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Brucefan meets Soozie

                           "I spent 5 hours driving to get there"
                      I enter the cafe and it is 5 p.m. I hold the door 
                      for a lady entering the building.  I go in to sit 
                      down and get a bite to eat and drink. The lady I 
                      held the door for, turns out to be the waitress Pam. 

                      As for the cafe. Excellent service and great food. I 
                      would end up spending the next 4 hours at the bar 
                      talking with Pam and Tony - the bartender. He makes 
                      a great Baccardi and Coke. I want to thank Tony and 
                      Pam for making my visit very enjoyable.  

                      Around 6:30 Soozie and her band do a sound check. I 
                      am listening upstairs and it sounds great.  Soozie 
                      and the band come in to the cafe for dinner around 
                      7:30. Of course, I would never bother anyone during 
                      their dinner. 

                      Soozie did come up to the bar and I ended up 
                      asking her what her birth date was. She answered 
                      and asked why. I introduced myself and told her 
                      for the "Brucefan's Collection" web site. (Which 
                      she has viewed).  

                      The show started at 10:00 p.m. You can see the 
                      set list below. Brucefan, (me) had a seat front 
                      and center. The show was fantastic. Soozie seemed 
                      a bit nervous, but handled it all very well. This
                      is her first gig promoting her own CD, "White Lines."
                      It's one thing to play as part of a group in other
                      bands, but this night, she is the star at the mic.

                      After performing "White Lines" - the title track of 
                      her CD she told us that..."a lot of my recording is 
                      very autobiogra..(I can never say that)..its a bio 
                      written by me." She then performed the song "Little 
                      Girl" and all I can say is that it touches deeply 
                      and you can feel the pain.

                      On the drums was Dennis McDermott, Brian Mitchell on 
                      keyboards/accordion, Jon Putnam and Patti Blee on 
                      guitars/vocals, and Paul Ossola on bass. 

                      At the end of the show I got to meet Jerry Klause of 
                      Treasure Records. Another great guy even if he did try
                      to pass himself off as a "capitalist pig". I had an 
                      excellent time and want to thank all from Soozie to Tony 
                      for providing me with a wonderful evening. If you are
                      ever in the NYC area I recommend stopping by The turning 
                      Point Cafe, Piermont, NY.                    -Brucefan 

The Turning Point Cafe/Bar

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The Turning Point Cafe
Treasure Records
Soozie Tyrell
Patti Blee
Brian Mitchell

Copyright Brucefan (Greg Goldsmith)