I need to say off the top, mandatory rehabilitation is a joke. Countless tax dollars are wasted every year on programs for drug abusers, which do no good. The reason behind this is because the rehabilitation is MANDITORY! Listen to where I`m coming from. If you are a drug user, and you are caught with drugs some judges will sentence you to a mandatory rehabilitation program. This may be well intended, but here`s where the problem lies. Mandatory rehabilitation will not work unless the drug abuser WANTS to stop using drugs. No rehab program will ever work unless the abuser wants to stop using drugs. Rehab is for people who want to get clean, stop drinking, or free themselves from being an addict. Rehabilitation programs do work, but only for the people who want to stop using.

I was arrested for drunk driving on June 2, 2001. DMV has sent me a letter saying my license will be suspended until I complete a program for alcoholics. Yes, I was driving drunk, yes, I should not have done that, and yes, it was a very bad decision. Does that make me an alcoholic? Hell no. Do I want to stop drinking? No. So this program will be a big waste of time and tax payer money. This is your money being wasted on programs that will do absolutely NOTHING! I know consuming alcohol is unhealthy, I know I can get alcohol poisoning if I drink too much, they don`t need to tell me again.

I know a person who has gone through a rehab program for marijuana possession, and I asked this man to type me up a little summary of what his rehab program contained.

"In the rehab program, New Beginnings, a class of twelve "students" and their parents conform to learn about the negative influences of drug abuse and the positive influences of being clean."

First off, most people already know the negative influences of drug abuse. Drug users tend to know a lot about their drug of choice. They know the bad effects of getting high, and the possible consequences of drug use, which for some drugs the consequence can be death. People know they can die from ODing on certain drugs, but that does not stop them. So telling people the negative effects of drugs will not convince a drug user who does not want to stop usage to discontinue taking their drug.

"The teachers are very self righteous and look down upon you like you are common gutter trash."

This may not be true for all the teachers that do these programs, but I can tell you one thing. People who go to classes with teachers they like are more likely to succeed. This topic for some is a very critical issue, it is not easy to admit having a drug problem. Having teachers with bad attitudes does not ease the process of being rehabilitated.

"They stated that every time you toke up your testosterone and sperm count is cut in half. They told us that marijuana takes you to a state of mind where you don't remember anything that happened when you were high, and that the tetrahydracannibinal destroys brain cells at an alarming rate and if we keep on smoking one day we will die from lack of brain capacity."

Maybe these teachers do not know about taking the seeds out of their weed before smoking it. Marijuana usage does drop sperm count, but cut it in half? Where the hell did they hear that at? Weed does destroy brain cells, but you can not die from smoking it. These teachers are using a method of teaching I like to call "fear inducing." The teachers try to make the drug user afraid to use their drug. This is a total idiotic method of teaching rehabilitation. The addict ALREADY knows what the drug does. They ALREADY know the consequences of taking the drug. They even LIE to their "students" by saying they can die from smoking marijuana. With the long history marijuana has, no one has ever died from smoking it. The drug is totally safe. I wonder where these teachers are getting their information.

What I am stating cannot be denied. If a drug user that does not want to stop is put in a rehab program, the program will do nothing for them. It is a complete waste of time and money. Until the government realizes all the money they are wasting yearly, you and I will have to pay for these pointless, worthless, stupid, meaningless, and INSANE programs. IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!

There you have it, my view on mandatory rehab. I think my next topic will be about equal rights for all. Until then, this is J-Dub signin out...

Written By Jamison Withers
