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22 Oct 2002 From: Dennis McGee
Congratulations, you have been
awarded the Super Seventies Classic
Award! This award is presented to
those cool Seventies music and/or
culture sites which feature superior
editorial and design content. Also,
Brucefan's Collections has also been
added to our Add-A-Link Page.
Congratulations again on a job well
done on your great Bruce site, and
enjoy your award!

04 Jan 2003 From:
Congratulations! Brucefan's Collection has
been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2002-2003
Golden Web Award. You and Your Staff at Brucefan's
Collection have Obviously Worked Very Hard.

Sun. 13 Apr 2003 From: Karen Lyster
Of: Kiwisgraphics
"Many thanks for applying for my award.
I've now reviewed your site and am
presenting you with my 2003 Award.
You've done a great job on everything
and it was a pleasure reviewing it!
All in all a great job."

Sun. 13 Apr 2003 From: Karen Lyster
Of: Kiwisgraphics
Kiwisgraphics offered this site the
Peace Graphic. This is most apropo
because Bruce gives the "peace salute"
and says "Peace" on many vhs of his.
Thankyou to

Fri. 09 May 2003 From: "The Iceman/Jon"
Congratulations!!! Your site has been
chosen as a winner of The Seasons of
Change Silver Award for May 2003. I
enjoyed my visit to your site. Thanks
for making the web a better place. It
is evident that you have put a lot of
hard work into your web space. This award
is not automatic. All sites are viewed."

Created September 16, 2002
Updated Weekly
İBrucefan's Collection
İBrucefan, New York
İL&M Creations
~ all rights reserved ~