some time our Joe is not being truthful, and is just playing along to see what happens. Apparently next week’s episode will feature a sort of reunion with the ladies he has let go. It might be interesting to see how many of them try to save face by saying they really liked Evan, and would have gone out with him even if he is a construction worker. I believe a select few would have settled for a blue collar worker if they would have developed deep feelings towards him, but that did not happened in Evan’s case. Remember I am talking about a long-term relationship and possible marriage, not a few casual dates with a good-looking guy.

Q. Now that we’re all looking forward to next Thursday’s ABC Special dealing with the breakup of Aaron and Helene; tell us your impressions of what to expect.

A. I look forward to the ABC Special, even though I can already imagine what we will see. I’ve always said Aaron is a public relation’s dream boy, and we can count on him to shift most of the blame on the two months they were separated after the filming of the last episode. I could see two people drawing apart after four or six months of separation, but, to have everything end after simply eight weeks means there was probably nothing there of any substance to begin with. As we saw on the rerun of The Bachelor, when ABC continuously showed Aaron telling the viewers it was his turn to set the record straight, Aaron talked a lot, but didn’t say anything of substance, clear signs of a smooth spin artist. On this upcoming interview, he will probably not accept any responsibility for the breakup, shifting the blame, instead, on external circumstances. Helene, on the other hand, is more open and honest with her answers, and is not one to play Aaron’s word games. She will probably say what is on her mind, and it’s just a matter of how much the producers will edit out. The fact is their relationship ended some time ago, right after they began seeing each other outside the show. I noticed no chemistry between them during their last taped interview, which happened around Christmas, if I remember correctly. I will not repeat what I have already explained in detail during our last interview, but Helene possibly realized Aaron was too self absorbed with his personal projects to pay any significant attention to their relationship. I believe he had placed Helene way down on his list of interests, behind his new restaurant and his personal appearances, something she was not willing to accept. Helene is also the type of woman who would not feel comfortable seeing her fiancée being too friendly with the numerous ladies surrounding him, for her beliefs are too traditional in comparison with Aaron. These are the facts, as I believe them to be, we will see what ABC decides to show the viewers. Who knows, it might turn out to be an interesting program after all.

Q. As you know, rumors are running rampant, some say Aaron is trying to contact Brooke, others that it is Gwen who he wishes to see. What do you think about all this?

A. Rumors are just that, wishful thinking on the part of some, and we should take them with a grain of salt. It all depends what Aaron has in mind at the moment, remember I am not clairvoyant. He liked Brooke and considered her a good friend. If what he wants now is uncomplicated companionship, he will find a way to end up seeing her. If, on the other hand, he wants to be certain of what his feelings were for Gwen, as I believe he does, Aaron will try to contact her sometime in the future, when some of his present projects are finished. I don’t know if Aaron is presently ready to begin another serious relationship, for Gwen is no fool and she will not allow Aaron to use her as his pastime. He might just go for a simple uncomplicated relationship with Brooke, who would possibly welcome him with open arms if given the opportunity, but would make sure their relationship stay on a friendly level. Both Brooke and her mother are pretty crafty, and will keep all options open in case ABC offers her the opportunity to be Bachelorette II. In this case, Aaron can wait, as far as they are concerned, since he had his chance and blew it. On a humorous note, I will end by advising our boy to think twice about contacting Brooke, for I am certain uncle "whatever his name is", in the Marines, would like to rearrange Aaron’s smile if he hurts her feelings for a second time. Brook’s family might be nice and friendly, but I wouldn’t turn my back on them if I deliberately hurt anyone in the group. I sensed the joke about “uncle” going after Aaron, which everyone laughed about at the dining room table, was not based totally on fiction.

Q. Now lets move on to last night’s Bachelorette reunion show. Give me your overall impression first, and, I would then like to follow up on specifics about a couple of new details which surfaced during the show.

A. Wendy, I know what’s coming, I can sense it, just ensure you separate my professional opinion, which I can not give, from my personal one, which is given on these articles strictly for fun and entertainment purposes.

Q. My, you are good! It’s a little embarrassing to know you are speaking with someone who seem to be reading your mind, and know what you are going to say next. You’ve done that to me several times now. Well, I’ll be lenient with you, I promise, please continue.

A. In my opinion, last night’s show was pretty entertaining, and we saw the men taking over and having more fun being among themselves than when Trista was present. Bob was the main event, of course, and was his usual funny and entertaining self. It would be a shame if ABC didn’t see his potential at comedy and gave him an opportunity. He is one of those people that are naturally funny and witty, much more than some so called actors presently doing sitcoms, who can’t make people laugh unless they are reading their lines on a script. Brook tried very hard not to show he can’t stand Trista, but didn’t do a very good job of it. Russ tried to shake off his negative image without much success, while Trista made sure she dug his grave a little deeper with her comments. I can’t wait for this series to be over, her Betty Boop voice is beginning to get on my nerves! Jack still seemed to be embarrassed at watching himself during his drunken spectacle, and, it was a shame we couldn’t hear Brian H. expressing what he really thought about Trista. Apparently, ABC didn’t want to show too many negative comments about her, and left some people’s opinions out. I am certain a large percent of them would have given us an earful. Jamie shocked us with his admission about suffering from Panic Disorder, and, I learned something new about Trista that I know you will want me to elaborate on.

