Common Ground

why do you look at me that way?
need i ask? of course i know
you read my fears like headlines
flashing across the bottom
of your cnn screened television
screaming 'whore! slut!
i know what you've done!'
and i can't help but turn away

so where does that leave us?
strangers without common ground
one look in your eyes tells me
that you know all about
what happened in the barn that day
and all the days and nights
mingled with the blood in between
all i can do is turn and walk away

strangers without common ground
though i have promised to try
and accept what i know of life
will you ever be able
to bring yourself to accept me
with all my faults and all my pasts
the horror entwined with the ecstacy
or, as i am thinking now, will we

never meet at all due to
a lack of common ground

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