In The Midst Of Time

Sitting in the midst of time
stretching out before and after
collecting all the old memories
mulling them over, sorting through
wondering if the memories yet to come
will be better or worse or just the same
Sometimes it makes me want to cry
thinking back on all those old hurts
Sometimes it makes me so angry
that I just want to lash out
at anyone, anything
Sometimes I just want to bury myself
in the arms of another
and forget everything
Sometimes I go back
that is the worst
when you go back and relive it all
like it is happening all over again
and you can't find your way back
to the here and now
I just wish I could lock up all these memories
keep them safely encased in a solid steel box
and throw away the key
so I will never have to go back there
reliving, re-feeling, re-experiencing
over and over and over
trapped in the midst of time
