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updated Jan. 4, 2004
Jan. 14, 2004
Jan. 24, 2004
April 9, 2004

Barby's Place

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1999 :(
She will be 21 this year 2004

Kayla's 14th Birthday
1999 :(
It seems like yesterday!
She will be 19 this year 2004

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AbOuT mE!
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This is so cool!
I LOVE unicorns!!

You are the most universal mythical beast ever.
Sightings of the unicorn have been reported
from all over the world, even in modern times.
Unicorns are pure and incorruptible.
In China, unicorns symbolized gentleness,
good will, and wisdom.
Christianity links the unicorn with Christ.
It is said that unicorns would
only allow virgin girls to see them,
let alone touch them.
They were easily lured into fatal
ambushes by a virgin with some poachers
waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes.
A unicorn's horn was a highly prized possession,
which was reputed to have great healing capabilities.
With the touch of its horn,
a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours.
But when separated from the unicorn's body,
the magic was significantly reduced.
The unicorn had the body of a horse,
a unique spiraling horn,
and a lion's tail.
They were pure white in color.
What mythical beast best represents you?

Take the quiz!

I have been approved!!
Thank you deputy DFrog!!

u can get one too
you can get one too

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