Don't Ask

Don't ask why I am the way I am
You don't want to know
Don't ask what has made me so cynical
It would only make you turn away in disgust
Don't ask when all of this started
It has been going on for a lifetime and more
Don't ask who I trust
For I trust no one
Don't ask where I am headed
That path is dark and the end is bitter
Don't ask how I was tainted and corrupted
There are things that should never be told
If you have to ask then you have never listened
To what I have been saying all along
Because the answers were all here
If you had looked you would have found them
Don't ask for them to be put back
They are locked away, some destroyed
Some have been lost forever
But that isn't important
You shouldn't be looking for answers
Perhaps you should be searching for
The right questions ........
