Comments on "Time to Fly"

lot of strong emotions in this. the support of others in life is a rare treasure. I love it.

Kirk - 1/18/03

Fly straight and true, Ravyn! Join the Falcon and soar the heavens' delight.

Heinz - 1/18/03

Hello Ravyn, "Time To Fly" seems locked and loaded with all that's necessary for a successful flight. I'll toss in a wish for much more than luck. Take Care

Michael - 1/19/03

Absolutely breath-taking, Jenn!!

Erin - 1/20/03

Evocative piece of writing bordering on legend, like an Indian story passed down from elder to offspring.

Chris - 1/21/03

such warm imagery, very well crafted.

Richard - 1/21/03

Absolutely fantastic - again, something to be proud of - very curious as to the story behind it, but don't want to hear it as it may mean something contrary to what I'm thinking - a nice turn, a very nice turn

William - 1/21/03

fills me with hope. wonderful read.

Morgan - 1/22/03

I love this one Jenn. May the Raven and Falcon always fly... Free!

Kate - 7/7/03


Aiko - 7/14/03
