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May 2, 2003

                     Friday May 2nd, 2003: I Left work at 7 a.m.and went
                     home to shower and change -already all packed the 
                     night before- got Kids to school and by 8:45 a.m.
                     I was on the road to NJ.

                     Trying to calculate the time, as Soozie is to be 
                     at John Cavanaugh's Rocktography exhibit, at 
                     SulliStudios in Asbury Park. Time is from 1:30 p.m. 
                     until 3:30. This is where the picture (above)
                     was taken of Soozie and myself by John Cavanaugh, 
                     who is the official photographer for The Stone Pony.

                     I do finally arrive in Asbury Park at 2:00 pm. I 
                     find my way to where Soozie is appearing. I enter 
                     Antic Hay Books to find out that Soozie is not 
                     there and that it has been pushed back to 4:30 p.m. 
                     until 6:00 p.m.

                     At the book store,  I purchased "Rock & Roll Tour 
                     of the Jersey Shore".  It is a guide by Stan 
                     Goldstein and Jean Mikle. My copy has been signed 
                     by Soozie. (see below) 

                     I leave and head to find The Stone Pony and to 
                     explore the area. I do find the Stone Pony and the 
                     boardwalk. I took my pictures of the area. Then I 
                     got ready to leave to go check in at my motel. As 
                     I am getting ready to leave two ladies pull up in 
                     a convertible. (I do need to explain that I was 
                     wearing my t-shirt from "Backstreets" magazine 
                     (seen in pic above). The two ladies pull up asking 
                     me if I know how to get where Soozie is appearing 
                     right now (SulliStudio's). I explain to the ladies 
                     that it has been pushed back until 4:30 p.m. and 
                     give them a map I had showing how to get there -
                     (here I am new to the area as well!) 

                     Then the driver shows me a bag with 2 packs of 
                     Marlboro cigarettes that they brought for Soozie. 
                     She tells me that she got the info from my web 
                     site. Now, of course I am totally puzzled, my web 
                     site?? She then tells me the rider for Springsteen 
                     shows from She got that info from 
                     Backstreets web site. They thought I was from 
                     "Backstreets" magazine. I was then referred to 
                     as the guy from "Backstreets" by these two ladies. 
                     I never corrected them. *smile*

                     So on to the motel and then back to meet Soozie at 
                     4:30 p.m. At SulliStudio's I finally get to meet 
                     Soozie, again. I see Jerry and he remembers me from 
                     the week before. I ask Jerry if he knows the correct 
                     spelling of Paul's last name. He was not sure but 
                     said there were a few O's and S's in it. 

                     There is a line to see Soozie. I do get in the line, 
                     and What I did not realize, until after I left NJ, 
                     was that Stan Goldstein was there (saw him at the 
                     Stone Pony too - author of R&R tour). I do finally 
                     get to go up and meet Soozie. She does remember my 
                     face but not my name. Of course, I have her 
                     sign another CD for me. I also have her sign my R&R 
                     tour of the Jersey Shore book (below). I hand her a 
                     birthday card and tell her that it was her to open 
                     in 2 days. She thanks me and smiles. She then stands 
                     and poses for the picture you all see above. 

                     I hang around for about 1/2 hour after and just 
                     observe. I head back to my motel room to prepare 
                     for her show at The Stone Pony. I arrive at the Pony 
                     at 7:30 pm. There is already a line forming outside.

                     Once inside the Stone Pony I see one of Soozie's 
                     band members walking by. I stop him and ask him if 
                     he is Paul - it isn't Paul but Jon (do I feel dumb)! 
                     Well anyhow I ask Jon if he knows how to spell Paul's 
                     last name. And Jon does spell it for me. I thank him.

                     Patty Blee starts her set about 9:00 p.m. I was 
                     surprised to see Jerry on percussion. I am not sure 
                     who played guitar with them (will contact Jerry and 
                     ask him). Patty also has a wonderful voice. I am not 
                     sure of all the names of the songs she played but 
                     she did end up playing and singing "Fire" (Springsteen's 
                     song). She did excellent. Again for this show I was 
                     front and center. I had a row of females in front of me.

                     Soozie starts her show and it was great. I do see 
                     she is starting the show off differently than last 
                     week. But watching her play and listening to her sing 
                     is so enjoyable. I do notice that the drummer is 
                     different and learn that it is the drummer who 
                     performed on her album. After she performs "Women 
                     Are Smarter", Soozie says she wants to invite a few 
                     close friends up for her next song. Bruce and Patti 
                     come on stage.  Soozie goes to the keyboards and Bruce, 
                     Patti, and Patty Blee sing back up vocals on "Ste. 
                     Genevieve". I was so surprised.

                     Soozie finished up her set with "Out on Bleeker St." 
                     I was surprised that Patti did not come back up on 
                     stage then as she sang background vocals on that song 
                     on the CD. At the end. The crowd gets Soozie back on 
                     stage but she is not sure what to perform. IT ends up 
                     with Soozie having Bruce and Patti come back on stage 
                     to assist her with the final song.  Bruce comes on 
                     stage and grabs a guitar. Soozie, Bruce and Jon are 
                     trying to figure out what to perform. They end up doing 
                     "It's All Over Now". All I can say is WOW!  Bruce and 
                     Jon trading off leads on guitar and at the end it was 
                     Bruce and Soozie trading off vocals. Seemed like they 
                     weren't sure who was going to end the vocals. Of course. 
                     It was Soozie who ended the vocal. Just wish I knew how 
                     to describe the feeling of watching and listening to this 
                     song being performed.  Soozie thanked the crowd and 
                     the audience ended up chanting "Soozie! Soozie!"  

                     I left the Stone Pony at 1:30 a.m. after watching the 
                     last band. Back to the motel and asleep I went 
                     (with a smile). Then did the long drive back home 
                     the next day, smiling and taking nice memories with me. 

                     Note: The name of the guitarist (mentioned above) with 
                           Patti Blee is Ernie Trionfa. 

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Created September 16, 2002
Updated Weekly
İBrucefan's Collection
İBrucefan, New York
İL&M Creations
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