Q. All right, smarty, lay it on thick! Moving on, most of us know that panic attacks have to deal with feeling intense fear about something, but, could you please explain it so we may understand it better. I felt very sorry for my favorite bachelor, when I heard him say he suffered from panic attacks.

A. I will just give an overall explanation, since I don’t wish this article to become too technical. Panic disorder is one of several anxiety disorders and is probably the most common of all psychiatric disorders. People with panic disorder experience repeated unexpected episodes of intense fear. These episodes, called panic attacks, occur without warning and in the absence of any external threats. Most patients explain it as “something that just explodes right out of the blue, with no previous warning or anything, not mattering what you were doing or where you were at the onset.” These attacks can occur as often as several times a week or even per day, causing significant distress in the person, mostly due to not knowing when or where the next episode will occur. It could happen while they are in the middle of the street or driving a car, and that is what makes it so fearful for the victim. Many people suffering panic attacks say they get a fear of dying, "going crazy" or losing control of their emotions or behavior. I find it hard to believe Jamie continues to drink alcoholic beverages to the point of allowing himself to get drunk, for this is way up on the list of things to avoid when someone has been diagnosed with panic disorder. Treatment is usually a combination of psychotherapy and medication, on an ongoing basis, since this disorder requires long-term treatment. I just hope HE IS receiving ongoing treatment, since it is extremely expensive, even if you have health insurance. I wish him the best, for he appears to be a really nice person.

Q. My second question is in reference to Trista’s comments about what was called “not having experienced the big O”. This seems to be a little out of the ordinary, don’t you think?

A. All right Wendy, you’ve seemed to have dragged me into this topic and, quite honestly, I can’t make any determination or educated guesses on this issue without personally knowing and having an in-depth conversation with the person in question, so I will be brief. I don’t quite understand Trista’s explanation, since, as far as I am aware, there is only one orgasm. There might be hundreds of different ways of achieving one through stimulation on different eroneous zones in a woman's body, but I don't believe that is the main issue. It appears the question caught her off guard, and this is an embarrassing subject for her. Anyway, it is not normal for someone of her age to have difficulties in this area. I'll give a simple explanation. The lack of ability to reach orgasm may be caused, to either sex, by either a physical problem or a psychological one. This, in itself, is a significant reason for her personal relationships to have gone sour in the past, and I hope she does not ignore the issue, believing it will simply go away when she meets the right man, because normally it never does. People who suffer this problem should first discuss it with their gynecologist or personal physician, who will determine what the next step should be. It is extremely important to take it seriously and not simply write to one of these “dear whatever their name is” and expect a miracle solution. Learning this is an issue with Trista might explain some of her behavior and personality traits which we have been discussing on these articles, and will possibly become a very important issue with any future relationship she might have with a member of the opposite sex, including whomever she chooses next week.

Q. You are an interesting person to interview! Your explanations are so easy to understand; even I know what you’re talking about. I could go on for hours, discussing a dozen different subjects that, I am certain, would interest the readers.

A. Thanks for the “plug” Wendy, I like you too, but please stay on the topic line and don’t go technical on me. Remember all this is supposed to be for fun and not for publishing in The New England Journal of Medicine. I do wish to say if there is one thing I would wish to accomplish from this project it would be for the readers to understand they should consult a certified professional if they believe to need medical or psychological assistance. I have observed most people will spend weeks researching what new car they will buy, and then, trust anyone with their personal health who promises a quick and inexpensive fix. I advise people to research and find a local professional who has been practicing in their area for some time, or simply, discuss their concerns with their personal physician, if they already have one. Check the person’s credentials, the type of degree they have and from what University it is from, running like lightning if it appears to be one of those unaccredited Universities who will sell you a degree by mail, it doesn’t matter how fancy or luxurious their office looks. Find out where they did their internship and what type of professional licenses they hold. Your health and happiness is definitely more important than buying a car or a house, therefore, please do your homework and trust yourself to a qualified specialist. I am sorry if I seem to harp too much on this issue, but, I am surprised as to how gullible some people are, asking questions and sharing extremely private and delicate matters with complete strangers they haven’t even met, not even knowing who they are dealing with.

Q. Next week promises to be an interesting one, for it’s the end of Joe M., The Bachelorette, and The Aaron-Helene ABC Special. Any last minute changes on your predictions?

A. No, no changes, even if it is a toss-up on who Joe M. will choose. I’ll stay with my prediction on Sarah for Joe M. and definitely Charlie for Bachelorette, unless someone breaks a leg, or something, and is carried away from the show. I already told you what I expect will happen on the ABC Special.

Q. Thank you for humoring me and giving us such an interesting article! I wish to inform our readers that, due to ABC’s Special being aired Thursday night, the next article will be on-line Friday, the twenty first, instead of Thursday, so we may know our author’s opinions on Aaron and Helene’s statements. It promises to be a real interesting week, and a much more interesting interview!

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLARIFICATION:
An unknown contributor graciously sent us this clarification we wanted to share with our readers. We appreciate the information.
"Unlike men, some women can orgasm SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS: via clitoral, vaginal, or G-Spot stimulation."

We wish to add even though a G-Spot orgasm supposedly feels intensified and different from a clitoral or a vaginal, it is still an orgasm.



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