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Rest In Peace, Danny

                                     Danny Federici died April 17, 2008.  He had battled
                                     melanoma for 3 years.  I have seen Danny perform in
                                     person with the E Street band more than once.  When
                                     they call him a fluid keyboardist, they are right.
                                     His hands glided over the keys with ease.  He could
                                     make music!  A member of the E Street band is not
                                     the only thing he was known for.  He had his own
                                     band and put out 3 albums.  In a recent interview
                                     he had stated that while basking in the sun, and
                                     surfing he never gave much thought to the dangers 
                                     of the ultra violet rays and reminded others to be
                                     careful.  Danny will be greatly missed.

                                         Donate to the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund

More Danny

Created September 16, 2002
Updated Weekly
İBrucefan's Collection
İBrucefan, New York
İL&M Creations
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