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I had a very laid-back policy on potty training, and never had any trouble with any child. My position was that no child goes off to college in diapers, so don't sweat the small stuff!

Seriously, I had seen potty training be a major war between more than one mother and child, and decided it would never be an issue for me. It was so sad for me to see a mother and child engaged in such a negative thing, all day, every day, that they could not enjoy each other any more. Teaching obedience to my children was my major goal instead.

My children all trained themselves. One daughter in particular, was so competitive with her older sister, that I had to buy a second potty chair, because she would see her sister heading for it, and get there first! Needless to say, she was an early learner!

Letting a child go without underwear teaches them quickly, if a potty chair is close by, and they are mature enough. No struggle to pull down clothing at the same time as trying to learn how to hold it in. Of course, it is a bit risky for the carpet!

2004 Rosemary Gwaltney

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